Chapter 41

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(A.N: dedicating this chapter to Cory Monteith. I have cried for two days whilst watching glee, I love you and I'm truly heartbroken you are gone but you will never be forgotten. Our quarterback 🏈💜 #3yearswithoutcory)

It's Christmas!

The days have been going by so fast lately, I'm not sure why but it makes me happy because in two months I will be married to my love.

I have been going on and on about it which is probably starting to annoy you but I'm genuinely happy. I haven't ever been as happy as I was this year with Jake, which proves he is good for me.

The vacation with Jake was amazing, but now we had to go home and celebrate the holidays with our families.

We decided to invite everybody to our house for a huge Christmas day supper today. Open presents, sing some songs, have a great dinner and introduce our families.

Yes. Introducing our families to each other for the first time. Jake's idea of course, pray for us.

We got home yesterday, went to Poppy's house for a Christmas Eve dinner and bought food for the party today.

I woke up this morning at 8am, rolling over and looked at Jake sleeping. I smiled and got up, walking to the living room and placing the presents I was hiding in the closet under the tree.

I wiped my eyes and walked into the bathroom, shutting the door and turning on the shower. I undressed and stepped in, washing my face and hair.

As soon as I got out I felt the chilly air touch my skin. I reached for my towel, wrapping it around my body and hair.

Stepping out of the bathroom quietly, I walked to the walk-in closet in our bedroom and searched for my clothes.

I placed on my leggings, warm socks, and a large maroon sweater. I dried my hair with my towel while walking back to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

"Morning beauty." I heard my fiancé's voice behind me while I cooked breakfast. I turned the vegan bacon over and turned around to see Jake.

"Good morning!" I grinned, reaching up to hug him. "Merry Christmas!"

His arms wrapped around my waist and he left a trail of kisses on my shoulder before backing away and walking to the fridge to grab orange juice. "Merry Christmas!" He smiled back.

"Okay after we eat this amazing meal that I made, you need to go get dressed and ready while I clean the house." I instructed, turning off the oven plate and scooping the bacon onto a plate.

"Sounds great, and what do I do when I'm done dressing?"

I placed the food on the dining room table, coming back into the kitchen and grabbed the rest of the breakfast.

"How about you set the dining room table once we're done."

He nodded and walked to sit down at the table, in his spot at the head of the table. He always sat there. I grabbed my coffee mug and sat next to him as we began to eat.

"So how do you think our parents and siblings will get along?" I asked him.

He finished chewing and answered. "I think our siblings will get along just fine and my dad will get along with everybody but my mom....that's a whole different story."

I laughed, sipping my drink.

"Well hopefully my parents don't scare yours away."

"And hopefully they get along." He scoffed, shaking his head.

We finished eating and packed the dishes in the dish washer together, our daily routines.

Jake walked down the hall back to the bedroom to change whilst I grabbed my cleaning tools, starting to clean just counters and tables first.

We finished cleaning and setting up the house for our guests tonight within a two hour time range. Our house had never looked this spotless; it's usually messy in all the rooms except the living room.

The supper table was set with a Christmas table cloth, ornaments, 8 plates and cutlery with wine glasses for each person. There was another table set up in the kitchen with 4 other plates and cutlery just like the supper table.

10 people were coming to the dinner that were all our close family and friends including:

-Jake's mom
-Jake's dad
-My mom
-My dad
-Jake's brother Patrick
-Jackson, Jake's work friend

So basically the house would be totally full. Jayden would've come but apparently he had plans with somebody else? Who knows.

This Christmas I wanted to be perfect, a perfect family dinner and a perfect Christmas. Is that too much to ask for??

I smiled, looking at our decorated tree in the living room while Jake poured treats onto a treat tray to place on the counter for guests.

I made a delicious turkey for dinner (which Jake and I would not be having since we don't eat meat) and I made salad, mashed potatoes, corn and of course garlic bread.

Who could have Christmas without garlic bread???

It was only 11am so Jake and I wanted to exchange Christmas gifts in the living room by the Christmas tree.

I sat down, smiling as he grabbed the four presents placed down on the floor under the tree. He handed me two from him and kept the two I gave him.

"You first." He told me. I laughed and began ripping open the Rudolph the red nose reindeer wrapping paper.

I gasped, looking down at my present and then looked up at Jake. "Oh my gosh! You got me a Sodastream machine? I've been wanting this for forever!" I gushed.

He grinned as I examined the box carefully, I then walked over to him and gave my fiancée a hug. "I love you, thank you baby."

"No problem love, now for the next one."

I walked back over to my seat, grinning while I opened my next gift that was in a small box.

"Oh my gosh! A pandora bracelet?" I gasped again.

"You have wanted one."

"Oh my god Jake this is beautiful!" I smiled, placing it on.

"Merry Christmas my love."

"Merry Christmas."

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