Chapter 6

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1 month later~

Jake and I had officially been boyfriend and girlfriend for two months today and apparently he was planning a special something. I didn't know what it was but he never fails to surprise me with amazing things.

I woke up the day of our anniversary to a morning text from Jake as always. He sent me morning texts every single day since he woke up earlier than me to go to work. My shift only started at 10 o'clock so I had time to sleep in, even though I didn't want to. I looked at the time on my phone and it read '8 o'clock' so I had lots of time to get dressed.

I walked to the kitchen and said good morning to Dawn who was sitting at the table. I tapped the 'messages' button on my iPhone and boiled the kettle to make some tea. I dug through the fridge and found an apple which I washed and began eating while reading my text from Jake.

"Good morning beautiful. Hope you have a lovely day and I will pick your beautiful butt up at 6 o'clock tonight toodles." *winky face*

I laughed at the message and replied back. "Good Morning and yes I will be ready to see your handsome face at 6."

And pressed send.

The kettle beeped to say it is finished and I poured myself some tea. Dawn was eating cereal and reading her Ebook on her tablet. I sat down across from her and began drinking my tea while scrolling through Instagram.

"So you and Jake getting serious now aye?" Dawn spoke up. I looked at her and blushed. "Yeah, it's our two month anniversary today so he's taking me somewhere, I have no idea where."

She nodded and smiled. "That's great. You are so lucky you have a boyfriend ugh." She whined. "Well hey, don't worry. Jake has a roommate that you can maybe meet?" I suggested. Apparently Oliver was getting back from Paris tomorrow night so maybe Dawn and him could meet. "I will ask Jake for his number or something tonight."

"Really? Awesome thank you Liv."
As I walked through the hospital doors, I placed on my badge and walked into the nurse change room to change into my scrubs. When I finished, I tied up my hair in a ponytail and rolled on some deodorant. I locked up all my things and reported to my rounds. I began checking in on all the patients and prepped some for surgery.

After work it was 5 o'clock already and I grabbed my things, quickly driving myself home. I parked the car and ran up the front steps, unlocking the door and closing it behind me as I walked through. I removed my shoes then ran to the bathroom to shower quickly.

After my shower I brushed out my hair and blow dried it, I then quickly changed into my black mesh dress and placed on my black heels. I then finished doing my hair and I put on some makeup before placing on the necklace Jake got me and grabbed my small handbag.

I picked up my phone and sat on the couch, scrolling through Twitter before the doorbell rang moments later. I jumped up and walked carefully down the stairs, opening the door. Jake smiled and held out flowers for me. "Aw! Thank you babe!" I smiled, taking the flowers and hugging Jake. He kissed my cheek and walked inside, closing the door. He wore a black dress shirt and jeans with Vans. I walked up the stairs and found a vase for the flowers. I filled it with water and placed the bouquet of roses inside, and smelt them.

"You look stunning." Jake told me as I walked towards him. "You look very very handsome." I fixed his collar and looked up at him. He then kissed me passionately, holding my cheeks with his thumbs.

"Alright so where are we headed?" I asked while smiling and grabbing his hand. "Well we are going to visit a new restaurant." He told me as we walked down the stairs carefully. My heels were very tall today.

It was cloudy outside as we stepped out the front door, locking it. We walked to the car and he opened the door for me again, I sat down and buckled my seatbelt. He did the same and began backing out the driveway. "So Dawn wanted to meet Oliver. He's single right?" I asked as we drove towards the restaurant.

"Yeah he is single, she wants to meet him? Why?" He laughed, turning on his flicker to turn right. "Well she hasn't dated anybody in a while and wants me to help her so I suggested your roommate." I smiled at him.

"Oh I see, okay I will give you his number and how about you two come for dinner tomorrow night. Double date." He added. "Sounds lovely." I nodded. We turned right and then left again. Soon we arrived at a restaurant called Dave's it looked very pretty on the outside with a waterfall streaming. Jake got out and helped me step out the vehicle. He handed the keys to the valet and we walked inside. It smelt lovely already.

"For Housley." He told the front desk, the waitress in a tight black mini skirt and tube top lead us to the side of the restaurant to a booth table, just what me and Jake loved. She handed us menus and gave us a moment to pick drinks. "Hmmm." I said while skimming through the drinks. "Ready to order the drinks?" The waitress asked. "Want to share a bottle of wine?" Jake asked me. I nodded yes. "How about the white wine?" He pointed on the menu. "Sure." I smiled.

The waitress took our drink menus and Jake held my hand across the table. We ordered our food and drank our drinks while talking about work today. He had had a huge surgery today on a important member of the staff who had a brain tumour and it went amazing apparently. "That's awesome!" I said after he told me.

We then got served our food and began eating. Afterwards, he paid the bill and we began driving to his place because apparently he wanted me to stay the night.

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