Chapter 38

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Zee's Pov:
School was starting up again today so I woke up earlier than usual. The sun was just starting to peak over the horizon as I walked to the washroom. Dick and I did rock climbing yesterday so my body ached everywhere. The water was warm against my skin as I stepped into the shower. My body still ached but I wasn't as stiff as before. When I got out I dried myself and walked to my room to get changed.

I slipped on a pair of ripped black jeans and a yellow tank top. A pair of black flats and a white bow around my neck finished off the outfit. My phone began buzzing as I answered whilst brushing my teeth. "Hello?" I said hearing music in the background. "Yeah I'm outside waiting" Dick chimed as I rolled my eyes. Spitting into the sink I hung up and ran down the stairs. Grabbing my back I ran out the door and down the stairs. "Zatanna where are you going?" My dad asked as I ran through the store. "Breakfast with Dick!" I yelled running out the door and jumping into the sports car parked next to the sidewalk.

"Five minutes a new record" he said with a smirk as I took deep breaths. "We're getting new students apparently" he said as I raised an eyebrow. We went to an IHop for breakfast before heading to school. Immediately I noticed something was off. Megan walked over with a red headed boy next to her. He looked to be in his first year of Highschool easy. "Guys this is Garfield he's my adoptive brother" she said as he nervously waved hello to us. "Awe he's adorable!" A said in a high pitched voice.

Someone laughed behind me as I turned around. "Mouse alert everyone but be careful she might have rabies" a red headed girl said. I've never seen her before in my life but I instantly felt hurt. "Dickie is that you?" The girl asked as he turned around surprised. "Barbara?" He said; so this slut has a name. The bell rang for class and I kissed his cheek before walking away. While on my way to class I saw this other red headed tall girl looking quite confused. "Do you need help?" I asked as she looked down at me with emerald eyes.

She looked like she could be one of Victoria's Angels with how pretty she was. "Oh yes that would be most appreciated" she said with a cheery smile. Looking at her schedule her and I had first and third period together. "We have homeroom together come on" I said as she nodded with a warm smile. "What's your name?" I asked as we walked through the crowded hallways. "Kori Anders! Guys look the slut is back from space!" Barbara yelled from down the hall.

This Barbara girl needs to be put in her place. "Leave her alone!" I yelled as the girl who I now know as Kori gave me a hopeful look. "Oh look the mouse has decided to squeak" she commented dryly. I bit my tongue so I wouldn't retaliate back at her. "We should go to class" I said as Kori nodded and followed me down the hallway and into the classroom. "You can join friend Raven and I in the back" she said as I looked at the back to see a pale girl sitting in the corner. Kori and I took a seat at the desk in front of the pale girl.

"Oh friend Raven it is most joyous to see you!" Kori said happily. "Who are you?" The girl now known as Raven asked me. "Oh I'm Zatanna. Zatanna Zatara" I said proudly as she raised an eyebrow. "Isn't your father that famous magician?" She asked as I nodded before the teacher walked in. "My name is Ms. Quinnzel and this is Health 101. If you look around you'll see some new faces so when I call your name please stand up and introduce yourself to the class. Oh and say something interesting about yourself too!" She added in a perky voice.

     Ms. Quinnzel had blonde hair in pigtails, glasses, white lab coat, black heels and she was quite tall. "Barbara Gordon" she said as Kori shrunk down in her chair. "My name is Barbara and my Dad is the Commissioner" she said before shooting Kori, Raven and I a sharp glare. "Cassandra Sandsmark" Ms. Quinnzel called out as a blonde girl stood up as her binder fell off her desk. She had on a long sleeved red shirt with a gold 'W' across the chest, blue jeans with a gold 'W' belt, star earrings and a pair of black flats.

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