Chapter 37

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     Her internal clock beckoned for her to wake up as she sat up on the soft mattress. Looking around in a daze she noticed that it was still partially dark out. A sliver of the warm suns rays were just appearing behind the buildings in the background. Soft snores were heard as she raised an eyebrow. She definitely didn't remember anything from last night passed the point when she had her sixth fruit punch. Her eyes wandered to the red head sleeping beside her.

     Steel grey eyes going wide she quietly got out of the bed and scurried to the washroom and locked the door. "What the hell" she whispered to herself breathing heavily. After all she didn't recollect going home with him. But wait her car where was it? All of these thoughts were flowing through her mind when she heard a groggy voice. "Arty?" He said rubbing his dreary emerald eyes. Her heart was pounding so hard she would think he could hear her from here. "Why are you hiding in the washroom?" He asked turning the doorknob as she pressed her body weight against the door as best as she could.

     "Did I say anything last night?" She asked through the door as he bit his lip. "No, nothing important" he lied as a relieved sigh escaped her lips. "I need to go" she said as she seethed in pain as a headache hit her. "You okay?" He asked as she nodded. "Yeah I've been hungover before" she said as he raised an eyebrow. "We're not even of legal drinking age so how have you been hungover before?" He asked as she rubbed her arm nervously looking down. "My family was not the greatest. I've learned to defend myself against pro wrestlers while drugged I'm fine" she said as he gave her a frown.

     "And it was against my will" she added as his frown deepened. "Anyways I really should be going" she said as he grabbed her arm. "I'll drive you home" he said as she growled. "You should call Linda and talk to her. She's probably missing your voice" she said before snatching her arm away from his grip. Looking for her keys she found them on the kitchen counter. "Arty wait-" "No you should've just taken me home last night" she said before walking out the door and getting in her car.

     Speeding away tears clouded her vision as she wiped them away. "Stupid Wally toying with my emotions" she grumbled out as she sped around the harbor. The car was easily going over one-hundred and fifty miles per hour. "Why is my life so unfair!" She yelled out as the tires began sliding on the road. "Woah!" she yelled before the car broke through the barrier next to the edge of the water. Everything went so fast as it went crashing into the water.

     Looking around she began tugging at her buckle with all of her strength. "Stupid fucking car let me go!" She yelled as water started filling the vehicle. Looking around for something sharp she tried to reach around and grab the pocket knife in her purse on the back seat. The water was rising up to her neck when she saw someone tapping on the windshield. "Kaldur help!" She yelled as tears started streaming down her olive cheeks.

     Kicking at the windshield the water flooded in as it broke. His face looked blue as he had to swim up for air. Tugging at the buckle her body badly needed oxygen. Before she knew it her vision began fuzzing until she went unconscious. Kaldur swam back down with a blade and cut the buckle dragging her out of the water. Roquette was on the edge speaking with emergency responders as sirens were heard in the distance. "My friend are you alright?" He asked looking for a pulse.

     Her clothes stuck to her body as the paramedics performed CPR on the girl. Roquette stood next to Kaldur with a look of worry evident on her face. "Girl you better wake your ass up" she said as Kaldur hugged her. "She'll be fine love" he said kissing the top of her head. After a couple minutes the blonde coughed out water before slipping unconscious again. After what seemed like a second her eyes fluttered open. Fear spiked throughout her body as she looked around.

     "Miss Crock please calm down" a nurse said as the blonde gave her a death glare. "Where am I?" She grit through her teeth as the nurse sighed. "Sweetie you're at the Hospital" the nurse said as she growled. "Don't call me sweetie!" She spat angrily at the lady. Just then three girls burst through the door. "Artemis!" They yelled hugging her. She sighed in relief and winced in pain slightly. "What happened?" She asked in a slight daze. "You were driving and went over the barrier. The car crashed in the ocean your lucky your friends saved you when they did" The lady said as Artemis raised an eyebrow.

     She then noticed that Kaldur had a towel around his neck. "Did you-" "Yeah girl we saw your car crash into the water it was scary as hell. Kal jumped in and pulled you out" Roquette said as Artemis thanked him profusely. The door burst open and Oliver ran in engulfing her in a hug. "I'm so glad your okay!" He exclaimed as she laughed. Roy walked in rolling his eyes but giving her a quick hug. "I hate to admit it but it wouldn't be the same at the Mansion if you were dead" he said as she snorted.

     "Oh please you'd just get an extra room" she said as a smile cracked onto his lips. "Oh but I wouldn't get your car since its at the bottom of the Harbour" he said as Ollie released her and placed his hands on his hips. "That's right we need to address that situation. No driving for three months and that's final" he said as she rolled her grey eyes before smirking. "Awe that means little Roy can drive me everywhere!" She said in a sickly sweet voice. Her friends looked at her like she had three heads.

     "Its a weird adoptive family thing" she said as they all nodded. "When can she leave?" Megan asked curiously. The Nurse looked down at the clipboard and quickly checked Artemis over. "We'll keep her overnight just in case but if she shows no sign of brain damage or long term effects we'll send her home tomorrow morning" the nurse said with a cheerful smile before leaving the room. After an hour everyone left as she laid there staring at the ceiling.

     Checking herself over her head was wrapped in a bandage and her right arm had a cast on it. Sleep consumed her after awhile and when she woke up her eyes were greeted with a teddy bear on her lap. A note was attached to it as she began reading it. "I'm glad your okay and I hope I didn't anger you in any way. Just call me when you get out.....please. -Wally" it said as a warm feeling traveled through her body. The teddy bear had a red and yellow ribbon tied around its neck.

     Hugging it to her chest she rested her chin atop its furry head. A knock was heard at the door before the familiar red headed boy looked in. "Hi Arty" he said nervously as her eyes lit up seeing him and his freckled face. "Thanks for the bear" she whispered as he walked over before taking a red marker out. "Arm" he said holding his hand out to her. Lifting her arm up he popped the cap on the marker before beginning to write. "Hurry up my arm is getting tired" she whined as he rolled his emerald eyes.

     Smirking to himself he put the marker back in his pocket before crossing his arms. Staring at her arm she read the little scribbled note on the cast. "Don't stop being a stubborn Spitfire -yours truly Kid Idiot" it said as she looked up at him with a goofy smile. "Your really something ya know" she said as he nervously scratched the back of his neck. "That's not the only thing that's-" "And this is where I stop listening" she said as he laughed. "I'm just joking" he said as she shot him a glare. "You better otherwise I would've broke the cast over your idiotic head" she grumbled out.

     That was how summer rolled along. Artemis went on vacation with Oliver, Dinah and Roy. Zatanna hung out with her Dad and Dick most of the time. Roquette and Kaldur went to California for some surfing. Megan and Conner binge watched the television show 'Hello Megan' and did other things while alone in the house. It was great until school started up again and more drama's began. Especially when a group of new students transfer to the school and their not looking to be friendly......

Skycrystal23  ;)    

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