Chapter 16

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"Seriously, my brother?" Jake scoffed. I told him about Isabella and Jayden's introduction and how she thinks they are likely to get married.

"I know, but seriously she doesn't even know the guy." I gossiped.

"Okay one question, why in the hell are you gossiping to me and not Dawn, yeah remember her?? Your best friend??" His voice sounded through my cellphone.

I sighed.

"Okay whatever is going on you should tell me."

"Well you know she has been gone for a few weeks? I just found out that it's because she hates my sister and even more now because Poppy is dating Oliver."

"They're still dating? I thought Poppy gets a new guy every week?"

"Well apparently they're working her player issues out and becoming a stable couple."

"Seriously? Well I'm glad."

"Dawn is just being so weird lately I don't know quite what's wrong with her, but I'm really happy for Oliver and Poppy even though Oliver totally ditched Dawn."

"Yeah I get it and still haven't talked to Oliver since that day, he seems like a different person."

"Why the hell is everybody changing??"

"Who the hell knows, but we know for sure that it's not for the good."

'Dawn you need to call me back so we can talk, the only time I see you is in the mornings when you quickly run out and at night you don't even come out your room.'

I wrote on a text message then sent it to Dawn.

I really need to hash things out with her and also with Oliver. I need to surround myself with good people and if that means I have to deal with their crazy stuff for awhile then I will.

And I'm prepared to help them.

I walked down the side walk, passing by people and into a Starbucks on the corner of the street. People were giving me weird stares since I was wearing my scrubs still. Oops.

Thankfully my work day was over and I could finally go home and catch up on Grey's Anatomy. Usually Jake and I would watch it together but the past week he has been super occupied with work and the only face-to-face conversation I have had with him in a week is on FaceTime.

"Iced coffee please." I ordered at the counter. "Coming up, swipe down there." The cashier told me. I swiped my credit card and entered my pin, thanking him and grabbing my iced coffee which was done in a few seconds. I walked out the front door and towards my car across the street at the hospital.

So basically Jayden is the new physiologist at the hospital and I have seen him around sometimes but mostly avoiding him, just not to make things awkward.

When I reached my car in the lot I got in, driving to Jakes house to surprise him with dinner. Thank god I have a change of clothes in the back of my car.

Jake gave me a key to his place and I gave him a key to mine just because we felt like it, after all, we do love each other. I smiled at the thought of his surprised face walking through his front door.

Quickly, I changed into my heels and blue dress and began preparing dinner. I remember that he had a salmon in the freezer but never able to cook it, so I took that out and began.

I turned on the oven and placed the prepared salmon into it, closing the door behind it. I set the timer and started a salad.

*ding dong* his doorbell rang.

I placed down the wooden spoon and walked up to the door, opening it. "Hey there missy, how come you're here?" Jayden asked, coming inside and removing his shoes.

"Cooking for Jake, why are you here?"

"Same as you."

I gave him a confused look.

"Just kidding, I'm here because I live in the spare room, since Oliver has moved out and into Poppyseeds house."

"Poppyseed?" I laughed, walking back into the kitchen and making the salad along with pouring some wine.

"Yeah that's my new name, she's a lovely girl."

"You met my sister?? Since when?"

"Oh I have been hanging out with Oliver since he has no other friends other than you and Jake which you two are upset with him so might as well be me."

"Okay then, well me and Jake are having a nice romantic night tonight so if you could maybe go hang out with Oliver tonight instead of here??" I suggested.

"Anything for you Olivia." He winked, getting up from the dining room table and placing on his shoes at the front door.

"Toodles!" He waved, exiting the house.

I rolled my eyes and continued making dinner. I set the table and placed down the wine and candles. Tonight should be special, I hadn't seen him in a week.

I heard the front door open and quickly removed my apron, hiding it in the couch cushions and running to sit at the dining room table.

"Hello? Jayden?" Jakes voice asked, I heard him remove his shoes and walk to his room, down the hall. "Jayden? You left the door unlocked." He said loudly, coming into the dining room.

His eyes widened. "Liv? What are you doing here and what's all this?" He smiled.

I stood up and walked over to hug him. "I thought I would surprise you tonight, you have been so busy and thought I would take your mind off of it." I smiled widely, dragging him to the table to sit.

"Wow, thank you babe. It looks and smells amazing." He said, taking a sip of his wine.

"I missed you."

"I missed you more."

We began eating, talking about our days and how we should fix Dawn and Oliver and all of our friendships.

"As the amazing Zac Efron once said, We're all in this together." He said and we clinked our glasses, laughing before taking sips.

I really love these moments we have, hopefully more will come.

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