Chapter 72

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It had been two months and school had already been called back to session. Even in February it was still cold and snowy. Kori was going through her closet looking for something to wear. She worked out a lot so she didn't show as much as someone who was two months pregnant would. Deciding on a loose sweatshirt and jeans she grabbed her bag and headed downstairs. "Good morning friend Raven!" She greeted happily seeing the girl sitting at the kitchen table. Garfield had asked her on a date and they haven't gone on it until tonight when they made a plan.

They ate some cereal before pulling their coats and boots on and leaving the house. "Its early why don't we walk?" Raven asked staring up at the cloudy sky. It was probably going to snow again. "Okay!" Kori chimed as they walked down the driveway and onto the sidewalk. "They're going to start seeing it" Raven said in a dry voice with her hands stuffed into her pockets. "No they will not friend Raven. We are doing the moving to the Jump City before then" she said with a grin as the girl stopped walking.

Kori tilted her head to the side out of confusion trying to read the girls face. "When?" Raven asked as her plain voice faltered slightly. "The next of weekends" Kori said as Raven frowned with a genuine sad look on her face. If it turned out she really liked Garfield and he really liked her then it would be heartbreaking. Having to leave him here while she goes off to another City. "It is for the safety of the little one" Kori said looking down at her stomach. Raven nodded brushing a strand of violet hair behind her ear.

"Yeah, okay" she said quietly.

Nervously she wheeled down the hall feeling everyone staring at her. She still hadn't gotten used to the staring and teasing. "Hey Babs" Cassie greeted with a smile on her face. She was hanging around with the red head more often. Barbara let out a breath she never knew she was holding in. "Hey Cassie" she said as people whispered behind them. The two had first period together this semester. Cassie always walked alongside her in the morning; she didn't have to she just did.

Fast footsteps were heard approaching them until someone tapped on Cassie's shoulder. Barbara stifled a laugh and kept going down the hallway. Everyone knew how Tim and Cassie both had crushes on each other. They were just both so oblivious that they couldn't see it. "Babs wait up!" The blonde yelled running to catch up to the red head. Glancing up she noticed the blush on the blonde's cheeks. "What did he say that has got you so flustered?" She asked as Cassie blushed even harder.

Gulping she nervously scratched the back of her head. "T-Tim he um wanted to k-know if I could um come over tonight to work on o-our project" she stuttered out as Barbara giggled fixing her glasses. They got to class and went to their shared desk. "You look tired Miss Gordon" Mr. Fate said as Barbara turned her attention to the teacher. "At the station last night with my Dad" she said as Cassie tried muffling her laugh as best as she could. Barbara had been helping the police station lately with her tech skills.

Class soon started and man was it boring. She kept glancing over at Cassie's notebook which was full of doodles. "Nice heart doodle" she whispered as the girl blushed and quickly shut the notebook. The crush she had on Tim was so innocent and adorable in her opinion. Class finally ended as she went to her tech class which breezed by into lunch. It was still weird sitting at the lunch table with the people she once bullied. "Anyone seen Grayson lately?" Roquette asked while taking a bite from her apple.

Barbara knew where the playboy had gone. After all Bruce worked with her father from time to time and they talk quite a bit. She just so happened to have overheard one time. Glancing over she noticed the small frown on Tim's face when they began talking about Dick. "Hey Babs do you know anything?" Artemis asked as she shook her head from her daze. "N-no" she stuttered out scratching the back of her head. Her lunch was good so she just focused on eating that. Everyone at the table kept bouncing from topic to topic until her name was called again.

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