Chapter 65

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     Her blue eyes fluttered open when she heard someone talking. "Dick what the hell?" She groaned sitting up and looking over. He was already dressed and talking on the phone with someone. When he hung up she gave him a smile. "Oh so I was actually on the phone with some of my friends from Gotham. Zachary said you were going to Gotham Academy and I used to go there so yeah. They're really nice and you'll know every place to go and how to get to school" he said in a shaky voice as she stood up and walked over.

     He was looking down at the floor when she immediately engulfed him in a hug. "I just don't want you to leave Zee" he cried out as he burst out into tears. She knew how much she meant to him. Zachary had already sent the boxes of stuff yesterday to his Condo in Gotham. All she had to do was get on the plane and leave. "I love you so much" he whispered as tears streamed down his cheeks. Holding his face in her hands she leaned up and kissed him. "Look I'll only be gone for a year if you think about it, its not that long" she whispered only making his eyes cloud with more tears.

     Why did saying goodbye have to be so hard. It was super early to the point where the sun hadn't even risen yet. "Now I'm going to get dressed and then we can go meet everyone for breakfast okay?" She said as he wiped his tears and nodded. Him and Zatanna had been dating for over a year, he didn't want her to leave. Dick didn't want her to leave him for possibly another guy. "Look you won't be replaced by another guy because you're too perfect to give up" she reassured him as they walked outside to his car.

     The air was bitter cold already as they drove to a Diner. Not everyone could go and say goodbye to her at the Airport so they were all going to have a farewell breakfast. Everyone was already in the Diner sitting at a large table. The first thing she noticed was that Wally and Artemis were half asleep. "They okay?" She asked as everyone sighed. "Had a Disney movie all-nighter" a voice said as she turned around to see Jade yanking a half asleep Roy along with her. "What? You didn't think I wouldn't show up?" Jade said as Zatanna smirked.

     Breakfast was mostly spent eating and laughing at funny memories. "Guy's you're making it seem like I'm going to die" Zatanna said as everyone laughed. Jade decided to have to bright idea to try and throw a knife at Wally. "Stop trying to injure my boyfriend" Artemis said grabbing the knife with her eyes still closed. "Why does she keep trying to kill me?" Wally muttered as everyone let out small laughs. The sun was beginning to rise when they all started to leave.

     The one's going to the Airport were Dick. Artemis, Wally, Megan, Conner, Roquette and Kaldur. Sitting in the car as Dick drove she turned the radio up. Cheering him up was going to be harder then it looked. Every second was one second until she wouldn't see him and her friends for a year. Zachary greeted them at the Airport as they all walked with them to the terminal. "Remember I am the only badass friends you're allowed to have" Artemis said giving her a hug. "Go show Gotham City what you got girl" Roquette said with a bright smile. When she got to Megan the red head burst out into tears.

     Zatanna patted her back comfortingly to try and calm her friend down. "Send me photos of all the cool high end stores you're going to shop in without me" she cried out as Zee nodded giving her a small smile. Then there was Dick who stood there looking quite upset. "Once I get settled in I will video call you right away and show you the condo" she said as he nodded. Within seconds he engulfed her in a warming hug which she gladly accepted. "God I'm going to miss you Zee" he whispered as she nodded.

     The speakers announced the boarding of her plane as she sighed. "See you later" she said before walking off with Zachary. When he began to walk away fast footsteps were heard approaching him before she jumped on his back. "I forgot to say that I love you" she said jumping off of him and quickly giving the most passionate kiss she could muster. Then just like that she waved goodbye and ran over to Zachary who rolled his eyes. "Come on lover boy" Wally teased as they all left the airport.

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