Chapter 34

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A.N: i wish the pictures were at the bottom so they didn't spoil 😂 anyways enjoy!

-Jake's POV-

The smell of hashbrowns woke me up from my deep sleep on a Saturday morning. I looked beside me and Liv was gone. I walked down the hall towards the kitchen and saw her making breakfast. I smiled at how cute she was. She was wearing a long t-shirt of mine without any pants on.

I walked up behind her while she cooked hash browns on the stove, Placing my hands around her waist and kissing her neck.

"Morning sleepyhead." She laughed, turning her head over her shoulder to get a glimpse of me.

"This all smells delicious." I smiled, letting her go and grabbing cups to begin making us coffee.

"Wait Liv, tea or coffee?" I asked.

"Um what tea do you have? I had to leave mine at Dawn's house."

"We have red rose and camomile."

"Okay I will have red rose thanks." She smiled, finishing the cooking on the stove and dishing the food onto our plates.

"Imagine us doing this everyday, this is basically what our marriage will be like won't it?" Liv said, leaning against the counter behind me. I continued to make her tea and me coffee.

"Wow, breakfast already made everyday? Could get used to that." I turned around and handed her the mug.

We ate breakfast together at the table and watched the news since it was a Saturday and we had no work. "It's so peaceful here." Liv stated as we sat together on the couch, her head rested on my chest while I stroked her hair. We watched Modern Family together.

"Okay I'm going to get some groceries at the market, you can stay here or something." Liv told me, getting up and walked to our bedroom.

"Aww, okay." I laughed, changing the channel to another show called Scandal.

-Olivia's POV-
I drove to the market in my SUV, listening to the radio. My phone suddenly rang and I answered it on the car screen.


"Hey Liv, just wondering what you're up to. How's the new house?" Dawn's voice sounded through my phone's speakers.

"Hey! Great I love living with Jake. However, I really miss our house. Have you decided who your new roommate will be yet?" I asked, stopping at a red light.

"Actually yes, although I don't really like the person but she needs a roommate and house and I'm in need of a roommate too so might as well."

"Who?" I asked, continuing to drive straight.

"Savannah Brown." My heart immediately sunk and my eyes widened. I pulled over to the side of the road to talk better with Dawn.

"Savannah? Jake's ex-fiancée?!"

"Yeah, ugh I know you won't like this but she needs a place to stay Liv."

"It's okay." I said after a few minutes. "You have valid reasons to share a house with her."

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah! She isn't bothering us anymore and she just needs a house so why not?"

"That's awesome news, so next week why don't you come over on Friday and we can start planning the wedding. We have to finish this in 5 months so better get started."

"Okay sounds good see you then."

-Jake's POV-

I sighed, leaning back on the couch and scrolling through Facebook on my iPhone.

*ding dong* The doorbell rang, making me get up from my comfy spot. Ugh.

I walked to the front door and opened it, revealing a smiling familiar face. "Hey." I said.

"Hi Jake." Isabella spoke, smiling before me.

"What can I help you with?" I asked. "Liv isn't here at the moment."

"Me and her haven't talked but anyways I came to talk to you actually about Liv."

I nodded and let her in, closing the door afterwards.

We walked to the living room, sitting down on the couches across from each other. "So what is it?"

She fished into her bag, pulling out something and hiding it. I laughed at how weird she was being. Liv and her really should have made up by now, it was months ago that the whole situation happened. Jayden and I made up along with Liv so why not Isabella and Liv?

"I'm pregnant." She blurted out.

My eyes widened and my heart pace quickened. What did she just say....

"W-what?" I asked, my voice quiet.

"I'm pregnant and it's your baby." I stood up from the couch and paced back and forth in the living room.

My mind raced, thinking back to when Liv and I had broken up. I was sad and lonely and so was Isabella. She and Jayden had just split and Liv and I had just split so it just happened. I wad in the wrong mind set.

"You can't be..." I stopped pacing and looked over at her scared face.

She walked over to me, showing me a pregnancy stick, proving her pregnancy. Tears began to form.

Why was this happening?! Everything had just fallen into place and now this??

It can't be....

"When did you find out?" I asked, wiping away a few tears.

"Four Months ago, I just didn't want to believe it but Jake I need you."

"I need you Jake."

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