Chapter 26

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"We love each other, that means that one day we will reconnect."

I told myself that for 3 months away from the love of my life, not able to talk to him or be with him ruined me.

But what kept me strong was the hope that one day we will be together and that day came.

We have officially been together for 1 week so far, sleeping at each other's houses every day, going on dates every day and calling in sick to work.

Jake told me that Jayden had moved out, moving in with his mate downtown although he still worked at my hospital. I barely see him but that's okay. It makes it easier.

"So have you spoken to Isabella? She won't talk to me....." I asked Jake as we sat in his hot tub together, holding hands and relaxing.

"No I haven't." He told me. "Sorry that she still won't talk to you, I'm sure you two will make up."

I nodded, leaning my head on his shoulder and he kissed the top of my head. "I missed this so much Jake, I love you so much." I told him.

"I love you too baby, and guess what?"

"What?" I smiled, Looking up at him.

"I've planned a little vacation for us tomorrow, we will go down to my family cabin and sleep there for one night. How does that sound?"

"Great, that sounds incredible. We have to make up for 3 months anyways." I giggled.

"Babe, I know you still feel guilty about it all but it wasn't your fault. Jayden kissed you first and you two were drunk. I forgive you and I love you."

"That means so much to me."
We packed our bags, and Jake picked me up at my house. Dawn waved goodbye as I walked out the front door with my suitcase.

"Bye Dawn, love you see you soon!" I waved back, shutting the door and walking to the car. Jake started the car and the radio sounded, we sang along to the music.

Jake reached out and grabbed my hand, holding it the whole entire ride for an hour. Reaching our destination, I squirmed in excitement. "We're here!" Jake smiled.

I smiled as he parked the car, I looked up and saw a large cabin, it looked so new and neat. I gasped at how big it was. I looked around when I got out the car, the cabin sat on the ocean and it was beautiful, even had a private beach.

The sun was setting as we gathered our suitcases and entered the cabin. Jake switched on the lights and we both smiled.

"Let's go find our room." He said. I nodded, following him upstairs.

We walked down the wooden hallway to our room. It had a king sized bed, a bathroom with two sinks and a bathtub, a fireplace, a couch and a closet.

"This is amazing..." I whispered.

Jake smiled, taking our suitcases and placing them on the bed. "My family and I used to come here every single summer. Now I get to share this with you."

I smiled widely, throwing my arms around him and hugging him.

"Thank you."

-Jake's POV-

The cabin was the perfect place to bring Olivia after all had happened, a night away was what we needed.

We sat around the fireplace, playing cards and eating ice cream most of the night, laughing at how I kept loosing at uno.

"Hey guess what."

"What?" She laughed, her laugh is so beautiful.

"My mom just texted me about tickets." I looked at my phone.


"Yeah look." I showed her my phone.

-Olivia's POV-

Jake turned his phone towards me, showing me the text from his mother that read:

"Hi Jakey! Just wondering if you were interested in these four free tickets I got at a fundraiser, they are to go to Hawaii. In 5 days, interested??"

I gasped, looking at Jake with wide eyes. "Free tickets to go to Hawaii?!"

Jake curled a smile and I pulled him into a hug. "Are we interested??" He asked, laughing.

I nodded about 50 times and kissed his lips. He pulled back afterwards and smiled at me, looking into my eyes. "We're going to Hawaii." He said softly.

"We're going to Hawaii."

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