Chapter 21

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     Spring Break ended and it was back to hell or Highschool in their situation. Artemis didn't want to go but Zatanna and Megan dragged her outside and to school. She went to school in a green hoodie and jean shorts and for once her hair was down. "Hey Arty-" "Artemis" she grumbled correcting the red head next to her. "Guess who's got a girlfriend" he said smugly as she scowled at him. "What idiot would date you!" She spat aggressively. "Wow what's gotten into you?" He asked as she crossed her arms.

     Class started and she didn't speak to him until the bell rang for second period. He took his seat next to Megan with a smile. "Hey megalicous" he said with a flirtatious wink. "Don't you have someone else to be hitting on like your girlfriend Linda?" She asked in an annoyed tone. He rolled his emerald eyes and sighed. "Why is everyone so pissy today?" He asked raising an eyebrow as she crossed her arms. Lunch was the worst when he sat with everyone. "I'm getting really angry vibes off of you guys" he said sitting down.

"Oh Wally!" A squeaky voice yelled as a girl walked towards the table. "Linda I thought you didn't go here?" He asked in surprise as everyone rolled their eyes. "We moved back and I switched schools to here!" She squealed kissing his cheek. Artemis growled and squeezed her empty soda can. They all looked at her as she stood up and walked away furiously. "I'm going to see what's wrong" Zatanna immediately said. "I'll come too!" Roquette and Megan said at the same time.

"So can I sit with you?" Linda asked as Dick rolled his eyes from underneath his shades. He knew what Linda was really like. "Your my girlfriend of course" he said as they sat back down. "How are you Dick?" Linda asked as he raised an eyebrow. "Good?" He said but it sounded like more of a question. She was never nice to anyone and Wally was blind when it came to her. "Awe baby I've missed you" she said kissing Wally.

Even Kaldur looked uncomfortable with the situation.

Zatanna walked into the girls washroom to see Artemis sulking. "Hey are you okay?" She asked as Artemis scowled. "He's such an idiot an extremely cute idiot!" She yelled punching the mirror as it cracked. Megan and Roquette walked in when they heard glass cracking. "Girl calm down" Roquette said as the blonde breathed heavily. "He just makes me so angry!" She yelled taking her hand off of the mirror and looking at the blood streaming down her hand.

The ebony sighed and shook her head. "You guys cover for us and I'll take her to the nurses office" Zatanna said as Megan and Roquette nodded before leaving the washroom. "How come Dick is so nice!" She yelled as Zatanna shrugged. "He's learned that there's more good than evil in the world" Zee said as they walked out of the washroom. The nurse questioned how Artemis got the injury but the blonde just growled.

The bell rang and Zatanna made sure that Artemis went to her Gym Class. Walking down the hallway to her classroom someone grabbed her. "Grayson's dating you so you must be good" a voice said as her body went stiff. Her texting abilities were great so she managed to text Dick the word help. "So pretty girl you have a name?" The guy asked placing his hand on her hip. He must've been in the twelfth grade because of how old he looked. "Leave. Me. Alone." She grit through her teeth.

His hand began traveling up her shirt as she tried to escape his grip. "Please stop!" She pleaded as his hand reached her bra. His hood was up so she couldn't see his face as they were also in the dark Janitor's Closet. Her phone began buzzing in her hand repeatedly, Dick was hacking it indefinitely. Her body shivered when he pressed his lips to her neck and began licking up it. "Stop!" She yelled as he smirked evilly and pressed his lips onto hers harshly.

Tears began streaming down her cheeks as the door flung open. The guy got thrown off of her as Dick jumped on him and began to repeatedly punch him. "Dick its not worth it!" She yelled in a rack of sobs as she pulled him off of the guy. "Zee he hurt you!" He yelled angrily as the guy was knocked out on the floor. "Please can we just go to your house I'm not feeling well" she said as tears streamed down her cheeks. His eyes softened as he wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head.

"Yeah let's go" he said helping her out of the school. She was in a rack of sobs as he walked off school grounds. "H-he had his hands all o-over me!" She sobbed out while shaking horribly. He stopped walking and turned to face her before cupping her cheeks with his hands. "Listen Zee I hate the fact that I wasn't there to save you when he grabbed you but I will be the next time" he whispered leaning his forehead against hers. "Zee I love you and I promise to protect you from shit like that" he whispered as she nodded.

     "I love you too" she whispered as he wiped her tears with his thumbs. "We'll get you washed off and in a new pair of clothes alright" he said as she nodded again and gave him a tight hug. "I'm so glad that you're always hacking into Wayne Enterprises" she mumbled into his chest. A small smile appeared on his lips as he ran his fingers through her hair. He had his arm around her waist the whole walk to the Manor.

     Her arrows sharply hit the targets as she growled. Imagining Linda's head as the target wasn't that hard to do. "Hey Arty" a cocky voice said from behind her. Immediately turning around she aimed the arrow at the persons chest. "What!" She snapped angrily looking up at the nervous red head. "I just wanted to say hi" he said as she growled and turned back around beginning to shoot her arrows again. "Why are you so angry?" He asked as she yelled.

     "Leave me alone Wallace West!" She screamed as he glared at her. "No! What's your damn problem!" He yelled back just as loud. The teacher walked over and separated the two teens. "You're skull is so thick!" She yelled angrily as he growled. "I should've never saved you that night! I wish your father shot you dead!" He yelled as her breath hitched. Her eyes widened and her hands fell to her side. "That's enough out of you West you've earned yourself detention for the next two days!" The teacher hollered.

     Artemis walked out of the Gymnasium and to her locker. Footsteps were heard behind her as she threw her bag over her shoulder. "Artemis wait" a voice said as she looked down. "No Wally don't talk to me anymore" she muttered before walking down the hallway. He watched in disbelief as she walked out the front doors and out of sight. He looked down just as tears began spilling from his emerald eyes.

Skycrystal23  ;)

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