Chapter 28

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     A month and still no change. Finals were in two days and then it was summer break. The clock rang in her ears as she slammed her hand down on the clock. Everything was back to normal well kind of. "Replacement wake up" Roy said as she chucked a pillow at his head. "Screw off!" She yelled as he shot her a glare. "Whatever at least I'm not the one keeping Wally waiting" he said as she sat up with wide eyes. Why Wally was at the Mansion she would never know.

Artemis hadn't talked to the red head that much lately since he's been hanging around with Linda. Throwing on her uniform she ran down the stairs out of breath. "Hey Arty, did I wake you?" A voice asked as she looked up to see Wally. "Kind of" she said before Oliver swung his arm around Wally's shoulders. He wasn't very fond of the red head after he heard that he broke his adopted nieces heart. "What are you doing here West?" He asked as Artemis shot him a glare.

     "I actually was going to drive Artemis to um school since I got my license yesterday" he said nervously as Oliver nodded and patted his back rather harshly. "Its still early do you want breakfast?" She asked walking towards the kitchen with her blonde hair swishing behind her. "Your hair is down" he said following her to the large kitchen. "I know I need to get more hair ties because Megan keeps stealing them" she said as Dinah walked in.

     "Good morning" she said grabbing a freshly brewed cup of coffee. "Good morning Ms. Lance" he greeted as she returned the greet with a warm smile. "So Oliver has decided that we go on vacation this summer, any ideas?" She asked taking a seat at the breakfast bar. Artemis shrugged and took a bite of a granola bar. "I don't know maybe somewhere warm" she said tossing Wally an energy bar. After leaving the Mansion they walked to his car. "Let me guess, Dick's car?" She asked as he nodded with a sly smile.

     "Okay so I know I haven't been talking with you much lately so I have an idea" he said as she crossed her arms. "Since when has your ideas ever been good?" She asked as he frowned and shook his head. "Everyone but Kal and Roquette have decided to play hooky today and go to the beach" he said as she sighed and looked back at the Mansion. "I don't have a swimsuit" she said as he smirked and opened the passenger door. "Actually Megan gave me your size and I bought you one so please let me make it up to you and play hooky for one day" he said batting his emerald eyes.

     "Fine but if Ollie gives me shit for this I'm blaming you for guilt tripping me to join you" she said as he sighed but nodded. Getting into the super expensive car they drove off. "Where exactly are we going the beach is that way" she said as they drove passed the pier. "I know Dick told me to meet him at a different beach a couple hours away" he said with a wink as she suddenly realized something. "How come Linda isn't here?" She asked as he turned the radio on.

     "I asked Dick if she could come but he said it was a friends only day but that makes no sense cause Zee is his girlfriend" he said as she let out a dry laugh. "What have you been up to lately?" She asked staring at the scenery rushing by as they drove. "Hanging with Linda and studying for finals" he said as he slammed the brakes. "Wally!" She yelled as he sheepishly scratched the back of his head. "Sorry there was a car" he said as she rubbed her pained neck.

     "How exactly did you pass your drivers test?" She asked as he began driving super slow. "I barely passed" he admitted as she crossed her arms and glared at him. "Pull over I'm driving" she said as he gave her a confused look. "Artemis no-" "Pull the damn car over" she growled as he did what he was told. They switched seats and began driving again. "Since when do you know how to drive?" He asked in a sulky voice. "Your just angry that you can't drive this badass car" she smirked out revving the engine to tease him.

     "And I've known how to drive since I was thirteen, my Dad said it was a must" she said as he nodded and stayed quiet. He knew her family was quite a sore subject. "Anyways where are we heading?" She asked as he looked at the text Dick sent him earlier that morning.

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