Chapter 1

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It all started with a smile. A smile that, that day I didn't know would change my life.
"Your total today will be $35.27, ma'am." The brunette cashier told me as I fetched my wallet from my purse. Right as I handed my debit card to her.....he walked through. My eyes softly switched from my debit card to his eyes as he entered the small furniture store.

I quickly darted my eyes away when he turned his head from the left to the right, browsing around. His brown hair was perfectly styled and his kind brown eyes looked around slowly. He picked up his feet and began walking towards the couch area. "Have a lovely day." The cashier smiled, handing me my bag full of new plates for my new apartment. I recently just moved in with my best friend Dawn after I graduated from university and started my job as a maternity nurse. We live in a small three bedroom town-home in London. Dawn has been my best friend since primary school and we have never left each other's sides since.

He was one of the most beautiful men I have ever seen in my life and I couldn't imagine leaving the store without talking to him but I didn't want to randomly go up and talk to him. That's weird isn't it? So, I ended up taking my new plates and leaving mystery man behind, sadly. The door chimed as I exited the store and I continued walking down the street to Dawn's bridal store a few stores down. 

When I arrived, I immediately heard a scream come from Dawn's mouth, as per usual.

"Liv, Oh my god. You will never believe this!" She exclaimed loudly, grabbing her phone behind the store counter and searching for what she wanted to show me. I suddenly heard the door chimes ring, making my eyes dart up at the door. 

There he was...again. Why was he here? At a bridal store?

He smiled up at both of us, causing Dawn to put down her phone and focus her attention on him. "Hello there you beautiful human being, how can I help you today?" She said flirtatiously. Oh gosh Dawn, could she be even more embarrassing? Big face-palm. 

"Hello, ladies." His raspy deep voice said, making me melt inside. I just smiled widely. He looked into my eyes directly, walking towards me. My stomach twisted as I watched him strut over confidently. 

"So, I saw you in that store and before I say this, don't worry. I am not a freaky stalker but I just think you are beautiful and I followed you here to ask you if you wanted to go out and get to know each other?" He asked, keeping his gaze at me, making butterflies form in my stomach. 

I hesitated. He wants to go out with me? Of all people?

"Of course, yeah." I stated after a few seconds, grabbing my phone out of my purse, unlocking it and handing it to him. He smiled widely and took it with his large hands. He then began punching in his number and handed it back to me, along with his phone. I put in my number into his phone quickly and handed it back, keeping our eye contact. I could feel my cheeks get red. 

 "Great, so I will call you." He said, beginning to walk out backwards, keeping a smile plastered on his face. I waved and he walked down the street, out of my view.

"Did that just happen....." I said to myself softly once he was gone. 


A.N: Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Enjoy the book :) 

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