Chapter 69

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(A.N: hAH this chapter is chapter 69... LOL i'm so immature. K anyways, guys I will be ending this book on Chapter 80 most likely, which i'm super nervous and excited about! I hope you're loving these past chapters! Remember to comment and vote! Love ya and enjoy 😊)

-Dawn's POV-

Tonight Jackson asked me to go with him for supper at a small and local restaurant down the street from my house. Usually I am the one making plans for dates due to Jackson always being at work and never having the time or energy to organize our dates.

So this uncommon act surprised me, in a good way though.

He planned to fetch me at 8pm for our date and at the moment it's 3pm, which meant I was still unfortunately at work.

"Sorry I can't tonight, i'm going for a dinner date with Jackson tonight." I told Olivia on the phone when she asked if I wanted to come for tea tonight.

"Aw that's okay. I have my ultrasound in an hour, so nervous." She confessed to me. I could hear some anxiousness in her voice and through her deep breathing she sounded stressed.

"Calm down Liv. It's the first ultrasound! This is an exciting time for you two and you should be happy."

"I know. Well i'm thankful that I finished work for the day. It was awful, I threw up in the change room at lunch break."

"Aw, i'm sorry. Well this ultrasound will make your day even better. You're lucky you're done for the day. I only end at 5pm, are you waiting at home for Jake to pick you up?" I asked her.

"Yep, he is a bit late but we still have time. We're fetching my mother on the way to the doctor's."

"Okay, well here comes a customer. Tell me how it is and I will talk to you later."

"Alright, have fun on your date!" My best friend said before hanging up.

-Olivia's POV-

Jake arrived ten minutes late to pick me up, apologizing because there was traffic. I smiled and clicked my seatbelt closed as we reversed.

"That's okay. Remember that we're fetching my mother." I reminded him.

"Ah yes. How was your day?" My husband asked as he drove down the street to a stoplight.

"Well could have been better. I puked at my lunch break. So embarrassing." I ran my fingers through my straightened hair.

"Awww." He began giggling a bit and took my hand with his right hand. "I'm sorry babe." He pulled my hand up to his lips so he could place a kiss on them."

"It's not funny!" I tried to hide my laughter. "I hate puking."

"It's okay love. In a few months you will be on maternity leave!" He told me, turning left onto a clear road.

I nodded and turned up the radio so we could listen to some music. Five minutes later we pulled up to my mothers house.

"Hello darlings!" She waved and opened the back door to get into Jake's car.

"Hi mum! How are you?" I asked when she got in and buckled her seatbelt in. I looked back and reached my hand back to link with hers for a quick second as Jake drove away.

"I'm good! Very excited to see my grand-baby!"

I smiled widely, thinking of how when the baby comes my mother will spoil him or her so much.

"You know what I was thinking?" She began talking.

"What is it?"

"What if you're having twins! That would be so funny!"

"Oh my goodness I don't think Olivia can handle twins." My husband laughed. I playfully slapped his arm.

"Hey!" I rolled my eyes.

"Now now kids, no fighting. Today is the first time you see your baby." My mother ordered us.

Once we arrived at the doctor's office, it was almost 4pm which meant we would be seeing Dr. Manala soon.

We waited in the waiting room until the desk clerk told us to enter the second room on the right hallway. The three of us walked into the office where our doctor was waiting for us.

"Hi all!" She shook all of our hands before telling us where we should all sit. "Liv you can sit on the main chair right there with your family next to you on your left."

We went where my OB/GYN instructed us and begun settling in. "Alright i'm placing gel on your tummy and just like I did with your sister, I'm moving the handheld transducer to get a good image of the embryo."

I nodded, hearing her instructions as she pulled up my shirt and squirted blue gel on my stomach.

She then turned on the machine and began moving the transducer everywhere along my belly firmly. She stopped at a specific space and I heard my mother gasp slightly just after Jake did. I glanced up at the screen and my eyes widened.

That was my baby....

"And there is your baby."

-Dawn's POV-

Jackson pulled up in his blue jeep at 8:10pm while I stood outside in the chilly-but-warmish weather. I wore my black jacket over a black turtleneck shirt.

My hair was down for once, I only let it down for special occasions or when I'm with my friends. Never for work. Only sometimes.

"Hey, sorry I'm late." Jackson apologized before I leaned over and placed a kiss on his cheek.

"That's alright." I smiled as I buckled my seatbelt. Jackson began driving once my belt clicked in.

"I'm starving." He laughed while turning a sharp right on the corner of my street. "Me as well." I giggled, extending my hand to turn on the car radio. I hummed along to the familiar song whilst we drove to the restaurant.

"We're here." Jackson told me as he quickly parked and turned off the car, opening his door and stepping out. He came around and opened my door and I thanked him as I got out.

We walked in through the doors and found a table. We talked about our work day's before ordering food.

Jackson ordered spaghetti and meatballs, as did I. "We have something in common, a love for spaghetti." I laughed, reaching to grab my lemonade and take a sip. As soon as our food came, we dug in and ate since we were both extremely famished.

"That was magnificent." I stated once I finished my dinner. Jackson already finished his before mine. I wiped my mouth and took the last sip of my lemonade.


I looked at Jackson who looked super serious. "Yes?" I answered curiously.

"I really have enjoyed our time together and-" Jackson began.

"You're not proposing are you?!" I cut him off, my eyes widened at the thought. He immediately shook his head and cleared his throat and I let out a sigh of relief and smiled.

"Quite the opposite actually. I'm breaking up with you."

My smile immediately faded at his words...

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