Chapter 41

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     They walked passed all of the busy rides as Artemis, Jade and Zatanna spoke to each other. "So who's the red headed cutie?" Jade asked elbowing her sister. "Oh that's Artemis's crush but he has a girlfriend" Zee whispered as a smirk appeared against Jade's lips. "Hey Wally dude come here!" Jade yelled as her sister froze in her place. "Jade stop!" Artemis whisper yelled as she looked down. "Yes?" He asked as the girl looked up blushing.

     Jade looked around the park and quickly got an idea. "Arty wants to go on that ride there but she's too scared and you see I'm pregnant so I can't go on" she said as his eyes went as wide as saucers. "Your pregnant?!" He yelled as Artemis grabbed his wrist and dragged him away. "I don't know why I bother sometimes" she muttered under her breath. Zatanna couldn't help but smirk to herself seeing how flustered Artemis got when he was around.

"Friends why don't we go on the cups of spinning?" Kori asked as they nodded. Walking over Zee went to sit with Dick but Kori sat in the cup with him. She shot him a look and he just shrugged. Walking over she sat in one with Jade with her arms crossed. "Chick stole your boyfriend?" She asked as Zee nodded groaning. "Maybe she's just trying to be friendly with him?" She said as Jade rolled her eyes in response. The ride started and all she could do was sit there muttering curse words under her breath.

When it stopped they got off and she immediately grabbed Dick and held his hand. "Jealous are we?" He asked with a sly smirk as she shook her head. "I'm never going on that again!" Artemis's voice echoed through the park. All of the loud noises stopped when everyone heard her booming voice. "Arty keep it down" Wally said as she growled and turned around to face him. "Says you! You weren't the one who just got puked on!" She screamed as he gulped running to hide behind Dick.

"Friend what has happened friend?" Kori asked slightly concerned seeing her friend so distressed. "I'm covered in somebody's nasty ass vomit!" She yelled angrily as Kori's emerald eyes lit up. "I have a change of clothes you can do the borrowing of in the driving vehicle!" She exclaimed happily as Artemis sighed in relief. "Friend Dick do you mind escorting friend Artemis and I to the driving vehicle?" She asked as Zee looked up shooting him a glare.

He sighed and nodded. "I'll be right back" he said before kissing Zee's forehead and following the two girls. "Ah!" She yelled angrily as Wally jumped back. "What the actual fu-" he began to say until Jade shot him a bone chilling glare. "He is so clueless like holy shit!" She yelled as Jade awkwardly patted her back. "There. There." She said awkwardly. "Why is she so pissy?" He asked as the ebony growled. "Its called jealousy but you wouldn't know because you're dating a slut" Jade spat as he crossed his arms.

"Linda is not a slut. If anything you are since you've gotten pregnant already" he retorted as Jade growled lunging at him. "Take that back!" She yelled sending a punch across his face. They arrived at the car as Kori pulled out a purple T-shirt with a heart cut out on the back. "Here friend!" She chimed as the blonde smiled. She quickly took her puke covered shirt off and threw it in the trash can. "Thanks Kori" she said as the red head smiled and nodded.

Walking back into the park there was a large crowd of people standing in a circle. Yelling was heard and Artemis paled. "Excuse me. Pardon me. Ugh just get out of my way!" She yelled pushing her way to the front. Dick and Kori followed and what they saw was quite amusing. Jade was on the ground with Wally in a choke hold and he didn't look like he was doing good. "Artemis help!" Zatanna yelled trying to pry Jade off of poor Wally. The blonde growled and walked over pressing down a pressure point on Jade's shoulder.

Jade immediately let go of Wally as Artemis quickly grabbed her. Dick ran over and held Wally back as Jade smirked. "What the hell is wrong with you two!" Dick and Artemis yelled at the exact same time. "Ugh she started it!" Wally yelled holding his bloody nose. "Me! You called me a slut! Thần chết tiệt đầu đỏ (god damn red heads)" Jade yelled as he glared daggers at her. "Please stop this fighting friends!" Kori said intervening. The crowd of people had long ago dispersed so it was just the two yelling at each other.

They looked at Kori as she stood there with her hands on her hips. "Kori's right you shouldn't be yelling. Not here anyways" Dick said as Zatanna looked away angrily that he was agreeing with Kori. "Come on I'll get Roy to pick us up" Artemis said as Jade nodded and shot one last glare at Wally. As soon as they were out of ear shot Jade began yelling. "That asshole thinks he can call me a slut!" She yelled as Artemis rolled her eyes. Dialing Roy's number on her cellphone she listened to the ringing.

"What" his voice said as she sighed. "Come pick Jade and I up from the amusement park" she said as a minute of silence buzzed through the phone line. "Why?" He asked sounding surprised and concerned. "She beat Wally up after he said some words to her" was all Artemis said as he sighed again. "I'll be there soon just don't let her do anything drastic" he said before hanging up. Hanging up the phone she looked over at her sister who had her arms crossed. "This is bullshit" she said as Artemis sighed.

"Its not bullshit its justice. You can't go beating up people when they say things you don't want to here" she said as her sister raised an eyebrow. "When did you become so wise?" She asked as Artemis shrugged crossing her arms and moving under the shade. "I guess it was when I surrounded myself with kind friends" she said as Jade looked down. "Yeah I'll need help on getting friends so they can come to the baby shower" she said as Artemis smirked. "Don't worry I'm sure Megan and Zee will be the first on your list to come" she said as they both stifled a laugh.

Roy's car pulled up as they walked up to the passenger side door. Rolling the window down he gave Jade a goofy smile. "I heard you beat Wally up" he said as they both got into the car. "Yes because he was being a pain in my ass" she snapped crossing her arms. As they were driving through the parking lot Jade saw Wally, Dick, Kori and Zee walking to their cars. "Hey West tell your girlfriend to stop sleeping with every guy she lays eyes on!" Jade yelled before flipping him off.

Roy sped away shaking his head as Artemis laughed hysterically. "I'm going to be in so much trouble tomorrow" she said as Jade and Roy shrugged. "We should go clubbing tomorrow" Jade said as Artemis looked at them funny. "Excuse me but your pregnant" her sister said in shock that Jade would say such a thing. "Hey I'm not a penguin walking fat ass yet so I'm going clubbing and your coming with me" she said as the blonde furrowed her brows.

"I'm not old enough" she said crossing her arms. Her sister rolled her eyes as Roy smirked. "Lighten up replacement you can bring some of your girl friends of yours along" he said as Artemis sighed. "Fine. I know Zatanna will go and bring Dick along but Megan, Roquette, Kori, Cassie and Raven. She's like thirteen" she said as Roy stopped at the red light. "Bring who you want just make sure they meet at the Mansion at two right after Ollie leaves" he said as they sped the rest of the way home.

     Walking to her room she shut the door and fell onto her bed. "What am I going to possibly do at a club?" She asked herself.

Skycrystal23  ;)

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