Chapter 69

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A soft knock was heard at the front door as Kori skipped to it. "Friend Raven what is it-oh friend Richard hello!" She said with a faint blush. It was weird; how did he know where she lived. "Please do the coming in you'll catch the cold" she said opening the door further to let him in. He stepped in and gave her a small smile. "I needed someone to talk to. Zee broke up with me over text" he said without the faintest expression of sadness on his face. Kori immediately gave him a hug patting his back.

She was always the type of person to comfort you. "It is the okay friend Richard" she said as he nodded hugging her back. While doing that she felt him touch her butt as she yelped. "Sorry" he said with a sly smirk. "You're just so beautiful Kori" he said causing her to blush a bright red. Did Richard like her back the way she liked him? "I did not know that I was the beautiful Richard" she said with a nervous giggle. "Oh please call me Dick everyone does" he said as she gave him a confused look. "How does one get Dick from Richard?" She asked slightly confused.

     What a weird nickname. "You ask nicely" he said with a wink as her blush got bright against her tanned cheeks. "Friend Raven said I did the crushing on you" she said as he smirked and leaned down quickly kissing her. Kori's emerald eyes went as wide as saucers as she touched her lips. She didn't know what overcame her as she jumped on him. They toppled to the ground as he began kissing her everywhere. She couldn't deny that it didn't feel good because it felt amazing. She just didn't know what she was getting herself into.

     It was late as Artemis called Wally. He groaned and turned over feeling around for his phone on the bedside table. "Yeah?" He asked in a groggy voice with his eyes still closed. "I h-had a nightmare, can you come over?" She sniffled out as he opened his eyes. "Be there soon beautiful" he whispered before hanging up his phone. Sitting up he rubbed his eyes before throwing on a pair of jeans and sweatshirt. Quietly making his way down the stairs he snagged the car keys and snuck out of the house.

     Driving over to the Queen Mansion he punched in the code as the large gate opened. Artemis also told his that Oliver kept a spare key underneath the front carpet. Unlocking the door he quietly walked in a shiver ran up his spine. It was freezing cold outside, no one should be out at this time. Sniffles were heard from her bedroom as a crack of light cascaded out from her door into the hallway. Pushing the door open he walked in and gave her a hug. "C-can we go for a drive or something? I just need to get my mind off of it" she sniffled out as he wiped her tears.

     Nodding she stood up and pulled on some track pants and her winter coat over her pajamas. The drive was silent as he drove slowly with the music playing quietly in the background. "Its like two in the morning, why did you come for me?" She asked still slightly confused. He glanced over with a tired smile on his face. "I would do anything for you babe" he said with a wink as she blushed. While driving down a street she looked at the houses. All of the outdoor lights were on as she looked closer at one of the houses.

     Reaching over she placed her hand on his signaling for him to stop the car. "Am I going crazy on is that Raven sitting on her front doorstep?" She asked seeing the pale girl sitting on the snow covered doorstep shaking. Opening the car door she stepped out walking up to the house. Sure enough it was the poor half asleep frozen girl. Crouching down she frowned seeing how cold she looked. "Hey why are you outside this late?" She asked in a low whisper as the girls eyes shot open.

     Her body was shaking from how cold she was. "K-Kori wouldn't o-open the d-door" she stuttered out as Artemis frowned again picking the girl up. Raven wasn't heavy which made her easy to carry. Walking to the car she opened the back door and sat the girl inside. Wally raised an eyebrow when Artemis got back in with a frown. "How long have you been outside?" She asked as Raven looked up. Wally turned the heat up in the car to try and warm up the frozen girl. "I don't k-know since n-nine" she stuttered out as Wally spotted something.

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