Chapter 62

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-Olivia's POV-

Telling Jake that I'm pregnant made everything in our relationship that much better.

Since I told him a day ago, we decided to keep it a secret just for a bit and go see the doctor today and confirm it.

"Phew what a workout!" Jake exclaimed as we walked through the door and upstairs to our kitchen.

"I know right." I smiled, thinking of our run this morning.

This perfect Sunday morning made me recall back to the days where I used to go running with Dawn. But we have been distant lately. I need to tell her first after we confirm it.

" What time is the doctors appointment?" He asked me.

"11am, it's 9am now." I told him, checking my phones time.

Jake nodded and walked to the fridge, opening it up and grabbing some veggies to make a green smoothie. "Want one?" He questioned me.

"Sure, let me go shower and get dressed. Thanks." I smiled before walking away.

It's an exciting time when you're waiting in the doctor's waiting room to see if you're pregnant for the very first time.

Just imagine, if I really am pregnant then I will be having a baby in 9 months. How crazy is that?

I never thought about me having a baby, I always thought of when my patients are having their baby's. The feeling of thinking you're pregnant even, is just exhilarating.

"You're shaking." My husband chuckled as we sat in the quiet, doctors waiting room.

"I am? I'm not nervous at all, just excited."

"What if you're not pregnant and you get your hopes up Liv?" He asked me, placing his hand on my thigh.

"I'm pretty certain that I am pregnant Jake."

"Well sometimes other things can make the test positive, not always that you're pregnant."

I nodded. "But I just have a feeling. I have a feeling that I'm pregnant."

"Okay okay." He smiled at me.

We waited a few minutes for the assistant to call us in to Dr. Manala's room; My OB/GYN.

"Olivia Williams." The assistant called me from her desk. "Go to the first room down that hall." She fake-smiled. Clearly she hated her job.

"Thank you!" I smiled back, Jake and I walked down the hallway to the room she said and sat down.

*Tick Tick* that's the only sound we heard in the room as we waited for our doctor. The sound from the flower clock above the door.

"Don't be nervous." Jake told me, taking my hand.

"Hello!!" Our doctor rushed into the doctors room, scaring the two of us. "How is everybody?" She asked, taking a seat in her comfy chair as we sat on cheap, crappy chairs across from her.

"We're great." I told her, smiling.

"Lovely! Alright what can I help you guys with today? What's the issue?"

"Well....I took two pregnancy tests two days ago and they both said that I'm pregnant, just wondering if you could check it out for us? I think I am only 1-2 weeks along if I am pregnant."

"Oh my goodness! How exciting! Alright let's do some blood tests!" Dr. Manala told us.

"Alrighty." Jake chuckled.

"You can't do a scan?" I asked her. "No, your HCG levels are too low if you are supposedly only one or two weeks along. The blood tests will tell us, no worries."

"And how long until you get them?"

"24 hours about, I will call you right away!"

Great, tonight I would not be getting any sleep because I will be wondering wether or not I'm having a baby.

-Dawn's POV-

"I just heard you found the one you've been looking
You've been looking for
I wish I would have known that wasn't me."

Lyrics sounded from the kitchen while I packed away my ceramic dishes into the kitchen cupboards.

Realizing that my phone was actually ringing and not just playing music, I dashed towards my iPhone next to the lined up cook books.

"Hello?" I pressed the green answer button and began talking.

"Hey Dawn, How about us two go for dinner tonight? Freddie's around the corner to my house at 8?" My boyfriend suggested.

"Sounds good, See you there Jackson." I laughed and ended the call.

Yes! Jackson and I are now dating but in secret. We both agreed that it's better at the moment because so much is happening in our lives and we just want to...keep it casual.

Not serious.

Olivia and I haven't spoken in a few weeks due to work and us hanging out with other people and of course she is married so she is busy with Jake.

I'm also busy with Jackson.

We have been dating just for 3 weeks and decided we wanted to continue this budding romance but on the down low for now.

I'm so proud of myself actually, I haven't blurted it out to Savannah, and Isabella. Surprisingly. Liv and Jake already know, of course Jackson told them.

"Hey Dawn, did you finish the dishes? Jayden is coming over so I want the place spotless! I just cleaned the bathrooms and my room."

"Yep! All packed in and ready to wash." I told her, putting in a dishwasher ball and placing the dishwasher on.

"Wonderful, so tonight maybe could you go over to Jackson's and hang out there? I kinda want the place to ourselves if you know what I mean..?"

My eyes widened.

"Pardon me? Why would I go to Jackson's...?"

"Dawn i'm not as stupid as other people, I know you two are dating! No need to keep it secret." She giggled, coming into the kitchen and grabbing a bottle of water from our fridge.

"Wow is it that obvious? Do others know?" I asked, blushing a little bit and leaning back against the countertop.

"Sort of, but I like you guys as a couple. He is so mature and hot, you're a great catch as well."

She exited the room and left me standing in the kitchen with a confused look.

"What even...."

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