Chapter 44

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An hour later Wally was sitting at a table watching Artemis like a hawk. She was on the dance floor with a guy he didn't know. He was tapping his fingers impatiently against the table. He snapped when he saw the guy put his hand on her hip. Standing up and walking over he poked Artemis's shoulder. "Come dance with me" he said grabbing her hand and dragging her away from the random guy. "What are you doing!" She yelled snatching her hand away from his. Turning around he crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes at her.

She did the same thing before opening her mouth. "Wally I'm not your girlfriend so stop ordering me around like I am. I don't want to be single forever" she said before turning around and walking over to the table. He followed and sat in front of her as she looked away. "Sorry I just got-" "Jealous?" She asked as he paled and shook his head. She looked over and saw Jade and Roy dancing with each other having immense fun. "Wanna dance?" He asked as she looked back at him.

Growling she stood up and glared at him. "Well since you took me away from my dance partner yes!" She said taking his hand and dragging him to the dance floor. The DJ put a new song on and all of the girls in the club gasped. "What's so good about this song?" Wally asked as Artemis shot him a death glare. "This song was like every girls song when they were younger!" She said as she started dancing and singing along. "Want you to make feel like I'm the only girl in the world! Like I'm the only one that you'll ever love! Like I'm the only one who knows your heart! Only one!" She sung loudly.

Every girl practically in the club knew the words to the entire song. "Come on dance!" She yelled taking his hands in hers and jumping up and down. He has never really seen this side of Artemis where she's just one giant ball of energy. The colourful lights lit up her face perfectly as a look of joy gleamed in her grey eyes. She spun around and he pulled her back to his chest. They moved to the beat of the song until it ended. "Whoo get it Jade!" Artemis yelled looking at her sister who dancing with Roy.

Artemis was honestly a bit jealous of her sister. I mean Jade gets to dance with the love of her life and kiss him and do everything without a care in the world. Artemis had the hugest crush on Wally and yes she was dancing with him cctcbut it was probably a friendly thing. "Holy hell tttcc She yelled a couple hours later checking her phone. "What?" Wally asked looming over the blonde. They had been dancing for hours and they took a break so Artemis could check her phone. "Its three in the morning!" She yelled as he paled.

Checking his phone dozens of texts from his parents and Uncle flooded it. "Ollie is so gonna kill me" she muttered under her breath. Grabbing her purse she dragged Wally through the crowd towards the door. The ringing in their ears from the music immediately stopped when the walked outside. "Hey can you!-" "Stop yelling!" She whisper yelled as he made an 'O' with his mouth. "Sorry" he said lowering his voice. The moon loomed over them in the sky leaving a silver shine against their skin.

     Walking down the street the wind blew passed blowing her hair to the side. He noticed and found himself stopping to stare at her. "You okay?" She asked stopping and walking closer to him. Putting her hand on his forehead his cheeks flushed a light crimson. "Y-yeah I'm fine" he stuttered out stuffing his hands in his pockets and brushing passed her. Raising an eyebrow she shrugged his weird behavior off as the walked to the Mansion. "You going home?" She asked as he looked up at her.

     A few strands of hair fell in front of his emerald eyes as he gave her a small smirk. "I'll probably go to Dick's house for the night" he said as she nodded flashing him an adorable smile. They stood there awkwardly staring at each other before a light in the Mansion turned on. "Shit I'll see you tomorrow or something" she whispered before hopping the fence and carefully running across the fresh cut lawn. He smirked and ran off towards Dick's house. Looking up at her open window she began climbing the tree next to it.

     "Okay Artemis you can do this" she whispered to herself before jumping and catching herself on the ledge. "So...close" she winced as her chest hit the window sill. Pulling herself up she opened the window and hopped into her room. Footsteps were heard outside of her door as she took her shoes off and jumped in bed. Her door opened as she yawned. "Ollie what the hell?" She asked in a fake tired voice. "Do you know where Roy and Jade are?" He asked as she shook her head. "Nope I haven't seen them" she said as he nodded closing the door.

     Letting out a relieved sigh she checked her clock. It was four so she quickly changed into her pajamas and had a couple hours of sleep. A blaring noise woke her up as she groaned rolling over. Zatanna's face was on the screen of her phone. "Hello?" She asked in a dreary voice as she heard frantic sobbing over the phone. "A-Artemis I just saw D-Dick kissing that Barbara girl!" She cried out over the phone as Artemis froze. "Meet me at my house" she said as Zatanna hiccupped. "O-okay" she sniffled out before hanging up.

     Quickly getting changed she ran down the stairs just in time to hear the doorbell ring. Zatanna walked in with puffy red eyes and tear stained cheeks. "Come on we can get some ice cream" she said as Zatanna nodded. Walking into the kitchen Oliver looked up from his coffee with a cocked eyebrow. "I won't ask I'll just disappear" he said standing up and walking away cautiously. They both rolled their eyes as Artemis grabbed two tubs of chocolate ice cream. Walking up to the blondes room Zatanna began sobbing.

     "What am I going to do!" She sobbed out as Artemis patted her back comfortingly. "Start from the beginning" she said as Zatanna nodded eating a spoonful of chocolate ice cream. "Well I was going to meet him at the little diner for breakfast and-and he was right in front of it smashing his lips against that whore's!" She cried out as the volume in her voice increased. "How do you know he kissed her?" Artemis asked as Zatanna looked up with reddened eyes. "I was across the fricken street when I saw him kissing her! How could he do that to me!" She said beginning to sob harder.

     The blonde frowned and patted her back. "It will be okay. How about we invite the rest of the girls over for a sleepover so we can all drown our problems in ice cream?" Artemis asked as the ebony nodded before wiping her wet tear stained cheeks.

Skycrystal23  ;)

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