Chapter 79

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(A.N: I'm just gunna share what I imagined the house would look like at the end and the chapter will be super short. I'm ending the book a chapter earlier because really, I think this is a better end then I thought it would end up as two chapters. Enjoy lovies. Thank you for reading and a new book will be coming shortly.)

-Olivia's POV, April 24 2016-

Finally after weeks of boxing up all of our things, the day has come where Jake and I move into our first house together, as a married couple. Our first family house.

The movers are coming in 3 hours at 1pm and until then we are doing some last minute packing like clothing, bags, and some items we used last night.

"Alright, this is our official last box." I stated, wrapping up the cardboard box with clear box tape while my husband washed his hands in our sink."

"I'm so sad to leave this house but so excited to begin in a new house." Jake smiled, turning back to face me as he finished up washing his hands.

I nodded, rubbing the end of the tape on the box so it would stick. "I'm looking forward to redecorating in a new house, a clean and fresh start."

"And of course that we have the day off tomorrow and the day after i'm assuming?" My husband laughed, drying his hands on his pants.

"You got that right." I giggled, placing the tape down and sitting on top of one of our couches.

"Shall we go grab panini's at Starbucks before the movers come?" My husband suggested, making me jump up immediately.

"Of course!" I just about ran into the wall towards the door.

"Careful with that box, it has glass in it." I told the movers as they picked up a fragile box in our house to begin loading the van.

"Got it miss." The American said, I could tell he was foreign due to his accent.

Jake and Oliver assisted the movers in moving boxes and furniture into one of the vans, then the other van later on.

Soon enough we were ready to get driving to our house which was about thirty-five minutes away from our old house.

Old house. It sounded weird saying it.

We arrived at the home, and parked behind the mover vans then got out and went to unlock the front door. The movers swiftly began loading boxes and boxes into our foyer which we had to move, according to the names on the boxes.

"That one goes in our room." I told my husband before he picked a newly loaded box up.

"Thank you darling." He winked and started walking up our grand stairs.

After about 5 hours, we were finally finished and ready for dinner. Thankfully we had unpacked the kitchen and groceries first because we were absolutely famished.

"Wow, what a long day. You paid the movers right?" I asked.

"Yep, where's Oliver and Poppy?" Jake answered.

"Probably out exploring the backyard. I'm glad they came to help. We definitely couldn't do it alone."

"Yep, you pregnant ladies weren't much help but that's completely understandable."

"Hey, you're the one that knocked me up." I laughed loudly, rolling my eyes.

We both laughed as we unpacked groceries into our huge refrigerator. We had gone grocery shopping after Starbucks this morning because of course we needed new fresh food.

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