Chapter 72

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"At some point you just have to let go, move on. Because no matter how painful it is, it's the only way we grow."

-Dawn's POV-

Is it so hard to just want a normal life? A normal day. Days felt normal when I was with Jackson, now everything is a wreck. There is so much happening in my life, my friend's lives, my family's lives. It never calms down.

I have been debating what to do with the Jayden situation, do I talk to him about it? Do I tell Savannah before Jayden tells her? Do we just keep it a secret?

After all this has happened and going through that horrible breakup with Jackson, he was super rude about it by the way. He sounded like he didn't even care how I felt.

"Quite the opposite actually, I'm breaking up with you."

I could just hear his voice in my head, repeatedly saying those words that he used to break our relationship up. I don't even understand why he would break things up with me, everything was going fine...and I really really liked him. I saw a future with him and he just breaks up with me for no reason. He didn't even tell me why, he just left.

After all the debating of do-I's and should-I's I finally decided to just call Isabella and talk to her about it because Olivia seemed really angry at me for some reason.

I feel like now that she's married and pregnant we're loosing our friendship, but I have three other friends so if she doesn't like me anymore than she should just tell me...

"Hey Dawn, what's going on? You never call me, we usually just text." Isabella laughed on the other end happily.

I explained to her everything that happened with Jackson and I, then with Jayden and I.

"Holy crap..." She spoke after I confessed everything to her. I ended talking with a big sigh and plumped myself down on my couch.

Thankfully Savannah was at Jayden's for a few days. She told me yesterday, I just nodded and tried my best to shut my mouth so I wouldn't blurt anything out.

"Wow, you have got a huge dilemma right there." Isabella informed me.

"I know, ugh. What should I do? Should I talk to Jayden or should I just tell Savannah?" I asked.

"Well personally I would tell Savannah because 1. She is your friend and 2. If Jayden tells her first then you're dead."

"She's been at Jayden's for the whole week what if he already told her?!" I stressed to my best friend.

Isabella went silent for a second. "Dawn just text Savannah and ask her to come over, then just confess everything. You were drunk. I'm about to go out for brunch with Liv and my cutie Caroline. She's crying and I need to get her ready. Text me later how it goes. You can do this!" Isabella motivated me before ending our call.

"Okay Dawn. You can do this." I told myself softly.

-Olivia's POV-

"I know, she's always going through something. I feel horrible." Isabella told me.

I nodded, holding Caroline on my lap softly. I smiled down at her and tickled her little belly. She smiled back at me with a cute cheesy smile.

"Caroline is so adorable." I told Isabella. I looked up at my friend while she took and scoop of oatmeal out of her bowl.

"I know, she is quite a cutie. She has been sleeping so well lately. Mama is super happy about that." She laughed.

"That's good, so are you and Daniel a thing now?"

"Well-" She started then giggled a bit. "-Yes."

I smiled widely and let out a happy gasp. "Oh my goodness! That's great Isabella. I'm so happy for you guys. Has he been coming to visit Caroline often?" I asked her.

She nodded. "Oh yeah, he comes everyday. When we have time to ourselves when we get a babysitter it's so peaceful and he is just so romantic and genuine you know? I like him a lot."

"Aw i'm so glad." I nodded and glanced down at Caroline still on my lap, playing with her bib since we just fed her. I stroked her hair softly and she smiled up at me, noticed my touch.

I smiled then looked back at Isabella who was still eating her oatmeal peacefully. "So Jake asked me something important yesterday..."

"What was it?" She asked curiously.

"He asked if I want to move into a bigger place."

"Oh wow, that's quick. You guys have only been married for how long? 5 months or something?"

"4 months, yeah."


"I know, he moves so quickly. Like we only got married 4 months ago, now I'm pregnant and he just now wants to move out of a house I haven't lived in with him for so long."

"He loves you, maybe he just wants you guys to be happy in a bigger place. You guys are like so rich together plus his family is rich, I'm sure you can afford it." Isabella scoffed.

"I know we can afford it, but I just want to slow things down for a bit, Maybe move in a few months."

"After the baby is born?"

I hesitated, thinking that the townhouse we're living in now doesn't have that much room for a baby.

"Well, you live in an apartment with Caroline and sometimes Daniel right?"

"Yeah he comes and sleeps over sometimes."

"Exactly, the house we're living in now is perfectly fine...I just want to slow everything down." I stressed.

"Hey calm down, your emotions are running high since you're pregnant. Just take a deep breathe." She told me, reaching to take Caroline from my arms.

I handed Caroline back and breathed in and out softly. "I'm really stressed out." I told her.

She nodded, placing Caroline carefully back in her stroller and handed her daughter a little soft stuffy toy.

"You just need to calm down and tell your husband that you need to take things slow because you're super stressed. Don't worry Liv, you will be fine." I nodded, looking away from Isabella and thinking of everything.

Maybe I needed change, maybe I didn't...

All I know is that if Jake wants to move, maybe I should just let go of our house and move. I love him and he loves me.

Maybe we need this.

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