Chapter 62

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Tears began spilling from her blue eyes as she hugged her older cousin. "I heard about what happened to Uncle Giovanni" he said making her cry even harder. With her mind being so scrambled she completely forgot about her cousin. "Hey so I'll be here for the week to help you pack up your stuff" he said as her face fell into a look of despair. Dick was off talking to Bruce to give the two some space. "I promise we'll only be in Gotham for the rest of the year and then I'll get a place here" he said as she frowned and wiped the tears from her eyes.

She loved her cousin Zachary dearly, he was like her older brother. But to leave Happy Harbor and her friends for a year was just hell on earth. "I have to go tell Dick" she said as he raised an eyebrow. "And he is?" Zachary asked now going into big brother mode. Zatanna hadn't seen Zachary a lot since he graduated College and moved to University. He was a doctor but also had the fascination for magic like Zatanna and Giovanni. "Dick? Oh he's my boyfriend" she said as he looked like he just got hit with a brick.

Patting his shoulder she walked out of the room to see Dick sitting in the living room frowning. "Bruce told me that you're moving to Gotham for a bit" he said in a glum voice as she nodded. Having to leave her friends and her amazing boyfriend felt so unreal. "I have until the end of the week to be packed up. Can you come to my house to help me get my things?" She asked dreading the fact that she had to go to the place where her father and mother died. Zatanna never knew why they didn't move after her mother died.

Dick stood up and gave her a kiss. "Of course I'll help" he said as she gave him a hug. At first this took him off guard but he eventually wrapped his arms around her. "We have two hours until we have to be at the mall you think we can do this?" He asked as she looked up at him with a look of determination. "I know we can do this" she said before turning around and taking his hand. "Zachary can we go and start getting my things?" She asked as her cousin nodded. But that wasn't before he shot took an icy cold glare.

The drive was dead silent until they pulled up in front of the magic store. Stepping out she squeezed Dick's hand as she looked away. On the sidewalk in front of the store were candles, flowers and cards. People didn't have to be nice but they were. "Why are these people so nice!" She cried out pressing her face into Dick's arm as tears rolled down her cheeks. Zachary walked over to the candles that were now burnt out. Bending down he blew on them as the wicks flickered to life.

Dick stared in awe watching the flames dance beautifully on the many candles. "With death comes beauty" he whispered as Zatanna looked up at him. His blue eyes were glowing from staring at the small flames. She looked over and gave a small smile. It truly was a beautiful set up with the candles, flowers and cards. After they stood there for a minute admiring the memorial set up Zachary stood up. "Shall we get to it?" He asked opening the front door of the store. It was unlocked but everything was cleaned up and put in their proper places.

She took a deep breath and walked through the store. The hardest part was walking into the actual apartment upstairs. She let go of Dick's hand and began walking around the apartment. In the hallway was a family photo of her, her mother and her father. They were all smiling, they looked so happy. Knees buckling she fell and began to sob uncontrollably. He immediately went to comfort her as she cried into his chest. "I-I can't do this Dick" she cried out as he patted her back comfortingly.

He whispered encouraging words into her ear to try and make her feel better. After a couple minutes she stood up and wiped her watery eyes. He took her hand in his and intertwined their fingers. Walking into her room she began to go through the things she wanted to take with her. They were bringing back memories but she blocked them out as best as she could. But there was one thing that she couldn't block out. When she was pulling things out of her closet a doll fell out and hit the floor.

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