Chapter 8

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I woke up the next morning and fluttered my eyes open, looking around at everything in Jake's room. I glanced next to me at Jake who was still sleeping soundly. I grabbed my phone and unlocked it, scrolling through Instagram and liking pictures of my friends.

I heard a shuffling next to me and Jake groaned softly, opening his eyes and smiling as they locked with mine. "Hey beautiful." He said with his handsome accent. I smiled and pecked his lips softly. "Good morning handsome." I said and put down my phone, resting my head on his shoulder as he stared at me and smiled.

"How did you sleep?" He asked me while rubbing his eyes with his hands. "Great, your bed is way more comforting than mine. What about you?" I asked.

He kissed the top of my head with his lips and laughed under his breath. "Good haha."

I got up out of bed and tied my hair into a bun, I adjusted my clothes while Jake watched. "Creepy much." I scoffed. Jake laughed along and got out of bed, making the bed. I grabbed my purse and walked into his bathroom. "Can I use your toothbrush?" I asked before closing the door. Jake smiled and nodded, I shut the door.

Looking around his bathroom in awe, I gasped at the beautiful decor and the amount of organization a man could actually have. It was so neat and tidy. I brushed my teeth and my face then fixed my hair and makeup. Opening the door, I stepped out and walked into the kitchen where Jake was making coffee.

"Coffee?" He asked as I sat down on one of the bar stools in the kitchen. "Yes please." I replied and unlocked my phone again, responding to a text from Dawn.

"Hey Liv did you ask Jake about his friend and I going out or something? Xoxo"

"Hey Jake so we are for sure having a double date tonight?" I asked. Jake nodded as he stuffed his face full of toast. I giggled and began typing a reply.

"Yes double date tonight with his friend, will text you the details!" I replied.

I put down my phone and walked towards the lounge, sitting down on the couch and turning on the television. I scrolled through some channels and came to a show called 'modern family' and pressed it. Jake came into the lounge and handed me my coffee cup before sitting down beside me. "You look so hot in the morning what the hell." I told him.

He laughed softly and replied. "Pfft says you."

"So what time is the date tonight and where?" I asked before sipping my coffee slowly.

Jake nodded and spoke up. "Right so me and Oliver decided that tonight at 8pm would be good at your place maybe?" He asked.

"Yeah of course I will tell Dawn. Hopefully they like each other." I laughed.

Jake nodded and sipped his coffee. I took out my phone and texted Dawn the details before placing it beside me and continuing to watch Modern Family.

Authors Note:

Hey guys it's me! Well duh but anyways I hope you are liking the story so far! If so please give it a star or add it to your library!

I hope you all enjoy the characters especially Olivia and Jake :) anyways enjoy and the next chapter will be coming shortly, i will end this short chapter with a lovely pic.



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