Chapter 9

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(A.n: this chapter is dedicated to my bff brianna lolo28011  go read her lovely story!)

"Liv what the hell do I wear?!" Dawn stressed while ruffling through drawers in her bedroom. I laughed at how stressed she was getting, she hadn't been on a date in a while so I get why she would be anxious but it's hilarious.

I walked into her room to find her sitting on the carpeted floor in pyjamas and slippers. "Dawn take a deep breath." I told her, reaching out to take my best friend's hand. She inhaled deeply and exhaled with a relief as I pulled her up. "Let's see what clothes you have here." I said, walking towards the cupboard and letting go of her hand.

I searched through all her dresses and found a perfect black dress with ariel faces on, yes ariel the mermaid but that's just how quirky she is and I love it. I handed the dress to her and handed her black flats. "There we go now get dressed, the dinner is cooking and I'm going to get dressed now as well."

I walked out her room and into mine down the passage, closing my door behind me. I grabbed a dark red low cut dress and some white flats and got dressed. Afterwards I walked to the bathroom and curled my hair quickly and applied makeup.

"When are the guys coming?" Dawn asked me while tying her hair into a side braid at the door of the bathroom while I placed in my earrings."30 minutes." I told her while I put the last earring in my left ear.

Dawn ruffled through her makeup drawer beside mine to find her makeup and began putting it on while I walked out and went to finish up making a meal for dinner. I decided that I would make pasta salad without any meat since Jake is a vegetarian, with a side of actual salad and some red wine.

The doorbell rang as I finished setting the dinner table and I ran to go open it, as I turned the knob I saw Jake at the door and Oliver coming from the car towards the door. "Hello!" I said, Oliver and Jake simultaneously said it back with their thick British accents. I moved aside, letting them come in. "You must be Oliver." I said smiling as I closed the door to the flat behind me.

"Yes and you must be the lovely Olivia, Jake has told be a lot about you and you're even more beautiful in person then on a Instagram post." He winked, coming inside and walking up the stairs following Jake to the kitchen. I laughed and followed them.

"Now, where is the lovely lady named Dawn?" He asked looking around.

"Dawn." I called down the passage as I began walking towards her room. "Coming!" She said quickly coming around the corner and almost bashing into me. "Jesus christ." I laughed and grabbed her arm, pulling her towards the kitchen.

"Oliver this is Dawn, Dawn this is Oliver!" I explained, placing her in front of Oliver. Jake chuckled and grabbed my hand, pulling me into the living room and against his chest. I sighed a calming relief now that I was in his arms. His touch just always calms me.

He leaned down, placing his soft lips against mine and kissed me. I smiled mid-way through the kiss and then continued kissing him back. He pulled back and kissed my cheek  before hugging me tightly. "I missed you." He told me softly as we began to sit down on the couch.

He sat down and crossed his legs, allowing me to sit on his lap and wrap my arms around his neck. "So did I, even though we saw each other yesterday." I giggled and kissed his jaw.  "You look gorgeous today by the way, as always."

We sat quietly in each others arms while I scrolled through Instagram and Twitter while we heard Dawn and Oliver's ruffled voices in the kitchen. We heard giggles and laughter so all seemed to be going well.

"This food is lovely Liv." Oliver told me before stuffing a spoonful of pasta salad into his mouth. Oliver and Dawn sat across from us at the dinner table while we ate the meal I had made.

"Thank you Oliver! So sweet." I blushed, eating a forkful of salad.

When we finished dinner Jake and Oliver insisted to clean the dishes so Dawn and I went to the bathroom to "fix her hair". We heard the sound of plates and forks clashing in the kitchen as we closed the door to the bathroom.

"Oh my god he is so hot and kind and funny!!" Dawn gushed while I put on more powder to her face and then mine. I laughed softly and closed the lid to the powder. "So do you think he likes me?" She asked. I nodded immediately. "Oh my goodness of course he does he can't take his eyes off of you! There will definitely be a second date going on."

Dawn blushed and a small smile creeped on her face. "Alright time to go back out there."

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