Chapter 63

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We still hadn't heard from Dr. Manala although, I have been making the best of my time by going shopping for Poppy's baby shower that will be in a few months.

I walked down the sidewalk of the outlet mall and towards a baby supplies store called 'Nana's Corner' I thought I would try any store I came across just to look for a few things. She would definitely need clothing as a present and hmmm.... diapers! Oh my goodness I could make a diaper cake as well!

Ever since I was little I wanted to be that one person at a baby shower that goes over the top for the new mother. Poppy will have the best baby shower ever now that i'm planning it.

As I looked through all the adorably cute baby clothing and onesies I got a thought, what if Poppy hadn't told Mom and Dad yet?

Coming to the realization, I immediately ruffled through my bag to find my iPhone and called Poppy. The baby store was quiet so I had to whisper when Poppy and I talked. I continued browsing around the shop for possible purchases.

"Hey Liv!" I heard my sister's voice sound from the other end.

"Hey Poppy, So I was just shopping and thought of something."

"What is it?" She asked me, sounding interested.

"Have you told Mom and Dad you're pregnant yet?!" I whisper-shouted.

She didn't answer for a few moments.

"Have you?" I rolled my eyes, she always hides things from them.

"I was going to yesterday when Mom and I went for breakfast but I just couldn't. I need you with me. I feel like Dad will be super upset because i'm having Oliver's baby and we're not married."

I nodded. "Alright, arrange to have dinner the four of us with the two of them tomorrow night." I told her.

"Okay. Thanks Liv." She said before ending our call. I placed my phone back in my bag and looked through the types of diapers.

I have taken off work today on a Monday because I will not miss the call from my OB/ GYN. I need to find out if i'm pregnant because tomorrow at dinner with my family, will be my chance to tell my parents i'm pregnant.

If I am pregnant of course. Still waiting on that.

Imagine, Poppy and I pregnant at the same time? Our kids will only be a few weeks

"Hey babe, how did the shopping trip go?" My husband's voice echoed from the dining room while I walked in the front door.

"Wow you're home early, what a nice surprise. And I didn't go to as many shops as I was hoping to get to but I got a few things. They are in my boot of the car." I smiled, setting down my purse on the kitchen counter and reaching my arms out to embrace my husband.

"I will go fetch them after dinner. Yes! I wanted to come home and surprise you with your favorite homemade dinner."

"Oh my god yes, you made us pasta salad!" I smiled widely, excited.

"Mhm, dinner is on the table so you're right on time. Let me get us some drinks. No wine for you." He winked, letting me go from our hug and walking to the fridge.

I laughed and walked to the dinner table, sitting in my usual seat and scooping up some pasta to place on my plate. "This smells amazing Jakey."

"Thank you, followed your very own recipe. No call from Dr. Manala yet?" He asked me.

I shook my head as he placed down glasses of lemonade for the two of us to drink as we sat quietly at our dinner table. We both began eating.

"I'm sure she will call soon."

"Yeah, hopefully. Did you get my text earlier?"

"About dinner tomorrow night at your parents with Oliver and Poppy?" He wondered.


"Yes I did, sounds like a plan."

I chuckled and continued eating the lovely dinner dish.

After dinner Jake and I did the dishes together, talking about today's surgeries that he operated on.

"Wow i'm glad he's okay." I spoke, drying a plate Jake handed to me.

"Yeah the wound was pretty severe but he's in the ICU now, healing up."

I nodded and continued drying every dish he handed to me before packing them in the correct drawers and cupboards.

Suddenly I heard my phone ringing in my purse and looked exactly at Jake, both our eyes widening.

This is it.

I ran to my purse across the kitchen and shuffled around my purse, searching for my phone. Finally I found it and pressed answer as I saw the doctor's office caller ID appear.

Jake came and stood in front of me while I put it on speaker. "Hello, This is Dr. Manala. Olivia is this you?" She asked.

"Yes this is Olivia Housley."

"Wonderful, Olivia I got your blood test results back and I have news."

Jake and I both looked at each other with hope in our eyes.

"What is it?" Jake asked.

"You are indeed pregnant Olivia. Congratulations."

Jake and I screamed of happiness and joy.

"We're having a baby!!" Jake picked me up and twirled me around our kitchen.

I couldn't believe it. Jake and I, are having a baby.

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