Chapter 17

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     A pair of baby blue eyes opened as the girl glanced around the room. Looking up a smile graced her lips to see that Dick was sleeping quietly. Sometimes he would visit her at her bedroom window and they would just cuddle and watch movies. But he seemed to always have nightmares when he fell asleep and he never shared what they were about whenever she asked.

     "Hey wake up" she whispered poking the side of his face. He groaned and hugged her tighter. "But its Spring Break Zee why can't I sleep in?" He whined as she rolled her eyes. "Because I wanna go swimming" she said in a mocking voice. Sitting up her black T-shirt draped off of her shoulder as a yawn escaped her lips. Her phone began buzzing as Artemis's frantic messages popped up on the screen.
A-Zatanna I need help!
Z- What do you want?
A- Help I'm in a compromising position that I don't know how to get out of
Z- On my way
     "Conner would you like to help me make breakfast?" Megan asked stepping out of the washroom in her pink sun dress. He turned around and stared at her. "No" he said following her downstairs to the kitchen. She giggled as she grabbed the ingredients for waffles. "Are you sure?" She asked putting the ingredients in a mixing bowl. "No" he said catching the various ingredients he threw to him from behind.

     Crash! She turned around to see Conner covered in milk and eggs as they fell off of his shirt. "I am so sorry, hello Megan I should've been paying closer attention an-" she stopped wiping him off and stared into his mesmerizing blue eyes. A couple minutes later he came back dressed in a plain black T-shirt and wet hair. "I'm sorry about before" she apologized again. "It's okay accidents happen" he said shrugging while taking a plate of waffles.

"I made waffles if you guys want any!" She hollered up the staircase. Heavy footsteps were heard and some yelling before Zatanna made a gesture for her to come upstairs. "What's wrong?" She asked as Zatanna dragged her towards Artemis and Wally's room. Opening the door the two girls peeked in to see Artemis glaring at both of them. Wally had a death grip around her waist and didn't let go when Zatanna tried to pull Artemis away from him.

Megan placed her hand over her mouth giggling silently before walking over and taking a photo on her phone. Artemis moved an 'I hate you' to the red head as Zatanna smirked. "Come on Wally wake up or let go of Artemis" Megan said shaking him. "WALLACE WAKE UP!" Dick yelled popping up behind the girl scaring her half to death. Wally stood up as fast as his feet would let him as everyone laughed.

"Finally. What do you do eat steel for breakfast?" Artemis asked stretching and standing up. "S-sorry" he stuttered out with reddened cheeks. "I made waffles if anyone wants any" she said as Wally's eyes lit up. "Your the best sweet cheeks!" Wally yelled running out of the room and to the kitchen. "Why is he always hitting on me?" She asked the blonde as she went through her suitcase. "Hmm well Zatanna's too young and has a boyfriend, he knows I'll deck him if he tries and Roquette is too old and has a boyfriend oh and Conner doesn't do anything and you're too nice to reject him" the blonde said as she frowned.

"Am I really too nice?" She asked as Artemis walked into the washroom and changed. "Sorry Megan but you are really nice. Maybe that's why Conner likes you" she said winking before walking down the stairs and into the kitchen. "Hello my friends it's nice of you too finally join us" Kaldur said as Roquette smirked. "So I was thinking that we could all go to the beach after" Zatanna said as everyone smiled.

"I'll go if sweet cheeks is going" Wally said as Megan frowned. Artemis glared daggers at the red headed idiot before giving Megan a look. "Sorry Wally but I have a boyfriend" Megan said holding onto Conner's arm. "Conner and I will go too the beach" she said immediately after to relieve the awkward silence. "Roquette and I are sorry but we thought that it would be nice to walk around the Town, alone" he added quickly with a faint blush on his cheeks.

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