Chapter 58

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Waking up she sat up and yawned tiredly. Her and Kaldur agreed to take the wedding photos today by the beach. Looking over at the clock dazed her dark eyes shot open seeing the time. "Shit" she whisper yelled before jumping up in the bed. Getting caught in the sheets she fell to the floor and groaned. "Kal is so gonna kill me" she grumbled before untangling herself and running around the house. Taking a quick shower she washed her body in the new lavender soap that he bought her as a gift.

     Stepping out and wrapping her body in the fluffy blue towel she walked back to her room to get ready. Brushing her short wet hair and plugging the curling iron in she then went to her closet. Taking out the sleeveless high low dress with a glittery pink top and black skirt. Slipping it on she then ran back to the curling iron and began to curl her bangs to the side. Checking the clock she had five minutes before Kaldur would be here. "Time to do the quickest makeover in your life girl" she said looking herself in the mirror.

     She finished without a minute to spare as she ran to the front door. Putting on her black heels she opened the door to see Kaldur standing there with a smirk. "Good morning love" he said taking her hand and kissing it. Raven stood behind him in a violet romper with white lace around the bottom of the shorts, black sunhat and black gladiator sandals. "Are we going or not?" Raven asked in her usual dull voice. She nodded as she kissed Kaldur's cheek. Living right next to the beach was handy as they walked down the dock she was careful not to get her heels caught in the cracks.

When they stepped onto the sand she took her heels off and held them in her hand. "Right here" Raven said stopping as Roquette and Kaldur nodded. The first photo was of them walking hand in hand down the beach. Then there was the photo of her arms hooked around his neck and his around her waist as they stared into each other's eyes. A couple hours were spent there getting photo's taken in the scorching sun. The last one was of Kaldur looking up at Roquette who was on his back.

Raven reviewed the photo's and nodded proud of her hard work. Checking the time on her phone she smiled. "We should get lunch. Raven I think we owe you lunch so what do you say?" She asked as the pale girl looked up. Her hat shadowed her face making her look mysterious. "As long as its not near Garfield Logan then I'm fine" she grumbled as they both smiled. Walking down the sidewalk in the City she intertwined their fingers. "Kal?" She asked looking up at him.

He looked down and gave her a warm smile. "Yes love" he answered as she smiled. "Isn't it weird that no one has texted us? I mean Zee is usually spamming my phone with funny videos she finds on Instagram" she said as he shrugged not knowing an answer. Ever so often Raven would stop to take a photo of buildings and people just being normal. They agreed to go into an Italian restaurant and got seated at a booth. "Just a couple months" she said as turning her head and kissing his cheek. A light shade of red appeared flushed on his cheeks as he smiled and returned the favor onto her lips.

"How may I help you three?" The waiter asked appearing out of nowhere. "Can I get a water and the spaghetti" Raven said as the waiter scribbled her order onto the note pad. Kaldur ordered the shrimp pasta while Roquette stuck with the spicy pasta. "These are some of the photos" Raven said sliding the camera across the table to them. Picking it up Kaldur leaned over as she looked through the photo's. Slowly a happy grin spread across her face going from cheek to cheek.

"Raven these are astounding" Kaldur said as the girl looked away embarrassed. Clearly she didn't like being praised. The food came as Roquette gave Raven her camera back. "Honestly girl you are gifted in photography" she said while popping a noodle in her mouth.

Sitting on the empty bleachers he watched his boyfriend run around the track. In the summer Bart was on the track team for Happy Harbor. Today there was no meet but he went to run anyways. Bart had asked Jaime if he wanted to run with him but he kindly refused. Jaime was more happy to just be the nice boyfriend who cheered him on and gave him water. They had been there for three hours already and he was beginning to get worried. Bart hadn't had a single sip of water since they got here.

Staring down at his phone he glanced up every other minute. On moment Bart was running and the next he was lying on the ground. Dropping his phone Jaime jumped from the bleachers and ran across the track. Like he thought Bart was dehydrated again. "Usted me va a dar un ataque cardíaco un día mi amor (You're going to give me a heart attack one day my love)" he said picking up his unconscious boyfriend and carrying him to the shady bleachers. Splashing some water on Bart's face he immediately sat up.

"I passed out again didn't I?" He asked as Jaime loomed over him with his arms crossed. "Tienes suerte su lindo de lo contrario estarías muerto por hacer eso (You are so lucky your cute otherwise you would be dead for doing that)" he grumbled as Bart raised an eyebrow. "What was that Blue?" Bart asked now taking a sip of his water. Jaime still didn't know why Bart called him Blue. "Nothing" he muttered with his arms still crossed. "That so wasn't crash" Bart groaned lying back on the bench on the bleacher.

Sweat dripped from his face as he wiped it away with his wrist. "Its too hot to run anymore. Wanna go get some ice cream?" He asked looking up at Jaime with hid best puppy dog eyes. Jaime looked over and immediately got drawn into his hypnotizing gaze. "Ugh you make it so hard to say no" he groaned as Bart smiled standing up and grabbing Jaime's hand. "That's why you can't resist me" Bart said wiggling his eyebrows. A nearby ice cream shop was open as they walked in and got two chocolate cones.

Bart's eyes were drawn to the news report on the television. "Oh that is so moded" he said seeing Zatanna and her Father's face on the screen. Jaime turned around himself as his face fell. "Her Dad was murdered last night" Bart said gulping. Being the quick person he is his ice cream was gone but Jaime still had half of it to eat. They both began to feel sick to their stomachs as they sighed. "I'm done cariño let's go" Jaime said as Bart nodded eyeing his uneaten ice cream.

Holding it out Bart eagerly took it and finished it within a minute flat. Walking down the sidewalk they both stayed awkwardly silent. After seeing the news report they were both feeling sick to their stomachs. "We can go to my house. Wally isn't there and my Aunt and Uncle are at work" Bart said as Jaime nodded. Every time he looked at Bart he had to tilt his head down to see him. The teen was a head taller than Bart which had its advantages and disadvantages. The walk was calming as he listened to Bart ramble on about things that just came to his mind.

     Like Bart said the house was empty as the two fell onto the couch. Bart leaned on him all sweaty and gross as Jaime pushed his head away from him. "Please do me a favor and take a shower cariño you stink" he said as Bart smirked evilly. Trying to give Jaime a hug they ended up chasing each other around the living room. Bart was way faster and caught Jaime within a minute as they tumbled to the floor. "Do you even care that I'm sweaty?" He asked batting his eyes and staring down at his boyfriend.

     Jaime's dark eyes lit up. "No not really" he said as Bart leaned down and kissed him. Breaking apart for air Bart was still straddling his waist with a smirk. "So what does car-in-o mean?" He asked butchering the word horribly as Jaime cringed. "Search it up cariño" he taunted as Bart rolled his emerald eyes and stood up running to grab his phone pulling up the google translate. "Wow you definitely are lazy" Jaime muttered rolling his eyes.

Skycrystal23  ;) 

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