Chapter 35

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A/N: Outfits in order from left to right. Zatanna, Megan, Artemis and Roquette.

     "The party started an hour ago" Artemis complained watching the three other girls perfect their makeup. "We have to be fashionably late" Megan said looking through a fashion magazine. "Screw being 'fashionably late' I just want to get this party over with" she said as they quickly checked themselves in the mirror. "Nice dress Zee it really screams the whole magician vibe" Artemis said as the girl smiled. "Thanks" she mumbled as they walked down the stairs.

     "Ollie can we borrow some cars?" The blonde yelled as her voice echoed through the Mansion. Roy stepped out from the living room in a pair of jeans and a red dress shirt. "Where are you going?" She asked as he smirked crossing his arms. "They are my friends too Artemis" he said as she huffed. Oliver walked out with a pale face as he handed her two car keys. "Please don't break my babies" he said as Artemis rolled her eyes. "Thanks Ollie!" She yelled as they walked to the garage.

     Her friends jaws dropped when Artemis walked them over to the two cars they were to drive.

      "Artemis its too expensive what if I break it?" Roquette panicked as her and Megan got into the dark grey sports car (A/N: Top car)

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      "Artemis its too expensive what if I break it?" Roquette panicked as her and Megan got into the dark grey sports car (A/N: Top car). "He's rich and has like twenty more of these in storage" she said as her and Zee got into the silver Lamborghini (A/N: Bottom car). Revving the engine they pulled out if the double garage and drove down the long driveway. "He come you've never drove one to school before?" Zee asked as the blonde turned the radio on.

     Stopping at the red light she smirked looking out the window seeing Roquette and Megan pull up next to them. "Because I like my bike better" she said revving the engine and rolling the window down. "Ten bucks if you beat me to the next street light" she yelled out the window as Roquette quickly shook her head. "No way in hell it scares me enough just sitting in this thing!" She yelled back as the girl rolled her steel grey eyes. Driving to the party and pulling up the driveway everyone stared.

     Stepping out and locking the cars everyone's jaws dropped. Walking in the music was blaring and it was packed with people. After walking around they eventually found the guys standing in the kitchen. "Hey you made it!" Dick yelled kissing his girlfriend's forehead. "Yeah and she almost killed us!" Roquette yelled pointing to Artemis who crossed her arms. "Oh please the handling on that car isn't that bad" she said as the guys gave them confused looks.

     "Oliver let us drive his sports cars here" Megan said happily hugging Conner's arm. "Awe no fair!" Wally complained as Artemis elbowed him. "Would you like to dance my love?" Kaldur asked as Roquette nodded with a faint blush. An hour later Wally was standing in the corner watching Artemis like a hawk. She was dancing with some guy he had never seen before. Something was clearly wrong with her because she kept laughing and stumbling around.

     He went into panic mode when the guy began taking her off the dance floor. Immediately following he stopped the guy. "What are you doing?" He asked as the guy growled. "Heyyyyyy Wallyy" Artemis slurred out while giggling. "We're going to have a little fun is that a problem?" The guy said as Wally nodded growling at him. "Your taking advantage of my intoxicated friend. She's coming with me" he said grabbing her hand and trying to drag her away.

     She began pouting and stood her ground. "You never let me have any fun!" She yelled while pouting like a child. "Lets go" he said as she turned her back to the red head. "Can we go now?" She asked batting her eyes up at the guy. Something snapped in Wally as he hoisted Artemis over his shoulder and walked outside of the Manor. "Put me down!" She yelled punching his back. Putting her down gently she nearly fell over. It was weird because he had never seen her like this before.

     "Arty are you okay?" He asked as she giggled leaning on him. "You're so cute" she whispered as he blushed a light red. His phone began buzzing as he checked the texts. "Dude don't drink anything someone must've spiked it cause Zee is acting insane -Dick" the text read as he nodded. Looking down at her she gave him a lustful smile before giggling. "How many drinks did you have?" He asked looking through her purse for her car keys. "I don't know he kept giving them to me" she said as he rolled his emerald eyes.

     Grabbing the keys he helped her to her car and buckled her in. "There now I'm going to take you home" he said as she shook her head. "Nooooo Ollie will be sooooo mad!" She exclaimed as he sighed. Internally debating he sighed and began driving to his house. He had the house to himself this weekend so he wouldn't be questioned. Helping her into the house she staggered to the washroom and screamed. Running over he saw her crying and looking at her stomach.

     "Am I fat?" She cried out as all the colour left his face. "No Arty-" "I am fat!" She yelled out as he gave her a confused look. "No one will ever love me because I'm fat!" She yelled out as he tried calling Dick. "Dude what I'm trying to deal with Zee!" Dick's voice yelled across the line. "Um yeah about that Arty is a drunken mess and I don't know how to deal with her" he said running his hand through his hair nervously. "I don't know just-damn I have to go Zee's dancing on the kitchen counter" he said before abruptly hanging up.

     Looking down at the girl who was one sitting on the washroom floor sobbing he sighed. Sitting down next to her she rested her head against his arm. "Wally I don't know what to do no one will love me!" She cried out as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder. "I'm sure someone will love you" he said as she began crying even louder. "No but I want you to love me!" She yelled out as he froze. "I've been trying so hard but you keep going to that bitch Linda! She cheated on you and got pregnant and then got rid of the baby!" She yelled out as his face fell into a look of despair.

     Sniffling she looked up at him with teary eyes. "I would never cheat on you because your too perfect to give up" she said with a sly smile. A drunk Artemis was never a good Artemis. "Okay stand up" he said helping her up off the tile floor. Stumbling to the living room he gently laid her down onto the couch. "Now stay" he said as she nodded sniffling. Quickly walking away he came back with a pillow and blanket. He found her passed out on the couch when he came back.

     Sighing he lifted her head up and rested it on the pillow and tucked her in gently. He found his eyes lingering on her before leaning down and kissing her forehead. "She's not going to remember any of the jacked up shit she said tomorrow" he whispered to himself before walking to his room. Changing into a pair of track pants he fell onto his bed and stared up at the ceiling. Thoughts overwhelmed his mind as he tried to sleep.

     "Does Linda even love me?" He asked himself before hearing his bedroom door creak open. A shadow lingered there before stumbling over to his bed and poking him. "I can't sleep" her voice slurred out as he looked up at her drearily. Wally had given up and just rolled over. Falling onto the bed next to him she cuddled into his back. "I love youuuuu" she slurred out before giggling. He sighed with a smile smile graced on his lips as she traced circles on his back with her finger.

     Eventually his emerald eyes fell closed as did hers. For one thing she was definitely not going to remember anything of that night.

Skycrystal23  ;)   

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