Chapter 71

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It was just like the beginning of another day except today it was Christmas. Raven sat on the edge of the bathtub patting Kori's back as she continued to puke. She was getting increasingly worried for her older sister figure. "Take this" she said walking to the medicine cabinet and pulling out a thin box. "What is it?" Kori asked wiping her face with tissue and flushing the toilet. "A pregnancy test. I had my suspicions the second time you threw up in the morning" she said as Kori took the little box and opened it.

Raven walked forward and quickly gave the red head a hug. "Just know that whatever it says I'll be here for you, we're sisters after all" she said as Kori smiled and hugged her back. Raven pulled away and walked outside of the washroom to give her some privacy. After the incident with her father a couple years ago Kori took her in. Her parents were rich but oddly never here so it was just the two of them. She knew Kori had an older sister. But that's all she knew, well except for the fact that she was in prison.

The door opened and Kori had a sickeningly happy grin on her face. "Raven you will be the Auntie!" Kori yelled in a fake happy tone as she hugged her. "But we cannot do the telling of the other people. This is the secret" she said as Raven nodded understanding. "How are you going to hide it?" She asked raising an eyebrow as they walked downstairs. On Christmas they usually just ordered Chinse food and sat by the television watching reruns of old Christmas specials.

"I do not know" she said looking down as Raven sighed patting her back. Just then there was a cheery sounding knock at the front door. Shuffling over Raven opened the door only to go wide eyed. "Oh hello friend Megan!" Kori chimed wrapping her arms around her stomach. "Gar told me that you were sick and weren't going to do anything for Christmas. My Uncle J'ohnn has to work so i thought we could come here and help cook and stuff!" Megan yelled happily as Raven let them in.

Gar trailed behind as Raven grabbed him and dragged him off. "You told you sister we weren't doing anything for Christmas?!" She whisper yelled as he nervously scratched the back of his head. "Well I kind of wanted to see you" he said as she blushed a light red not sure of what to say. "T-thanks" she stuttered out before turning on her heel and walking into the living room. "How did you do the finding of the house?" Kori asked as her and Megan sat on the couch. "Gar knew the street but your house is the only one without Christmas lights" Megan said as Raven shot Garfield a hard glare.

Raven offered to get everyone hot chocolate as she walked to the kitchen. "So Rae about the last time I saw you" he said from behind her as she sighed. Why was he so content on following her and asking her questions? "Why? Are you going to just date me and then hurt me when you're done with me?" She asked coldly as her grip on the counter tightened. Too many bad memories from her time with her father were flooding back. "No I actually really like you Raven, and um I was wondering if we could like go on a date?" He asked as she froze in place.

Was he asking her out? "I don't want to be hurt" she said turning around. He walked towards her trying to look intimidating but it wasn't working that well. He was shorter than her which made him look sillier. "Come on Rae please" he begged giving her his best puppy dog eyes. She rolled her eyes and sighed. "Whatever" she muttered as his eyes lit up happily. "I'll take that as a yes!" He yelled dashing out of the kitchen yelling happily. "Garfield I brought you in here to help me carry these so get your ass in here!" She yelled as he came running back in and nodding happily.

Sitting by the window she looked out at the snowy City. "Zatanna are you going to help me cook or not?" Zachary yelled from the kitchen. Standing up she grabbed her phone and shuffled the kitchen. Lately she had not been feeling the greatest but her new friends and Zachary have been helping her through it. "Zee you look so glum" he said ruffling her dark hair trying to get her to smile. Her ice blue eyes just didn't have that shine anymore. Phone chiming she took it out and saw the text.

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