Chapter 18

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I slept over at Jakes last night and since Oliver moved out, Jayden has moved in, I wonder if before he lived here if he lived at his parents house.

I opened my eyes to find Jake sleeping next to me and I smiled. Last night was great, we had a huge movie marathon and then ended up in his hot tub with only underwear on since I didn't have a swimsuit, Jake didn't feel like putting one on as well.

I got out of bed quietly, trying not to wake up Jake and slipped on my slippers, walking out of his room and past Jayden's. His door was open and I saw him peacefully sleeping. I found myself staring at him for a few seconds and realized that I was in a trance.

I walked away quickly and boiled the kettle, I grabbed my phone which was charging on the kitchen counter. And unplugged it from the plug then walked to the couch.

I scrolled through Instagram and Snapchat to look what my friends and family were up to. I smiled when I saw a picture posted of my cousins daughter who just graduated yesterday.

I then opened my text messages, seeing that I had four unread messages.

'New message from Poppy⭐️💟'

"Hey Liv, just wondering how the car is doing :) oh and how about you and Jake come for dinner tonight?? Oliver is thinking of making stir fry...?"

I quickly replied back.

"I will ask Jake what he's up to but if he can't make it then I will come by myself, or maybe with Isabella??"

I then opened another text message.

'New message from Mum💖'

"Hi darling! Looking forward to meeting this mystery guy of yours, Jake is it? See you tomorrow night!"

I smiled and replied with a simple "Thanks Mum! See you soon."

I then opened a message from Dawn.

"Hey gurly, so guess what? Since we put off going to that club until like next week I was thinking you and I could go see the new movie 'San Andreas' ?"

I replied, hearing the kettle finish boiling.

"Yeah for sure, when?"

The next message was just from Rogers saying I was over my data oops.

"So tell me more about your family, since I am meeting them tomorrow night at supper." Jake told me as we walked hand-in-hand to Starbucks. Thank god it was Friday because Jake and I both had Fridays off, which meant more time together.

Thanks to my boss, I have been put temporarily on leave because that crazy patient slapped me to the ground about three days ago. Jayden texted me yesterday to tell me that she has been going through post-partum depression which made her really on edge.

Explains it.

"Well my mom is really perky and funny kind of like Dawn but older. And she loves cooking, gardening and family bonding times. Which means tomorrow night she will be extra happy since it's a family dinner."

He nodded, listening.

"And my dad is goofy but serious at the same time? Not sure how to explain it. But he enjoys watching movies, golf and he also likes hockey."

"I myself am a tennis and golf fan." He told me.

"Of course you are." I laughed at how predictable he was. Just your modern rich guy, likes playing tennis at the country club and golf there too.

Although, Jake was different to guys like that. He wasn't a player.

"Well your family sounds lovely babe, can't wait for tomorrow night." He told me, holding the door open for me and other people to go through at Starbucks.

I walked up to the counter and ordered a grande non-fat latte and paid, Jake ordered the same and paid after me.

We collected our drinks after chatting about how Poppy and Oliver want us to come for dinner tonight.

"Wait, Oliver is making stir fry?" Jake asked, continuing the conversation.

"Yeah, I think we should go. I'm so sick of drama and fighting. I miss my sister and you definitely miss your best friend because seriously? Jayden moving in has made you bored as hell." I told him.

He laughed. "You know me too well."

"I still feel like I don't know you, but I know so much about you and it feels like we have been together forever. And I love you."

"I love you too, well hopefully we can fix that. And I'm totally in for having dinner, gotta keep my girl happy."

" need to be happy too. I know you don't like to admit that you need a friend but you do. Oliver and you have sort of separated because he moved out and has been spending so much time with Poppy. Tonight will be fun." I smiled after I finished talking.

"You're right, as always."

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