Chapter 50

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She shivered standing in the doorway as Garfield ran around the house. "I'm found someth-ow!" He yelled tripping on the carpet and falling forward on his face. "I have some clothes" he said standing up and passing her the dry clothes. "T-thank you" she stuttered out walking to the washroom. Next week was Halloween so it wasn't as warm as the summertime outside. She stepped out and he immediately began blushing. Since there wasn't many clothe options he took some from his room and Megan's room.

She stood there in Megan's old jeans and his green sweatshirt. "What?" She asked as he looked away. In the corner of his eye he caught a small smile on her face. "M'gann I gave Raven some of your clothes!" He yelled as his sister popped her head into the hallway. "Why-Gar don't tell me she fell in the pond" Megan said as Raven looked down ashamed. "Not that it's a bad thing but I have to put rock around it in the summer" she said as Raven nodded slowly. "Oh and Uncle J'ohnn won't be home for dinner so I'll take you guys out" she said with a happy smile.

"Yes!" Gar yelled fist bumping the air in excitement. Raven stood there silently looking around the small hallway. Pictures were spread out along the wall of Megan and Garfield with their Uncle or just by themselves. Then there was one picture that she was drawn to. Garfield was smiling with an older woman hugging him. "That's me and my Mom" he said appearing behind her as she jumped slightly. "Yeah she died in a car accident while visiting Bialya" he said in a depressing tone of voice.

Raven noted that they had one thing in common, they both didn't have mother's. "My Mother's dead because my Father killed her" she said with her voice staying flat. He gave her a sympathetic look as she looked away. "I don't need your sympathy" she said as he frowned. Clearly she was very close with her Mother otherwise she wouldn't be acting like this. "Hey how about we go and play a video game?" He asked breaking the awkward tension. "I don't play video games" she muttered as he smirked.

"You will after this Rae Rae" he said as her eyes flared with annoyance. "Its Raven" she grumbled as he smirked. Walking downstairs she sat on the couch with her arms crossed as he set up the gaming console. "So here's the remote control and you use these buttons to kill the things" he said as she nodded taking it in her small hands and looking at the game screen. The game started and he was surprised to see that she was beating him! For once she saw some sort of emotion on her face.

Her eyebrows were furrowed, tongue stuck out of the side of her mouth as she concentrated. When the game over screen appeared on the TV he stared at her with his mouth hung open. "Don't judge a book by its cover Gar" she said as the new nickname for him rolled off of her tongue. "Okay let's go" Megan said walking down the stairs looking like she had never got punched. "Woah your face" Gar said walking up to his sister. "Its called makeup, idiot" Raven said muttering the last part under her breath.

Walking out of the townhouse Megan locked the door as the kid's followed her. "So where are we going?" Gar asked as they walked down the City streets. "Pizza?" She asked as the two nodded. Raven stayed silent as they sat in the booth eating a cheese and pepperoni pizza. "I'm hungry!" Gar complained as Raven rolled her eyes. "Then have a piece of pepperoni pizza" she said as Gar shook his head and crossed his arms. "Sorry Rae but I'm a vegetarian" he said as Megan rolled her eyes.

     "Whatever" she grumbled.

     Waking up she yawned seeing that she fell asleep on the couch the night before. "Hey you have school" a calm voice said as she looked over surprised to see Dinah. "Awe its Friday?" The blonde asked in disbelief. Standing up she shuffled up the stairs and jumped into the hot shower. "Kill me with kind-oh no that bitch didn't" she said picking up her phone and seeing the post that Linda put up on Instagram. "There's no way she's going to bash Zatanna and get away with it" she growled stuffing the phone in her jean pocket.

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