Chapter 51

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(Yo guys, so these few chapters will be some of the only chapters with other people's POVS which is special haha but yeah telling from the picture you will probably guess what this chapter is about! Enjoy)

-Isabella's POV-

I walked down the street with my handbag on  my shoulder, holding my belly with one hand. I was going towards a nearby restaurant. Because God I'm starving...This whole pregnancy has been amazing but now all I feel is like a giant elephant. I'm about ready to pop and the days just feel like they are going slower. I'm ready for my baby girl to come and I'm definitely ready to have her. So then I don't have to feel like I'm holding a giant bowling ball in there.

She kicks and kicks which is a weird feeling but sometimes it hurts as well. I pressed the button to cross the cross street to the other side of the road.

"Holy crap." I gasped suddenly, clenching my belly. I felt liquid run down my legs and looked down in fear.

It wasn't blood so what could it be...?

"Oh my god!" I winced, feeling an awful pain. "My water just broke...."

Cars sped by, not caring about me or anything. There were no people around so I pulled out my phone with one hand and holding my pregnant belly with another hand.

I dialed Dawn's number to tell her I'm calling 911. I then called 911 and called an ambulance. Of course right before I ended the call a large contraction started. "Owww..." I groaned, breathing in and out.

"An ambulance is on their way. Stay put and breathe ma'am." The lady on the other end told me.

Easy for her to say. I rolled my eyes and continued breathing. Before I knew it, the ambulance came roaring down the street and parked in front of me. Paramedics helped me onto a gurney and placed it inside. We drove a few blocks to the hospital and parked out front. I screamed in pain from the contractions as they drove me in the hospital.

I breathed in and out frantically, trying to calm my nerves and pain.

"Isabella!" Dawn yelled in joy, coming in the room and held my hand at my side.

"Dawn thank god you're here. I can't do this alone." I cried out. She smiled and moved the hair out of my face.

"Hun, you can do this. Is your midwife coming? Where are the nurses?" She sighed, walking out into the hall and looking around. She came back in and closed the curtains so people couldn't see me through the glass.

"Miss Colfer? Hi I'm Daniella, your maternity nurse for this whole thing." She laughed, coming to my side.

"Here's a gown for you to change into." She handed me a hospital gown. "And how far apart are your contractions?" She asked.

"I don't know but we can find out. Something tells me that I'm not going to stop having contractions until this damn baby is out." I sighed.

She smiled and walked out the room. "Sounds good."

It's been a few hours and my contractions are now about 2 minutes apart. Which means that the baby is definitely ready.

"Squeeze my hand okay hun." Dawn told me, reaching her hand out. I clasped it for dear life.

"Isabella hun, on your next contraction you're going to give me a push okay?" My midwife told me.

Tears filled my eyes because I had already felt the pain of contractions and now I would have to push my baby out of my fricken vagina.

"Okay..." I said softly.

I could feel the next contraction coming and braced myself. I squeezed Dawn's hand tightly and screamed out; pushing really hard.


-Jake's POV-

Liv and I sat the whole day at the beach, eating watermelon and going in for quick, refreshing dips.

"Nice hair." Liv laughed at me, pointing at my hair. Clearly it was standing up weirdly.

We both laughed, I adjusted it and went back to listening to music and eating watermelon. I sipped my ice cold beer and sighed out happily.

"This is awesome."

"I know right." Liv smiled widely.

"I love your smile." She blushed at my words and I reached over, placing a kiss on her lips.

My phone began buzzing, saying that I was getting a call. I grabbed it from the side table of our lounge chairs and looked at the caller.

'Phone Call From Dawn'

"Dawn? She never calls me."

I answered the call and Dawn's voice talked loudly through the speakers. "Hey Dawn."

"Jake, good news and bad news."

"What? What happened?!" I asked, sitting up in worry.

"Isabella just gave birth. I haven't talked with her yet but thought you should know that. She did great."

"Oh my god..." I smiled widely. "Wait what's the bad news?"

"The baby....the skin color is brown...."

I looked at Liv, my eyes widening. This couldn't be......

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