Chapter 56

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     The sun was beginning to set as she pulled on her costume. "How do I look?" She asked as Jade sat on her bed eating a bag of chips. Her sister was already upset about the little prank Roy played on her this morning. "Okay can the cranky Jade please leave?" She asked with her hands on her hips. "I do not appreciate my stomach bring painted as a pumpkin while I'm asleep" she snapped as Artemis put her hands up in defense. Pulling the mask over her face and tying her hair in a ponytail she smiled.

     The doorbell rang as she rolled her eyes and grabbed her bow and quiver. Leaving Jade in her room she walked down the stairs and opened the front door. "Hey-Woah" he said looking at her costume with flushed cheeks. "Ollie I'm leaving!" She yelled as her voice echoed off of the walls. Walking outside the crisp wind hit her stomach and arms. "Your not actually going to use that are you?" He asked as she smirked. "Not if I don't need to" she said as he paled following her down the driveway.

     "Okay so we're supposed to meet everyone down by the forest" he said as she sighed and nodded. The forest was just at the back of the school and it was a shortcut they took to get home if they ever walked. "What's Bart doing?" She asked as Wally shrugged. "Going to the dance with Jaime" he said as she nodded looking up at the sky. It was only five o'clock as the sun was beginning to set. The dance was starting in an hour as they picked up the pace heading towards the forest.

It was eerily quiet as they walked alongside each other. A creepy cackled rang through the air as someone landed on the lamppost and jumped down. On instinct she knocked an arrow in her bow and held it up. "Relax its just me!" The person yelled taking their mask off. "Boo!" A feminine voice said behind them as Wally and Artemis screamed. Dick and Zatanna began to burst out in laughter seeing the reaction they got out of their friends. "Not funny dude" Wally said with his hands on his hips.

After they finished laughing it was quiet again. "Nice costume Artemis" Zee complimented as the blonde smiled. "Yours looks great too" she said as Zatanna nodded with a smile. "It was my Mom's I just altered it so it would fit me" she said as her smile began to fade off of her face. Finally arriving at the edge of the dark forest a bunch of laughter and voices sounded from behind them. Walking down the hill was Jaime, Bart, Cassie, Tim, Garfield, Raven, Kori, Kaldur and Roquette all in costume.

"So is everyone here?" Dick asked as everyone began talking amongst each other. "I think so" she said fixing the arrows in her quiver. A gust of wind blew by them all as they walked through the dark forest. The breaking of a twig made them all jump as Wally grabbed her hand. "Can I hold your hand until we're out of the forest?" He asked as she rolled her eyes. "Whatever" she said with a faint blush spread across her cheeks. "I am sorry for causing you such stress by stepping on the twig" Kori apologized.

     After many more screams they ran out of the forest and into the school. She looked down to see him still holding her hand. "S-sorry" he stuttered out letting her hand go. The music was blaring in the gymnasium as they all walked in. "Excuse me everyone we are now going to start the costume contest" one of the teachers said over the microphone. The girls' group was called up first.

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