Chapter 27

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"Hey Dick?" She asked looking up at the boy. He had his arm wrapped around her waist as they walked down the sidewalk. "Yes?" He asked as their blue eyes met. "Where are we going?" She asked raising an eyebrow. "Well I'm treating you out because of what happened to you. Tonight you are a princess" he said with a wink as her cheeks flushed a bright red. "Trust me I'm no princess" she muttered looking down at her feet.

After leaving Artemis's house he escorted her to her apartment so she could get changed. "Yes you are" he said tilting her face up to look at him. "Your my princess" he said placing a soft kiss on her lips. "I still don't know how my Dad let you take me out" she said as he rolled his eyes with a sly smirk. "I owe Bruce big time" was all he said as as bright smile appeared on her face. Slipping his shades on they walked down towards the pier. "I heard there's a magic show on the pier today" he said as her eyes widened.

The pier was lit up by all of the carnival rides and booths. He watched in awe as the colourful lights illuminated her ice blue eyes. "I've never been here before" she said taking in her new surroundings. "You've never been on the pier?" He asked as she nodded with an embarrassed blush spread across her cheeks. Music was played throughout the Carnival's speakers as they walked hand in hand. "The show doesn't start until nine-thirty so we have fifteen minutes" he said looking at the time on his phone.

Rollercoasters roared passed them as the gusts of air brushed her hair over her face. "Can we go on the ferriswheel?" She asked staring at the ride mesmerized by its bright lights. "Yeah sure" he said as she dragged him to the line. "Have fun kids" the man said as they walked onto the ride. As it climbed higher he could see the amazement in her eyes. "I can see the whole City" she said breathlessly. She leaned on her hand as she stared at the lit up City before her.

"Its so beautiful" she said looking over to him as he began blushing. "Oh I can check this off my bucket list!" She yelled leaning over and pulling him into a kiss. They parted and he blushed a deeper red as she giggled. "What part of the list was that on?" He asked as she smirked. "The one where I had to kiss someone on a ferriswheel" she said with a wink. They got off the ride and made their way to the tent put up on the pier. Sitting in their seats he couldn't help but stare at her.

It began and she was pulled in immediately getting lost in thought. "I heard that there's a Zatara here" the magician said as everyone gasped. Blushing she shot Dick a glare as he stood up. "She's over here!" He yelled as Zatanna tried to shrink down as much as possible. The spotlight shone on her as she shot Dick a death glare. He mouthed 'you'll thank me later' to her as she quickly flipped him off. Walking onto the small stage everyone clapped.

"You must be Zatanna" the magician said as she nodded. "Yeah Giovanni Zatara is my father" she said with beet red cheeks. "Who was that young man you were with" he said as a wide smirk appeared on her face. "That's my boyfriend Dick Grayson" she said as everyone turned around to look at him. "Thanks a lot Zee!" He yelled as everyone laughed including her. "Do you have any tricks?" He asked as she gulped. "Um, etativel?" she said nervously as she flew into the air.

Dick gave her a skeptical look I mean he couldn't see any wires and this was a surprise so how was she doing it? They all clapped and the little children that were there giggled. "egnahc ym sehtolc" she said as a puff of smoke went around her. When it faded she was in a magicians outfit and in Dick's opinion it looked hot on her. She did a couple more tricks before she walked off stage and sat next to Dick. "How did you do that?" He asked raising a skeptical eyebrow.

Her cheeks flushed a bright red as she nervously rubbed her arm. "Um a great magician must never reveal her secrets" she quickly said as he rolled his eyes and wrapped his arm around her. The show ended later on as they walked through the carnival. "That was really nice of you" she said resting her head on his shoulder. "It was nothing really I mean you visited me like everyday when I was in the hospital" he said as she nodded and kissed his cheek. He was still a little confused to how she did those tricks without prior knowledge about going to the show.


An annoyed sigh escaped her lips as the red headed girl kept talking. "Megan can we talk about something other than guys?" she asked as the red head smirked and jumped on the bed beside her. "No because we need to find a way to get you and Wally together" Megan said as there was a knock on the bedroom door. "Come in" she said as Oliver walked in with a fake smile. "I think you should just forget about Allen's nephew and be single" he said as Artemis smirked.

     "Only you Ollie would say that" she said as he frowned. "By the way Roy keeps sneaking some girl in here to have sex with every night" she said as Oliver's face went red with anger. "Roy Harper get your ass downstairs now!" He yelled before walking down the stairs. Roy walked to her door and glared. "What the hell did you say?" He spat as Artemis shrugged. "I didn't say anything he must be really mad at you though" she lied as he growled and and walked down the stairs.

     She immediately jumped up and locked her door before moving her dresser in front of it. "What are you doing?" Megan asked slightly confused. "As soon as he knows why Ollie's mad he's coming for me" she said as the red headed girl nodded understanding. Not even a minute later heavy footsteps were heard from the stairs. "Artemis!" He yelled running at her door before falling over and rubbing his now bloody nose. "I was prepared this time!" She yelled as he tried breaking into her bedroom.

     Megan sat on her bed with a pale face as she heard Roy banging against the door. "He won't get in, that dresser is too heavy for him to push the door open" she said as Megan nodded still a bit scared. The banging stopped as they heard heavy breathing. "When you do come out.....I'm going to kill you" he said out of breath as they heard the footsteps walk away. "Wanna watch a movie?" Megan asked as she gave a nod with a small smile.

     They watched a rather sad movie that had them both sniffling at the end. "Its so sad!" Megan exclaimed as tears began spilling from her eyes. "I mean why does he have to die!" Artemis yelled out as they blew their noses in tissues. Eventually then girls both fell asleep on her bed after talking about how upsetting the movie was.

Skycrystal23  ;)

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