Chapter 40

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     A crack of sunlight flooded into the room. "Get up" a voice said before a pillow went flying at the archer's face. "Roy piss off!" She yelled hiding under the green covers of her bed. "Come downstairs and meet my girlfriend she's coming over for breakfast" he said as she sat up in bed. Standing up she crossed her arms and glared at the red head. "Get out of my room so I can change then" she grit through his teeth as he rolled his eyes. "Whatever replacement just be downstairs in twenty" he said before walking out of the now bright room.

Slipping on a pair of jeans, green tank top and brown jacket she brushed her hair and went downstairs. "So Ollie who's this girl Roy's bringing over?" She asked looking through the fridge and pulling out a bottle of water. Oliver was sitting at the table looking at the newspaper. "Apparently she's a big deal to him considering he's never let us meet his other girlfriend's unless we walked in on them" Ollie said as the blonde looked away in slight disgust. "Yeah thanks for putting the picture of Roy banging dozens of girls in my head" she said as Ollie looked up at her and stuck his tongue out until the doorbell rang.

Fast paced footsteps were heard before Roy ran through the kitchen. "I'll get it!" He yelled as Ollie and Artemis made their way to the front foyer. "Where's Dinah?" She whispered to Ollie as he raised an eyebrow. "Having breakfast with Diana in town" he said as she nodded. The door opened and Artemis's jaw dropped. "J-Jade?" She managed to stutter out as Roy scratched the back of his head awkwardly. The older girl stood there looking at Artemis in surprise. "I thought you were gone!" The blonde snapped angrily.

Emotions bubbled inside of the two as Jade walked forward towards Artemis. The blonde looked up at her with tears in her eyes. The next thing Jade did was very unexpected; she hugged her. "Shhh I'm sorry for leaving but living with Dad wasn't working" she said as the blonde began to cry. "I thought I was alone....Dad killed Mom in front of me and Lillana then he tried to kill me" she cried out. Artemis never cried but seeing her sister made her spill everything that has happened out to her.

     Jade nodded patting the blondes back soothingly. "I went to Mom's funeral and Dad saw me. When everyone left he took his gun out and started shooting at me. Bullet got me in the shoulder but I ran before he could kill me. Then I met Roy by bumping into him while trying to find a place to hide. He took me back to his place and fixed me up and that's how we met" she said as the blonde nodded. "Dad beat me mercilessly to the point where I could barely walk. I only escaped because Lillana sacrificed herself so I could have a fighting chance" she said as Jade nodded.

     Artemis's tears soaked into the fabric of Jade's shirt. "Oh there's also a reason he wanted to introduce me to you guys" she said as her and Artemis broke apart. The blonde wiped her tears from her cheeks before Jade spoke. "I'm pregnant" she said as the room went dead silent. "Say again?" Ollie said as Roy fidgeted in the place he was standing. "I'm P-R-E-G-N-A-N-T, pregnant" Jade said as Oliver paled and shot Roy a glare. "Look she's going to stay here I mean she's been here for awhile anyways" Roy said quickly.

     Oliver's eye twitched as he took a deep breath. "You have three seconds to run" he said as the red head laughed. "Yeah right-" "Three two one" Ollie said before running after Roy. Yelling perused around the Mansion as Jade moved so she was standing beside Artemis. "Look I'm sorry Alice" she said using her nickname for Artemis. "Jeez this must really mean a lot to you if you used my nickname from when I was five" Artemis said sarcastically.

     "So you show up in my life again and your pregnant. So that means I'm going to be an Aunt" she said coming to terms with what has just happened. "Yes unless your adoptive Dad or whatever doesn't kill my boyfriend first" Jade said as they both chuckled. "Yo Ollie give Roy a break he's going to be a Dad!" She yelled as a loud yell rang through the house. "Roy Harper get your ass over here!" Oliver's voice rang through the house. A knock at the door was heard as they turned around.

     Wally stood there at the opened door looking quite awkward. "Is this a good time or..." "No come in" Artemis said softly as he walked in and stood next to Artemis. "Who's the scrawny red head?" Jade asked pursing her lips and furrowing her brows at the boy. "My friend Wally" she said as Jade snorted. "Sure looks like a Wally" she muttered under her breath. Roy ran back over and hid behind Jade. Oliver ran in with a pissed look on his face. "Artemis you ever get pregnant-" "Don't worry Ollie there's no guy with enough balls to ask me out" she said with a sad sigh.

     Wally's eyes softened when he heard what she said. "You wouldn't hit a girl that was pregnant would you?" Roy asked hiding behind his girlfriend. "Roy I'm not going to solve every problem of yours" Jade said taking a step over so Roy was in the open. After another thirty minutes of watching Oliver chase Roy around the house it stopped. "Oh shit I forget come on!" Wally yelled grabbing Artemis's wrist and dragging her towards the door. "What?" She asked snatching her hand back.

     He tapped his two fingers together and looked down nervously. "Well we were all going to the carnival and I was supposed to pick you up thirty minutes ago" he said as the blonde growled. "Jade's coming with us" she said crossing her arms and glaring at him. "I'm going where?" Jade asked walking over and seeing Artemis glaring hard at the red head. "The carnival" she grit through her teeth as Jade immediately shook her head. "No, no carnival!" She protested as Artemis shook her head.

     Grabbing Jade's arm she dragged her to Wally's car and shoved her in the back. "Cái quái gì Artemis này là bắt cóc! (what the hell Artemis this is kidnap!)" she yelled in Vietnamse as Artemis rolled her steel grey eyes. Wally got in the car slightly confused. "Vui vẻ với em gái của bạn không bắt cóc Jade (Fun with your sister is not kidnap Jade)" she shot back as the ebony crossed her arms. Wally drove in silence with a confused look on his face as the two girls argued back and forth in Vietnamese.

     "Okay what are you two saying?" He asked a couple minutes later at a red light. "None of your business!" They both said at the same time. He put his hands up in defense before driving when the light turned green. When they arrived at the carnival he walked texting Dick as the two girls argued behind him. They met up with everyone ad Dick raised an eyebrow. "We only needed one Artemis not two" he said as Megan looked at Conner confused. "There can't be two because she has different coloured eyes and hair" she pointed out as everyone sighed.

     "Hey Arty cut it out and introduce your sister" he said elbowing the blonde as she growled. "đây là-I mean this is Jade. She's my sister that's apparently dating Roy and I only found out forty minutes ago" she sputtered out as everyone looked at each other then nodded. "Hi I'm Megan!" Megan said in a cheerful voice. Jade pursed her lips and crossed her arms. "Sorry for her lack of social skills she was raised by my Dad" she grit through her teeth. Artemis noticed that a couple of their new friends were there.

     Cassie was standing next to that guy Tim looking quite flustered. Kori and Raven were talking to each other well more like Kori was chatting away while Raven stood their nodding. "You guys are like thirty minutes late" Dick commented dryly. "I know but I got distracted watching Oliver chase Roy around the Mansion" Wally said as Dick nodded. "Lets enjoy some rides and crappy games now shall we?" He asked as everyone cheered. They all broke up into groups and parted ways agreeing to meet up for lunch in an hour.

     Artemis was in a group with Jade, Kori, Dick, Zatanna and Wally. This was going to be one long hour before lunch.

Skycrystal23  ;)

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