Chapter 2

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That was his name according to his number in my phone. I liked it, simple but cute. I truly couldn't believe a guy as beautiful as Jake would ever ask me out. Why me? I'm aware that i'm not hot, I think i'm pretty but it's not the same as being hot. Jake was very hot and very much out of my league. 

Finally, the day after Jake and I had exchanged numbers, he called me.

 "Olivia." His voice sounded through my phone. I screamed happily inside as he said my voice.

"Hey Jake what's up?" I responded. 

"Nothing really, just relaxing today. But... I was wondering if you wanted to go out for dinner tonight, say...maybe around eight?" he asked, giving me a little shock. Tonight..oh god. 

"Oh yeah, for sure! Should I meet you somewhere?" I asked nervously, biting my lip. 

"No, I will definitely come pick you up just text me your address and I will see you around eight."

"Okay perfect, see you soon." I replied before ending the call.

Oh crap..... What was I going to wear?


I ran quickly down the street from my apartment to my sister's apartment and rang the doorbell anxiously. This would be my first date in a long time and it had to be perfect which meant I needed my sister's help with choosing an outfit. She is a clothing designer and has amazing taste. Which I needed to take advantage of in this situation.

After a few seconds she came to the door, opening it confused. I usually never come to her house but this was an emergency situation. "Liv, what are you doing here?" She asked, inviting me in and closing the door. I walked into her living room and smiled.

"I have a date with the hottest guy on the entire planet and you need to help me pick an outfit, please." I said excitedly. "Oh my have a date? Actually?" She asked surprised, putting her hands on her hips. 

"Yes, Poppy! Now please help me. I have two hours before eight." I said, beginning to freak out about this all. Poppy nodded with a grin on her face and lead me to her room. 

Her new boyfriend nodded his head to say "hello" whilst we walked past the bed. I fake-smiled at him. You see, Poppy normally has a new boyfriend every single time I see her. Why? Who knows and I really do not care anymore. She can do what she wants, she likes to have fun and doesn't like the whole "commitment thing" as she says. 

We shuffled through some clothes, searching for a good outfit. She said she was looking for something cute but not immature, something chic but not too scandalous. Whatever that even means. 

"Here, perfect!" She said loudly, holding up a floral trimmed black skirt and a long-sleeve cleavage-showing tight top. I smiled and immediately tried it on. "This is it." I smiled, twirling around in my new outfit.


After I said goodbye to Poppy at her apartment, I headed home and finished my hair and makeup. Then, I found the right heels and the perfect purse. By the time I finished, it was already eight o'clock and it was perfect timing too because Jake had just rung the doorbell.

I walked up to the door carefully trying not to tip over in these black heels from nervousness. I opened the door slowly and as I caught his gaze, my heart dropped. 

"Hey Olivia." He smiled at me as I stepped out the door.

"Hey." I smiled back and turned around, locking the door behind me 

"Ready?" He asked offering to take my arm. I wrapped my arm inside his, feeling his muscles under his black dress shirt as we walked to the car. 

Jake opened his car door for me and I sat down, buckling my seatbelt. Jake walked around front of the car, still smiling and got in the driver's seat, buckling his seatbelt. He started the engine to his black Ford Mustang and started driving. 

"You look beautiful, by the way." He said, eyes focusing on the road. "Thank you, you look very handsome." I said smiling and looking at the road too, trying not to blush profusely. We small talked a bit on the way to dinner. 

When we arrived at the restaurant, Jake got out first and opened my door, helping me out and shut it before locking the car. I held onto his arm again, happily. He tossed the keys to the valet and we walked in the fancy restaurant that I had never seen or been to before. This place seemed way nicer than I was dressed for....

"Reservation for Housley." He told the lady at the front desk and she lead us to our table booth at the back of the restaurant in a very quiet area. I sat down on the red leather booth seat across from Jake and we both smiled. Mine was nervous but his seemed confident. "Here's the menu's." The waitress handed us both one. "May I start you off with drinks?" She asked.

Jake spoke up first, "I will have red wine please." Then, he looked to me.

"Same, please." I replied. 

"Ah perfect, we'll just take your nicest bottle then." Jake told the waitress.

Jake smirked at me and then looked at his menu. We ordered our food after a few minutes of browsing and then began talking after the waitress had brought our drinks.

"So, you like red wine as well?" He asked smiling at me before he took a sip. I nodded and did the same. "Hmm, what's your job? This place is very must be expensive. If I knew we would be coming here I would have dressed up a bit more." I laughed softly, feeling a bit out of place.

"No, don't worry about it. You look incredible, Olivia" He smiled. "I'm a neuro-surgeon." He told me, taking another sip of his wine and putting the glass back down.

"Wow...that's amazing! I'm a maternity nurse. Just graduated college actually."

"Wow, look at us..already have one thing in common, healthcare workers. I just became head of Neurosurgery at my hospital recently. It's lovely, I love my job. What's your specialty?" He questioned, keeping up the conversation.

"That's great! And, I'm a maternity nurse" I softly laughed. 

"Wonderful! I have plenty of friends who work in maternity, very popular specialty."

I nodded, taking a sip of my wine. "I love your car by the way, it's so nice."

"Ah, thank you. My father's gift to me after got my promotion." He laughed. After a few hours of talking about just about everything and eating, we headed home in his car. 

Jake walked me up to the front door and after a little hesitation, he leaned in and kissed my cheek goodbye. It felt so electric when his lips touched my skin. I felt his breath on my skin and I craved his lips on mine..He truly is a great guy and I am looking forward to getting to know him more.

"Night, Olivia"

"Night, Jake" 

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