Chapter 19

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"So you do like him in that way?" Megan asked for reassurance. Artemis gave a small nod as she looked down at the now empty tub of ice cream. Zatanna walked into the room and raised an eyebrow. "Wait chocolate ice cream and no Wally. Oh Artemis honey I'm so sorry!" She yelled running over and giving her blonde friend a hug. "It's not like he's already dating her sheesh" She said rolling her steel grey eyes. "Hello my friends" Kaldur said walking in with Roquette following close behind.

"We need to have a girl day!" Megan announced standing up. Dick and Conner walked into the living room with confused faces. "Sorry I'd love to spend more time with you but Artemis has a crisis" Zatanna said kissing Dick's cheek. "Did I miss something?" He asked as Kaldur and Conner shrugged. The girls all walked out but Megan whispered something into Dick's ear. "Oh he's such an idiot if he's going for that bitch that cheated on him, again" he sighed walking off to grab his phone.

The girls all got dressed and walked out of the house leaving the boy's to their own devices. "So first we need to do some shopping and then find food to stress eat" Megan said as they all nodded in agreement. Roquette patted Artemis's shoulder and gave her a saddened look. "What's so bad about a girl driving him home!" She yelled in frustration. "Um the fact that Linda has already dated him and then cheated on him. She's just going to date him again for more social status" Zatanna said as Artemis groaned.

"I've lost all chances with that idiot haven't I?" She asked sadly as they all nodded. There weren't many shops in the Town so they decided to grab some lunch. "You look bothered Zee" Artemis said noticing her ebony haired friend picking at her pasta. "What if Dick dumps me!" She exclaimed throwing her hands into the air. "Sweetie he won't dump you if he likes you" Roquette said again as they all sighed. "Boys are strange people" Megan said with a sigh.

"Girls are strange people" Dick sighed out as Kaldur and Conner nodded in agreement. "I mean what if Zatanna decides to dump me for some hotter guy?" Dick asked looking up at the blue sky. "My friend Zatanna is worried about the same thing" Kaldur said patting his friends shoulder comfortingly. "Oh yeah how do you know?" Conner spoke up all of a sudden. "Roquette talked to her about it last night" Kaldur said as the two guys nodded.

"So I have nothing to worry about?" Dick asked raising an eyebrow underneath his blacked out sunglasses. "How about we get the girls something nice?" Conner asked as Kaldur and Dick looked at each other. "Sure" they said together as they walked into a little gift shop. While they were at the back of the store the front doors bell rang. "Shit its the girls!" Dick whisper yelled. The cashier looked at them weirdly as they hid behind shelves and occasionally moved as the girls got closer.

They started to listen into the girls conversation when the cashier walked over. "Can I help you?" She asked raising an eyebrow at the boys crouched down behind a shelf. "Yeah we're trying to buy gifts for our girlfriends but they kinda just walked in here" Dick whispered pointing to the girls looking at the stuffed animals. She nodded with a smile and walked over to the girls. "Can I help you girls with anything?" The lady asked as the guys all sighed.

Crawling around on the floor they stood up and peeked down an aisle. "Do you see them?" Kaldur whispered as Dick shook his head. "What are you guys doing?" A voice asked from behind them. Taken off guard the guys fell over and crushed Dick underneath. "Ow" he mumbled as they quickly climbed off of the smaller boy. "How did you know we were here?" Conner asked as Megan began giggling. "You guys are such big goofs!" She laughed out.

"You're whispering is super loud" Artemis said dryly as the guys cheeks turned red. "So why are you here?" Zatanna asked as Dick scratched the back of his head nervously. "We were going to buy you guys a present" he muttered as her eyes lit up. "Awe you don't have to get me anything" she said kissing his cheek happy that he was thinking about her. "Kal you treat me too good" Roquette said giving him a hug that he greatly appreciated.

"You're adorable" Megan said poking Conner's reddened cheek. Artemis stood there awkwardly thinking about Wally and what he's doing.

The car ride was silent as he fumbled with his fingers. "Who was that girl you hugged at the door?" Linda asked with a hint of jealousy in her voice. He looked up and raised an eyebrow. "Her names Artemis" he said breathlessly. Her grip on the steering wheel tightened as jealousy ran through her body. "Do you like her?" She asked as his cheeks turned bright red. "Y-yeah but I don't think she likes me as much as I do her" he said sadly.

"I know someone who likes you" she said as he raised an eyebrow. "Who?" He asked curiously as she smirked. I mean she has to make him like her again somehow. "Sorry can't tell right now" she said smirking as he pouted. "You're no fun" he said crossing his arms with a pout apparent on his face. She's been looking for a way to get him back ever since she heard of that incident at Wayne Manor. If she dated a hero then her status on the social ladder will skyrocket. It just so happened that she heard about his sick grandma.

     In her mind getting him back will be a piece of cake. "I've missed you" she said as he snapped his attention back to her. "Oh you have?" He asked nervously scratching the back of his head. "Yeah I know I was really dumb before I mean really dumb" she said as they turned down his street. "You cheated on me" he said flatly as they pulled into his driveway. She got out and walked with him to his front door. "Just think about it, you and me again and I promise that i won't do anything stupid" she whispered into his ear before kissing the corner of his mouth.

     His cheeks were flushed a bright red as he watched her walk away. She watched him open the door and stumble into his house. "I've got him exactly where I want him" she said with an evil smirk as she drove off. "Oh Wally you're home!" His mom exclaimed wrapping her arms around him. "How's grandma?" He asked with his cheeks still flushed a bright red. "She's okay but very ill" she sniffled out as he nodded. The taste of cherry lip gloss lingered at the edge of his mouth.

     Linda seems to want him more than Artemis does. Maybe he could give her one last chance to prove herself.......

Skycrystal23  ;) 

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