Chapter 22

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They walked into the Manor and Dick to her to his room. "I'll get you some clothes while you take a shower" he said before heading to the door. He gave her one last look before leaving the room. She walked into the washroom and stared at herself in the mirror. Her arm had a bruise on it from the hard grip the guy had on it. Turning the hot shower on she stepped in and began scrubbing herself raw. She was hoping that she would feel clean after but she didn't. Although she was now washed she still didn't feel clean at all.

He walked in and saw her sitting on his bed wrapped in a towel. "Here I got these from the dryer" he said handing her a warm pair of track pants and a warm sweatshirt. "Thank you" she whispered before standing up and shuffling to the washroom to change. Walking out she noticed that he wanted to say something. "You need to tell your dad" he said as she shook her head. "No, I can't" she muttered as he walked over and wrapped his arms around her.

He kissed the top of her head as she buried her face into his chest. "He'll flip" she mumbled as he rubbed her back for comfort. "Zee you have to tell he would want to know" he said as she gave a small nod. "Can you come with me?" She asked looking up at him with her watery blue eyes. "Of course" he whispered hugging her tighter. She began sobbing as her tears stained his uniforms shirt. "Is Miss Zatanna alright?" Alfred asked walking in with a concerned look on his face. "I'll go talk to him" he said as she nodded and sat on his bed.

They were outside the room for a minute or two and she could hear low whispers. Alfred walked in giving her a sympathetic look. "I am dreadfully sorry for what has happened to you. Its a good thing that Master Dick found you when you did" he said as she gave him a small nod. "Thank you Alfred" she muttered in a small voice. Jason walked in and he began driving Alfred crazy. "I heard what happened I'm ready to kick that guy's ass!" He yelled crossing his arms.

Dick shot him a death glare. "The only action you'll be getting is me kicking your ass!" Dick yelled as Jason flipped him off. "Master Jason we don't treat people like that have some manners!" Alfred yelled shooing Jason out of the room. "Your brother must be a pain in the ass" she laughed out as Dick raised an eyebrow. "He's definitely a piece of work" he grumbled as they heard something smash down the hall. Alfred growled and walked out of the room. "We should head out now" he said as she gave him a small nod.

She began speaking to get her mind off of the inevitable as they walked on the sidewalk. "Artemis cracked the mirror in the girls washroom" she said as he raised an eyebrow. "When?" He asked confused. "Lunch after Linda popped up at the table" she said as he nodded. "Yeah Megan and Roquette came back saying that you two went for a walk" he said as she rolled her reddened eyes. "I took her to the nurses office because she cut her hand" she responded as his phone began buzzing.

She saw that it was Wally and immediately growled. He answered putting it on speaker. "What now?" He asked with a sigh. "I screwed up big time dude" Wally said as Dick let out another sigh. "How did you screw up?" He asked. Dick was really getting tired of fixing Wally's problems. "So Artemis and I had an argument during Gym and I said something I shouldn't have" he said as Zatanna's face immediately had a scowl on it. "Wally what the hell have you done!" She yelled angrily. "Shit Zee's with you!" He yelled as Dick frowned.

"Of course she's with me" he scoffed. "Gotta go bye!" He said quickly before hanging up. Zatanna got out her phone and began texting Artemis. "What the hell did he say too you?" She texted as the little bubbles appeared in the corner. "He told me that he wished he never took that bullet and my dad shot me dead" she responded as Zatanna yelled. "I'm gonna kill Wally!" She yelled as Dick's eyes went wide. "What exactly did he say?" He asked hoping it wouldn't be that bad.

"He wished that her dad shot her dead that night" she growled as his face turned red with anger. "I'm sorry but that's it" he grumbled as he texted everyone else on his phone. "Let's go talk to my dad and then I need to go to Artemis's house" she said as his eyes went wide with confusion. "Even after what happened to you today?" He asked as she looked down. "Friends come first" she said looking up at him with a smile.

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