Chapter 61

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A week had passed and it was dead silent around the school. Even the teacher's were quiet and half of the students just looked glum. Zatanna had been staying at Dick's place until the childcare agency decided where she could go. Her mind was in shambles as she sat in class staring off into space. "Her Zee" a nervous voice said as her head slowly turned to the side. Megan took a seat next to the girl giving her a grim smile. Not even Megan was her usually cheery self it was that depressing.

Zatanna was a well known student and her father used to volunteer at the school so teacher's knew him as a friend. Hearing that he had been murdered leaving Zatanna alone just made most people's heart's breaks. Well everyone's except Barbars, Linda and Hilary's. Unfortunately those three girl's were content to make her life a living hell. "We're all going to the mall after school do you want to come?" Megan asked in a small voice being careful not to scare Zatanna. The ebony was being treated as a china doll that could break with one wrong move placing it somewhere it wasn't supposed to be.

She gave a small nod with the same face she had been wearing for what seemed like forever. Nobody really knew what she was feeling inside with the exception of six people. Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, Garfield Logan, Wally West, Raven Roth and Artemis Crock. They had all lost their parents in one way or another. "Okay well I'm going to go to my seat but I'll see you at lunch okay?" Megan said giving her a small smile before standing up and heading to her own seat. A couple minutes passed as students started showing up and taking their seats.

The chair next to her slid out as someone took a seat. "Hey Raven" she finally spoke looking over seeing the pale girl. "Hey Zatanna. How are you feeling?" The girl asked showing some emotion on her face. Today she was sporting a purple hoodie, black ripped jeans and black combat boots. "Okay. Its strange not waking up in my room, or waking up to hear his voice" she said softly as Raven nodded knowing the feeling. "When my mother passed everything felt different. You miss the subtle things like their smiles, laugh and questions like 'how was school today? Did you do your homework?' And other stuff like that" she responded with her voice cracking slightly. When class was starting the door flung open as Linda and Hilary strutted in and sat behind them.

     Fashionably late as always. "Hey how's your Dad doing? I heard that it gets cold this time of year when your six feet underground" Hilary taunted in a whisper as Linda snickered. Zatanna's hands balled into fists but she didn't say anything. Silence was loud enough as words being said. "Oh and is that Raven Roth? How's your Dad I heard he went to jail for what was it? Oh yeah Babs pulled up his file and told us. Child Abuse was it? He escaped but they caught him again" Linda said as Raven's eyes sparked with anger and hurt.

     Zatanna tilted her head slightly. Nobody knew where Raven's parents were, only that her mother was dead. She never talked about her father but they guessed that Kori knew. "Do you prefer your pain to be in public or behind closed doors?" Raven suddenly asked turning around to face the two smirking girls. They were older than her but she knew how to take care of herself. "Excuse me?" Linda asked slightly appalled at what she just said to them. "I could smash your faces into your desks right now or kick the shit out of you later, so which one?" She asked tilting her head to the side slightly and giving them a smile full of hatred.

     Raven could be really creepy and scary when she needed to be. The class was all having discussion's with each other at the moment. Their teacher was called to the office for a couple minutes. "Is this little bitch serious?" Hilary asked as her fake nails raked against the desk. Within a mere second two banging sounds were heard as Hilary and Linds screeched. Raven turned back around and pulled the hood up on her hoodie. Taking a book out she continued to read the page she was last on.

     Zatanna glanced back seeing the two girls holding their noses as blood dripped from them. "What has happened?" Their teacher asked walking back in and scurrying over to them. "Well Miss when Linda and Hilary were walking in they turned around and smacked into each other. It looked rather hard as they fell on the floor before taking their seats. I can escort them to the nurses office if you would like?" Raven asked pulling her hood down. "Y-you did this this!" Hilary yelled pointing her finger at the emotionless girl. "You two really must've hit each other hard. Come I'll take you two to the nurses office" Raven said standing up. No one in the class spoke up as they were still in shock.

     Zatanna had a small smirk on her face seeing justice being served to the two attention whores. "Thank you Miss Roth I'll notify the nurses office letting them know" their teacher said before walking to her desk and speaking on the phone. "Come now we wouldn't want you getting anymore hurt than you already are would we?" Raven said with a sinister smile as the two girls got up and carefully followed her out of the class. Zatanna sat at her desk and took a deep breath. The teacher was on the phone so she quickly sent a message to the group chat explaining what had just happened.

     Class dragged on until the bell rang for lunch. Slowly putting her binder and book in her bag Megan walked over with the cheeriest smile she could muster. "So what I read in the chat, is it really true I mean I heard the loud bangs but I didn't see anything" Megan said as she stood up and swung the bag over her shoulder. She gave a small nod as Megan made an 'O' with her mouth. They silently walked to her locker as she put her bag in and grabbed the lunch bag inside. "You made your lunch?" Megan asked as Zatanna shook her head. "Dick's Butler Alfred makes everyone lunch. Dick usually just doesn't take it with him" she said in a small voice.

     The cafeteria was filled today since it was chilly outside. During Spring, Summer and Fall most people sit outside to enjoy the nice weather. They took their seat at the large table still waiting for most of their friend's to come in. "Hey Zee" a warm voice said as they kissed the top of her head. Dick sat on her other side and gave her a smile. Opening the lunch bag she pulled out a soda pop, three chocolate chip cookies and spicy pasta. "Alfie made cooki-" Dick began to whine before the ebony shoved a cookie in his mouth.

     They all lightly laughed at her action as Dick crossed his arms and chewed on the cookie. Raven walked in and immediately they watched as Kori stood up and gave her a hug. "What was that for?" Artemis asked walking in with Wally's arm draped around her shoulder. Everyone knew they were a thing now. When they found out Megan almost yelled with joy that her ship finally had sailed. When everyone was sitting at the table Cassie began speaking. "Okay so we're all going to the mall tonight yes?" She asked as everyone nodded as she put that in check.

     Zatanna rested her head against Dick's shoulder as he wrapped his arm around her for comfort. "Okay so we know that but does everyone know where we're going to meet. Its easy enough getting everybody to go but getting everybody in the same place at the same time is like getting Wally and Artemis to agree on something" the blonde said. "Hey!" Wally and Artemis both yelled before everyone at the table broke out into laughter. Even Zatanna had a small smile on her face.

     Her friends were just a bunch of comedians. School dragged on after that until it was finally the end of the day. "How was your day?" Dick asked meeting up with her as they walked down the hall. She gave a simple shrug before stopping at her locker and putting her binders and books in. "Bruce texted me during class. He said that they found someone from your family. They're at the Manor waiting right now" he said with a small smile as her blue eyes filled with hope. Her mind had been so preoccupied lately that she hadn't had time to think about what other family she had.

     "Well come on then Boy Wonder" she said with a small smile before closing her locker and running out of the school. He ran after her as they got in his car and sped back to the Manor. Running in her heart immediately stopped when she saw who was standing there. "Zachary" she said before running to him and giving him a hug.

A/N: Okay so Zachary is her cousin but in the comics he's younger but let's just say he's like twenty-three or something.

Skycrystal23  ;)  

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