Chapter 47

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     Something slammed down onto her face as she woke up. "What the fu-" "Wake up" Raven said in a grumpy voice. Zee looked around to see everyone else already dressed and ready for school. "Crap. Artemis can I borrow some clothes?" She asked as the blonde glanced up from her phone and nodded. "We'll be downstairs just hurry up" she said as Zee nodded quickly changing into jeans and a black long sleeved crop top. Running down the stairs she slipped her shoes on and grabbed her bag.

     The group of girls walked down the sidewalk chattering to each other about the latest gossip. "Friend Zatanna are you the okay?" Kori asked as she looked over at the tall girl. "No I'm miserable" she said as Kori nodded giving her a bone crushing hug. "I heard that hugs make people do the better of feeling" Kori said as Zatanna nodded with a slightly blue tint to her face. The girl let her go and Zatanna took in a deep breath. "So Raven any guys your interested in?" She asked as the goth looked over at her.

     She had on black jeans and a dark purple hoodie to hide her face. "No" she said in a monotone voice. "I'm pretty sure Garfield is totes into you" Megan said cutting in as Raven crossed her arms and blushed a light pink. "Ah young love" Zee mumbled looking up at the cloudy sky. Eventually they all arrived at school and met up with the boys. "Hey Conner" Megan greeted kissing his cheek softly. Tim and Cassie both waved hello with a faint blush spread across their cheeks.

     The most awkward part was the fact that Linda was back. "Hey guys" Roquette said walking over holding Kaldur's hand. "Wait I can sense an overwhelming sense of happiness" Zatanna said as they both blushed. "Oh my god no way" Megan said as they all looked at the red shocked head. Scurrying over she held Roquette's hand up and pointed to the ring on her finger. "Is that what I think it is?" Artemis asked as Roquette nodded resting her head against Kaldur's arm.

     All of the girls squealed and dragged Roquette away towards the school entrance. "Where did he ask you?" Megan asked curiously as her eyes lit up with excitement. "On the beach by the pier" she said as they all awed at how adorable that sounded. "Oh to do the saving of money friend Raven should do the taking of photos!" Kori said excitedly. All of the girls turned to look at Raven she looked down. "Friend Raven takes the most joyous of photos!" Kori exclaimed as the girl looked up with a small smile.

"I mean if your up to it Raven I'd gladly have you as my photographer" Roquette said as Raven pulled her hood down. "I'll do it. I have nothing better to do anyways" she said with a shrug as Kori cheered and clapped her hands happily. "Hey Zatanna!" A voice yelled as someone hugged her from behind tightly. "Please before you do anything I'm so sorry for whatever I did and I'm miserable just knowing that your mad at me!" The voice cried out as she let out a heavy sigh.

Turning around she saw Dick with his shades on and he looked paler than usual. Staring up at him she took his shades off gently to reveal his puffy blue eyes. "Did you kiss Barbara purposely?" She asked as his blue eyes went wide. "No Zee she pushed herself onto me! I would never cheat on someone as beautiful and smart as you" he said as her heart fluttered. Everyone awed as she wrapped her arms around him and pressed her face into his chest. "You ass I really thought you cheated on me!" She yelled as tears spilled from her eyes wetting his shirt.

     When she pulled away he felt a stinging pain go across his cheek. "That's for making me worry!" She huffed before leaning up and pressing her lips to his. "And that's because I love you!" She yelled before crossing her arms and walking to class. Dick stood there in confusion as he had his hand to his cheek watching Zatanna walk into the school. The girls followed Zatanna into the school as Wally began laughing his ass off. "Oh that was hilarious!" He laughed out as Dick glared at him.

     The red head stopped abruptly when his phone began ringing. "Hello? Yeah I'm at school-" "Hey Wally did you-" Artemis said running out of the school towards the two boys. Her and Wally both stared at each other as Dick rolled his eyes. "Okay love you see you later" he said before hanging up his phone. "Sorry I was talking to Linda what did you say?" He asked as a sharp pain hit her heart at the mention of Linda. "N-nothing it was nothing" she said balling her hands into fists before walking back towards the school.

     Wally stood there in confusion as Dick face palmed. "What?!" He said aloud as Dick groaned. "Just-nothing Wally" Dick said walking into the school as Wally chased after him. "Seriously you can't give me a stupid look and not tell me what you want to say" he said as the younger teen shook his head. They walked down the hall and left towards their classes. Wally grumbled heading to Science Class to see Artemis at their Lab table. "What killed your mood?" She asked as he sat down next to her.

     "Nothing just Dick being a dick" he grumbled as she rolled her steel grey eyes. Usually he was so interested in Science Class but he couldn't seem to focus. His mind kept making him look over at the blonde beauty sitting next to him. "Wally you already have a girlfriend! You and Artemis are just friends!" He scolded himself in his mind. "Wally? Kid Idiot!" She yelled as he snapped out of his trance. Blinking a couple times he realized class was over and she was looming over him.

     Unfortunately for him this semester they had the first two periods together. "You were spaced out the entire class what's up? Usually its hard to pry you away from Science Class" she said as he looked over at her. The sunlight cascading through the hallways windows fell on her perfectly giving her skin a beautiful glow. "Just preoccupied is all" he sputtered out as a light blush traveled up his neck and spread across his cheeks. Shrugging she put her headphones into her ears as and began tapping her hand against the binder she was holding.

     Their class was photography that they both had to take for a mandatory credit. The class was outside and their objective was to take a picture of something beautiful. "Can we go in the forest?" Artemis asked as the teacher nodded dismissing the class to take their photos. "Are you coming Wally?" She asked with the cameras hanging around her neck. He shook his head from his daze and nodded following her to the forest. The river ran through it which gave off a calming vibe while walking passed it.

     His mind was clouded with thoughts of the blonde beauty and Linda. Did he still like Linda or was he getting feelings for Artemis? "Hey is this a good photo?" She asked walking over and holding her camera up to the red head. Looking at the photo it was of the river with the sun cascading through the trees. It was a true work of art in his opinion. Then an idea popped into his head as his cheeks flushed a bright red. "Hey could I maybe take a photo of you?" He asked nervously as her body froze.

     Did Wally just ask to take a photo of her? "The assignment is to take a photo of something beautiful" she said as a goofy smile appeared on his face. "But you are" he said as she looked away with a blush forming on her cheeks. He dragged her over to the river where a broken tree hung over the little waterfall. "So lay back on the tree and look towards the camera" he said as she carefully climbed onto the fallen tree. The rushing water filled her ears as she carefully lied down and looked towards the camera.

     He smirked and looked at her for a moment. "Okay let one arm hang down and the other lay just above your eye. Put one leg up and look at the camera" he said as she rolled her eyes and did as told. The camera snapped the photo as he looked at it with a warm smile. The colours in the photo made it look ten times better. She carefully climbed down and ran over to him. "This better be a great damn photo Wallace West!" She yelled as he showed her the photo. Looking at herself with the colours and light like that felt warming.

     She had never viewed herself like this before. "See now that's something beautiful" he said as she blushed. "You could be a model" he continued noticing how flustered she was getting. Everything felt ten times better when he was with her yet he didn't really know why. The air just felt lighter. Walking back to the school they developed their photos in the photograph room and handed them in. The bell rang signaling lunch as she disappeared in the crowd of students.

     It didn't matter because he would see her at the lunch table anyways. While at his locker he felt someone jump on him. Slightly alarmed he turned around to see Linda. She pressed her lips to his and it felt really horrible to him. It just didn't feel right for some reason. "Hey Linda" he said awkwardly scratching the back of his neck. "Hey baby" she said hooking her arm in his. "Lets go eat lunch. I've missed you!" She said as he sighed and let her drag him to the cafeteria. When they approached the table he noticed how Artemis's face fell into a frown. A wave of guilt rushed over him as he felt at fault for Artemis looking so upset.

Skycrystal23  ;) 

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