Chapter 67

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Tim walked into the auditorium with Cassie as everyone followed behind them. Well everyone except for Artemis who had disappeared after the fight with Linda and Hilary. "So I got the files on Barbara's step-brother and-oh I'm sorry I wasn't supposed to say that" Tim said with a fake accidental look on his face. He was pissed off with Dick about how he cheated on Zatanna. No one but Wally, Artemis and Tim knew what Dick did on the weekend. "Wait Barbara has a step-brother?" Megan questioned as Dick groaned.

     Tim was in charge of the electronics and stuff for the auditorium. He was the only one besides the teacher's that had a key to it. "I never opened the file but here it is or maybe everyone else should know too since your a compulsive liar!" He spat angrily as Dick rubbed his temples in annoyance. "It was probably some domestic violence or something" Dick said as everyone took a seat in the chairs. As soon as Tim opened the police file it was projected onto the screen on the stage.

     Cassie was leaning over Tim as their eyes scanned the laptop. Their friends all gasped when seeing what actually happened to Barbara. "That's terrible!" Megan yelled in a shocked voice. "Babs" Dick whispered under his breath. Pictures were attached to the police report. They were horrible. "I think we know what those bitches were talking about. They weren't nudes Barbara took are they?" Roquette said still as shocked as everyone else. "That's right laugh at me!" A voice yelled as they turned around seeing Barbara standing at the door.

     Oddly Artemis was next to her staring at the screen in shock. "He tied me up, stripped me, beat me until I was numb and then took pictures" she said rubbing her arm as tears clouded the red heads vision. "How did you even get in the file Timothy? I put a virus and made sure it was secured properly" she sniffled out as Megan, Roquette, Kori, Raven and Cassie walked over to her. "I hacked it but I didn't know it was this bad" Tim muttered looking down ashamed as he shut the laptop down.

     Walking over he handed the red head the USB. "Here take it, it's your file you can destroy it" he said giving her a nervous smile. "How do Linda and Hilary know?" Megan asked as the girls were now all in the washroom. "I was reviewing the file for some stupid reason and left my laptop open. They were over for a sleepover or at least that's what they called it. I went to the washroom and when I came back they started calling me names and threatened to send the photos to everyone" she said as Kori gave her a hug.

     Nobody deserves that to happen to them, even the meanest of people. "Why are you guys so nice?" She asked slightly confused as Artemis gave her a small smile. "Everyone deserves a second chance, even you Barbara" Artemis said as the girls nodded. That's when Megan got an idea. "How about we all go out tonight? We can even ask Jade and Lian to come. It will be a girls night out!" She chimed happily as Barbara looked down. "I won't bother you guys th-"

"Hey if I'm going then you're going" Raven said.

     Barbara really looked guilty and a look like that killed Artemis. She witnessed look's like that all of the time when she was younger. "The reason why Timothy was so angry is that I slept with Dick on the weekend. I didn't mean to I thought I wanted it. Thought that it would make me feel better about myself but it just made me feel worse" she said as tears clouded her vision. "Okay girl we know you're sorry and you're getting your second chance. The first thing we're going to do is video call Zatanna and you tell her exactly what you and Dick did okay?" Roquette said as Barbara wiped her tears and nodded.

     Artemis found herself feeling sympathy for the poor girl. School was more than over now as they all went to Artemis's house. Walking in Jade immediately noticed Barbara and got ready to hit her. "Please don't hit me" she said quickly as the ebony raised an eyebrow. "Yeah Jade get Lian and yourself ready we're going out" Megan said clapping her hands happily. It was a couple minutes until Jade appeared dressed in winter gear as Lian was put in a little stroller. "She's so small" Barbara said in amazement.

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