Chapter 20

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Meeting the parents, everybody's weakness. Jake had been super nervous about tonight, through all my 'don't worry's' he has been worrying 24/7.

It's funny though, that he thinks my parents won't like him. They are super different to his parents. Not at all like his family which is super posh. Jake's arm rested on my hip as we cuddled on the couch, watching tv. They will totally adore him.

"Oh my god it's almost summer vacation thank god." I laughed.

"I know, two more months until June."

"You're off for summer vacation right?" I asked.

"In July same as you." We intertwined our fingers.

I smiled, getting excited. "When's your birthday??" I asked, realizing that we have never talked about our birthdays, definitely lame af.

"August 23rd, and you?"

"July 21st."

"Oooh, coming up soon." He nudged me.

I nodded, resting my head on his chest and holding the hand that was resting on my hip. "Your hands are so big." I laughed.

"Yours are tiny." He laughed with me.

Jake got dressed for the family supper quickly, slipping on blue jeans, a black dress shirt and black dress shoes.

We drove to my apartment and he waited for me on the couch while I dressed into a white floral shirt and a black high-waist skirt. I searched in my closet which was super messy and grabbed some white flats, placing them on.

Not wanting Jake to wait, I brushed out my hair instead of curling it and just left it a bit natural. Then I re-applied my makeup from this morning and sprayed on perfume.

"Ready?" I asked, walking into the living room and placing my handbag on my right shoulder.

"Yeah, do we have to bring bread or wine for supper or no?"

"Um let's stop at the liquor store before we go and grab some wine??" I suggested. "My dad probably already has beer."

"How far is their house?" He asked.

"Eh, about twenty minutes or so away." We walked out the door, locking the front door to the house.

I walked ahead of Jake towards his car which was parked in the driveway. He unlocked it, opening the door I got in and buckled my seatbelt. Jake followed and he started the car, reversing and driving towards the liquor store up the road.

I turned up the radio, directing Jake the way to the liquor store up the road. He pulled into the parking lot, parking as I ran in quickly and bought a bottle of white wine. I walked quickly to his car and got in, showing him what I got and buckled my seatbelt after placing the bottle back in the bag and on the floor.

He reversed and we drove to my parents house, listening to the radio.

After 15 minutes of listening to Jake try to sing along to the lyrics of the songs playing on the radio, we finally arrived at my parents house. He parked the car, getting out and coming around my side to help me out. I smiled and carried the wine bottle along with my bag.

He pressed the lock button to his car, making a sound to alert that it was locked. We walked up the front steps of the house and I knocked with my free hand, Jake beside me.

He breathed in deeply and I flashed him a quick smile before the door opened, my mom greeted us. "Darling!" She smiled and brought me in for a hug and then Jake afterwards. He smiled.

"Jake, it is lovely to meet you. C'mon in kids, you can leave your shoes at the door." She told us, walking to the kitchen where my dad was cooking.

Jake grabbed my hand and I laughed softly as we followed my mom into the kitchen.

"Jake! Nice to meet you." My father put down his knife and came to shake Jake's hand. They shook hands and smiled then my father brought me in for a hug. "Wine?! For me? You shouldn't have!" He held a hand over his heart before taking the wine from my hands.

"Very funny." I laughed and removed my coat, placing it over a chair sitting by the back door which was in the kitchen.

"Is Poppy here?" Jake asked.

"Yes! Oliver and her are checking out upstairs." My mom replied, helping my dad chop vegetables.

"Anything we can help with?"

"Nope, you two go have fun and explore the house."

I nodded and took Jake's hand, guiding him upstairs and to the left, where my room was.

"Oh my gosh." He scoffed as we walked in and closed the door behind us. "Jonas brother posters and oh my lord is that Hannah Montana?" He laughed, making fun of me.

"Hey, I was a fangirl when I was a teenager." I laughed along, staring at all of my 59 posters up on each wall.

I had the Jonas Brothers, Hannah Montana, Miley Cyrus, Dolly Parton, the Grease cast. The list goes on.

We sat on my pink duvet, hand in hand and smiled. "So this is the lovely Olivia Williams' secret lair."

"Indeed it is, consisting of 59 posters in total."

"Damn, quite the fangirl you are."

I nodded and leaned in to kiss his lips. "Not as bad as you planned it out to be in your head?" I asked.

"Meeting the parents? That was the easy part. The not so easy part is keeping conversation."

"You're always good at talking, should be a blast." I stated, taking his hand and taking us out of my room, searching for Oliver and Poppy.

"Dinner's ready!!" My father's voice yelled from the kitchen, we turned around and stopped searching and walked downstairs to sit at the supper table and eat.

We said grace and then began eating, Jake was beside me and my mother in front of him, dad on my left and Oliver and Poppy together at the end.

"So Olivia tells me that you are a surgeon, that's incredible." My mom said.

He nodded. "Yes indeed I am."

"So tell us about your family." My dad said.

"Well I have two brothers, my brother Jayden lives with me and he is a physiologist. My brother Patrick is 16 almost 17. And my father is a surgeon at a hospital downtown, my mother doesn't work." He said before taking a spoonful of rice and placing it into his mouth.

"They sound lovely, we should all meet one day." My mother smiled.

"Yes that would be awesome."

We all finished eating after talking about Poppy and Oliver and how they met and started dating then it turned over to us and how we started dating.

After dinner was finished my mother, Jake and I cleaned up while Poppy, my father and Oliver went to check out the new speakers he got. We then all had ice cream for dessert, then played charades.

The night had gone just fine, my parents seemed to love him and Jake seemed happy.

Which made me happy.

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