Chapter 49

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Sitting on the counter he winced when Megan dabbed his bloody nose with a wet cloth. "Sorry Gar" she said as he nodded. "I don't even know why she hit me either!" He exclaimed throwing his hands into the air. Conner was silently observing the two while leaning against the counter in the corner. The doorbell rang as Gar hopped off of the counter and walked to it. Opening it he was surprised to see Raven standing there holding her book. "H-hey" he said as his cheeks flushed a light pink.

Megan stuck her head in and giggled before disappearing back into the kitchen. Stepping outside he shut the door and sat on the front steps. She sat next to him and finally spoke up. "Are you okay?" She asked as he gave her another surprised look. This was the Raven he knew, right? "Yeah she only got me in the nose" he said shrugging it off as she nodded. Then he realized something. "You don't live anywhere near here, did you walk the opposite way to check on me?" He asked as she growled at him.

"Whatever I just came to see how you were is that a problem?" She spat standing up as he did as well. "No-no problem" he stuttered out as she held his gaze. "Do you wanna come in or-" "Sure" she responded as a smile appeared on his lips. Opening the door he walked in to see Megan and Conner making out on the couch. "How about we go around back" he said as she rolled her eyes at him. "They smooching?" She asked as he looked down and nodded. "Yep" he said popping the 'p' at the end.

She was taken aback seeing how nice the backyard was. I mean it wasn't huge as he lived in a townhouse but there were so many flowers. "Yeah sis likes to garden so this is her area" he said scratching the back of his head as a small smile appeared on her lips. The last time she had been in such a beautiful garden was when her mother was around. "Earth to Raven?" He asked waving his hand in front of her face as she snapped out of her daze. "So you live with that girl Kori which I think is totally cool but why?" He asked as she shot him a glare. "Don't ask" she grit through her teeth with a voice as cold as ice.

"Noted" he said quickly before walking over to the pond at the back. "Hey Raven you'll really get a kick out of this come here!" He called as she shuffled over across the soft green grass. Crouching down she put her book to the side and looked into the pond. Colourful black, silver, white and orange koi fish swam around gracefully. A large fish swam up to the surface as Gar looked over at her. "This is Sushi-" "Who the hell names their fish Sushi?" She cut in as he smirked. "Me cause he's my fish. See you can even pet him" he said sticking his hand in and stroking the big silver fishes fin.

     Rolling her eyes she looked away and turned her attention to the colourful garden. The wind blew as she closed her eyes and thought of a happy memory. "Raven watch out!" Gar yelled as she fell back into the cold pond. The fish swam away safe from harm as she resurfaced. He pulled her out as she coughed and sputtered out pond water. "Are you okay?" He asked with a worried face. "You couldn't hear me and you were leaning back and-" "Thank you" she said as he closed his mouth.

     Helping her up she shivered when the wind blew. "Here I'm sure we have some clothes" he said picking up her book and walking into the house.

     Walking hand in hand down the sidewalk his phone buzzed. "Ooh who is it?" Zatanna asked peeking at his phone. "Its just Wally he's trying to defend that bitch" he muttered shaking his head and texting his friend back. No homework was given to the two so they decided to go to the beach. "When we get there I need to take a photograph" she said as he glanced up from his phone and gave her a weird look. "Since when do you enjoy photography?" He asked stifling a laugh as she rolled her blue eyes.

     "Since I started a scrapbook!" She said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "And since when do you enjoy scrapbooking?" He continued to question as she sighed. "Since I told Mrs. Evans that I had a scrapbook I could use as my presentation on Thursday" she grumbled as he began laughing. "Its not funny!" She yelled crossing her arms and pouting. "Oh it is when I know you hate boring shit like that!" He laughed out as she elbowed him in the side. He laughed all the way to the beach as she sulked.

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