Chapter 79

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Jason had a smirk on his face as he swiped Roy's beer and took a sip. "Hey!" Roy yelled as Jason handed it back. "Oh fuck off Harper!" He spat crossing his arms over his chest. All of the boy's began to mingle about it before they agreed. "Ah strip poker it is" Jason said as they all sat down in a circle on the floor. The game started and it actually became quite hilarious. The only one still fully clothed was Dick. "How the hell haven't you taken something off yet!" Wally yelled pointing over to the smirking ebony.

Dick just shrugged his shoulders with a sly smirk. Everyone else was losing pretty badly. Tim and Jason weren't that bad off with only their shirts off. "Cassie really did a number on you" Dick snickered as Tim groaned covering his reddened face with his hands. Another round later and Jason smirked. "Okay pay up Dickiebird" he said as his older brother sighed and took his shirt off. "Finally that fucker lost!" Wally yelled as everyone glared at Dick. He had a winning streak and had finally had to strip a piece of clothing from his body.

He wasn't even skinny though which was the worst part. Dick looked ten times better without his shirt on. A couple more rounds later there was a knock at the front door. They had the Manor to themselves as Bruce and Alfred decided to stay at a hotel. The excuse was that 'it was for their better well-being that they not witness anything they don't want to'. "Hey you have to answer it with your shirt off!" Jason yelled as Dick rolled his blue eyes and stood up. When the front door opened he paled.

Staring at the girls who stood at the door as they began to giggle. "Where's my fiancé?" Roquette asked with her hands on her hips glaring at Dick. Gulping he moved out of the way to let them in. They walked in and immediately stood there in shock. "What the hell are you guy's doing?!" Artemis yelled as Wally squeaked and ran off with his clothes to change. "Its called strip poker sweetie" Jason said with a wink as the blonde flipped him off. "Ooh feisty" he teased as she rolled her steel grey eyes.

Then his eyes flickered with mischief for a brief moment. "Would you girl's like to join us or are you chickens?" He said with a challenging smirk on his face. The girls all glanced over at each other for a moment. "Whatever we'll play" Zatanna said stepping through the group and walking over taking a seat on the floor. "Okay reset the game" Roy said as the guy's put their clothes back on. Wally walked back in dressed as he sat down next to Artemis. "Why the hell were you playing strip poker?" She whisper yelled as he nervously laughed.

The game began again and the girls were a lot smarter than they looked. Artemis lost as she thought about which article of clothing she would take off. "Since I'm not a chicken like the rest of you girls" she said taking her shirt off as the guys' eyes went wide. "Hey don't look at my girlfriend!" Wally yelled wrapping his arms around her as he glared at everyone else. "Its okay babe I only have eyes for you" she said kissing his cheek as he blushed a light pink. The game continued as Cassie was huddled under the blanket with Tim.

She kept yawning and dozing off as Tim nudged her. "Yeah?" She asked rubbing her eyes. "You lost" he said as she sighed. There was no way in hell she was taking her bra off so she stood up and took her pants off. Quickly she jumped back under the blanket and snuggled up to Tim. "Isn't that cheating?" Jason asked sending a smirk towards Tim. He put an arm around Cassie protectively as he glared at his brother. "Fuck off Jason" he growled as Jason rolled his eyes.

Jason was only here to instigate things so it would be more interesting. His eyes glanced over to Megan who was hiding behind Conner. "Hey dude why's your girlfriend hiding? Its called strip poker for a reason. Let us all enjoy their beauty" he said as the room got awkwardly silent. Jason had death glares coming at him from every which way. "Screw you guy's I'm going for a smoke" he growled standing up and pulling his shirt on before leaving. Cassie just wasn't having luck play on her side today.

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