Chapter 11

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Over the next few days she stayed inside of the Manor. The girl either stayed in her room or went down to the Gym. Wally had tried coming to talk to her but she would just ignored him as well as Dick. Artemis pretended to be asleep every time they came into her room at night. However her accuracy has been improving lately. Now she was starting on acrobatics.

Dick would join her sometimes but he never talked to her, he respected that she wanted space so he gave it to her. They were all hanging in her bedroom as the boy's both insisted on watching a movie. The girl groaned and pleaded for them to leave her be but they wouldn't have it. The Manor's alarm began ringing rather loudly during the middle of the movie. "Artemis run" Wally said, he could barely get the words out.

Before she could speak he grabbed her hand and started running through the maze that was Wayne Manor. "Stop by the Gym" she said as he abruptly stopped. Quickly she ran in and grabbed the steel bow and slung the quiver over her back that. "Let's go" she whispered as they began running. One thing that she was grateful of her father for teaching her was how to use a bow, fight and hide.

They came to a dead end in the hallway. "Where's Dick?" she whispered.

"How am I supposed to know?" He whispered back.

There was a vent on the wall behind them. To their surprise they heard a low thumping sound. "Psst, get your asses in here before you get shot!" A voice whispered from behind them. Artemis looked up to see Dick's head poking out of the vent. "Here" Wally said giving her boost as she grabbed Dick's hand.

After being pulled up she reached down and grabbed Wally's hand lifting him into the vent. "Take this" she said taking the dagger out of her boot and handing it to the red head. His eyes went as wide as saucers as Dick cackled. "Artemis I-" he began to say.

"If anyone comes at you just stab them, especially if it's my father" she said in a low voice.

"Quiet they're coming" Dick whispered as he punched both of them in the arm.

They heard footsteps approaching the vent as they sat frozen in fear. The three of them didn't even breathe out of fear. "Boss there's no sign of Artemis or her little pals here" a deep voice said, they saw a blinking red light.

"Keep looking I want them dead!" her father's chilling voice yelled through the device.

As the person walked away they all let out a long breath of relief. "What are you doing?" Wally asked. Dick was crawling through the vent ahead of them. "Dude I'm looking at the surveillance footage and the vent maps" he hissed as they stopped.

"How did you do that?" Artemis whispered peering over Dick's shoulder.

He had a little black glove on that had a small computer attached to it. "Wayne Tech. I stole it while looking around in the abandoned technology wing in the basement of Wayne Enterprises" he said with a smirk.

Wally was still stricken with fear during this whole situation. "We need to stop by my room I have to get something" Dick said as he crawled away for a moment. The two heard thumping throughout the vents until he came back wearing black pants, red tight shirt with gold lines swirling up his arms and down his chest. He also wore a red and gold mask as he smirked. "Dude no way you're wearing your old uniform" Wally said smiling.

Artemis raised an eyebrow and looked at the both of them. "I thought it was time to break out my old Flying Grayson's uniform, after all I'm intending to kick some ass tonight because nobody enters this house without permission" Dick said with a look of determination and justice shining in his eyes.

"Yeah with you and what weapons" she scoffed only for him to cackle.

"Just because I'm a rich boy doesn't mean I don't do bad things" he said taking out two escrima sticks that had electricity coming out of the ends.

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