Chapter 10

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The girl was still shaken about the fact that her father killed Lilliana and attempted to kill her as well. It really offset her appetite at the moment so she sat on the couch with her knees pulled to her chest. "Hey listen it's going to be okay, besides if he wants to kill you he'll have me to deal with first" Zatanna said sitting next to her while eating a sandwhich.

Zatanna's head was ringing with many questions but she didn't want to pry at Artemis. "Wanna watch a movie?" She asked the quiet blonde.

"I don't want to die, not like my mother and Lilliana. They died protecting me and their sacrifice would of went to waste if I just gave up" the girl thought to herself.

"Wanna watch a movie?" Zatanna repeated still staring at her.

Artemis nodded placing her head on her knees while staring at the television screen. She didn't want to speak, she was still too shaken by what happened.

"Wally and I almost kissed but it was probably a heat of the moment thing because there's no way he'd date a girl like me" she thought.

It only made her feel worse. About an hour later Zee's father came back and patted gently her back. "You'll stay with Oliver Queen but since he's on a business meeting you'll spend your time at the Wayne's house where you'll be safe" he said with a small smile. The girl nodded and then stood up motioning for Zee to follow. "We're going to bed, I'll see you tomorrow" Zee said kissing her fathers cheek before they went into her room.

Zatanna let out a long sigh as soon as the bedroom door closed. "Artemis are you okay?" She asked sitting on her bed.

"I'm fine" the blonde mumbled as she laid down on her bed.

"I'm always here to talk to you know" she said before laying at the opposite end of the bed and falling asleep.

Artemis stared at the window out of fear that her father would find her here. Eventually she exhausted herself to the point from staying awake so long. In the end she fell asleep. She had horrible nightmares throughout the night of her running through that dreaded forest as she was being hunted down. "Artemis wake up" a voice said shaking her shoulders. Her grey eyes shot open as she saw Zee sigh in relief.

The dark haired girl let her go. She was relieved that she was awake now. "Dick, Wally, Conner and Kaldur are here to escort you" Zatanna said passing Artemis her school bag. They walked out of her bedroom to see the guys standing there looking quite paranoid. "Thanks Zee, for everything" Artemis whispered as they hugged.

"No problem. Oh and boys make sure she's safe" she said sounding like her mother.

"Here Arty" Wally said placing his jacket around Artemis' shoulders.

She was too tired and scared to care at the moment to yell at him. They made sure to be on all sides of her so if someone was to attack she'd be protected. The girl had the dagger concealed in her boot so if somebody did attack she would be prepared. "Artemis it's okay" Wally whispered as he put his arm around her. Artemis was terrified beyond belief because if her father wanted someone dead he'd do everything in his power to make sure they're dead.

They approached a couple of black cars as they all got into separate ones. Dick and Wally sat on either side of her in the one they entered. "Stay traught" Dick said as she scowled.

"If I may, it's the opposite of distraught" he said smirking.

Her heart was beating through her ears as the car began to move. She couldn't help but bury her face into Wally's arm to try and calm herself down. The car stopped at the Manor as they all got out. Bodyguards were there to escort them inside and make sure that they were safe. "Bruce we're back!" Dick yelled once stepping foot into the gigantic house.

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