Chapter 57

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     "I'm back" he whispered into her ear as she smirked. Turning around she leaned up and kissed him gently. "So what happened which resulted in you having to leave me?" She asked as the music blared in their ears. "It was nothing Tim took care of it" he said as the ebony raised an eyebrow. "Well Boy Wonder its getting late and stuffy. Walk me home?" She asked batting her blue eyes up at him. His phone buzzed as he checked the text from Bruce. Running a hand through his hair he sighed.

     "Sorry Zee but I am really needed back at the Manor" he said as she frowned but nodded. "Walk me to the corner?" She asked as he nodded kissing the top of her head. Children walked around them in costumes giggling and knocking on doors to retrieve candy. When at the corner he grabbed her hand and pulled her to his chest. "I love you" he whispered leaning down and giving her a soft kiss. "Be safe" she said as he nodded watching her walk away. While walking down the sidewalk she checked the texts on her phone.

     A smile made its way onto her face when she saw that her Dad texted her. "See you when you get home :)" he texted as she put her phone away and began running home. Her Dad had been gone for a few days and she has been dreadfully missing him. The first odd thing she noticed was that the store door was left open. "Weird" she whispered walking into the dark store. Turning the lights on her face paled as her stomach dropped. "Dad?" She asked now slightly worried seeing the broken glass on the ground.

     It crunched under her feet as she walked through the aisle. "Dad?" She asked raising her voice slightly seeing the more mess the further back in the store she got. It was eerily quiet as the buzzing of the lights echoed in her ears. Turning out of the aisle towards the cash register she began seeing blood on the ground. "If this is a joke its not very funny" she said in a shaky voice. Slowly approaching the crimson blood it lead to behind the counter. "Daddy?" She asked sounding like a scared little child.

     Looking behind the counter she screamed an ear piercing scream. Her father Giovanni was lying on the floor with blood oozing from his chest where six bullet holes laid. "Daddy!" She screamed falling to her knees and crawling over. Lifting his head onto her lap she began to sob. "Zatanna" he said in a weak voice as she began to cry even harder. "Daddy I'm right here!" She cried out taking his hand and resting it against her wet cheek. "I" he said before his eyes closed and his hand fell to the ground.

     Her eyes widened as she began to shake him. "Dad, Daddy wake up" she said before taking her cellphone out. Clumsily dialing nine-one-one she tried to hold back her sobs. "911 emergency state your problem" the lady on the phone said in a soothing voice. "Please send help I came home and my D-Dad he's shot and just please!" She cried out as tears streamed down her pale cheeks. "Okay sweetie what's your name?" The lady asked as Zatanna backed up into the wall seeing how much blood was on her.

     "Z-Zatanna Zatara" she stuttered out before beginning to sob even harder. Sirens were heard in the distance as she listened to the lady on the phone. "Listen sweetie we need you to go somewhere safe the intruders could still be in the vicinity" she said as Zatanna nodded looking around. "O-okay" she whispered standing up and using the counter to help her stand straight. The shock was making her legs shake uncontrollably. Quietly walking down one of the aisles she heard thumping upstairs.

     Scurrying over she hid in the supply closet sliding down the wall until she was sitting on the floor. "Oh god I'm going to die" she whispered into the phone. "No honey just stay calm okay? Officers are a couple minutes away. Can you see the intruders?" She asked as Zatanna looked through the crack in the door. A shadow moved in front of the door as she slapped her hand over her mouth. "T-they're right outside the door" she whispered in a shaky voice. The small closet began to feel very small.

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