Chapter 14

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"So what is your job Olivia?" Jakes mother asked me as we all sat along the elegant supper table.

"Well I am actually a nurse, but at a separate hospital to Jake." I told them while they all took a spoonful of soup and put it into their mouths, wiping it politely afterward.

"What is your specialty?" His father asked.


"Ah lovely! Those babies are just adorable aren't they?" Patricks girlfriend gushed.

"Yes they definitely are."

I took a sip of my wine, smiling to my side at Jake. His big brown eyes glimmered and stared into mine.

"How's work Jakey?" His mother asked, keeping up the conversation.

"Ah yes, it's great. I have been very successful and hopefully that will last." He answered.

I nodded, having a forkful of caesar salad.

"Have you seen Savannah lately? Why how beautiful her hair has grown my goodness."

"No mom, actually I have not. I don't keep friendships with my ex girlfriends." Jake responded sharply.

"Jake." His dad warned.

I looked across the table at the brothers, they were clearly embarrassed along with Jakes father. I linked eyes with Jayden and he pulled a 'awkwarddd' face. I smiled softly and took another sip of wine.

"Alright everybody finished eating?" Jayden stood up quickly, gathering plates.

"Yes thank you Jay." Bennett spoke, handing him our plates along with his. "Thank you." I smiled.

He nodded and sat back down. Jayden carried the plates to the kitchen. "Shall I help clean the dishes, it's the least I could do." I offered.

"No no it's o-." Bennett tried to tell me but his wife interrupted. "-sure Olivia that would be nice of you. Thank you." She smiled softly.

I smiled, standing up and carrying my wine glass to the kitchen where Jayden was placing dishes into the dishwasher.

"Alright, I'm here to help." I stated, beginning to hand him dishes to place in the washer.


"No problem. So Jayden, tell me about yourself." I asked, continuing to hand him dirty cutlery and plates.

"Not much to know." He laughed.

"Tell me what I should know then."

He hesitated and smiled back after a few seconds. Continuing to speak he said "Well I am one year younger than Jake. I love dogs and cats. I hate peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and I love beef jerky and old movies." He said in a nutshell.

"Well that sounds lovely." I giggled.

"Your turn now." He grinned as I handed him the last of the dishes.

"Well I am a maternity nurse, my best friend's name is Dawn. I love dogs and fish and surprise surprise, I hate peanut butter. But I love popcorn and Netflix." I laughed at my own words. "I am literally so lame."

"Hey no, that stuff makes you unique." He told me as I turned on the dishwasher.

"How inspirational, love it."


"Bye! Lovely to meet you all and thank you for having me!" I said as Jake and I got into the car. They all stood in the doorway waving goodbye. Except for Jayden, he stood by the driveway and smiled at me.

I waved and looked towards Jake who's face was completely lit up. "What's that face for?" I laughed, intertwining our fingers.

He drove with one hand on the steering wheel and one resting on the compartment with mine on top of it. "What do you mean?"

"That giddy smile."

"I'm happy, so sorry! Forgive me pleasee." He teased.

"Haha no I like it."

"Good, you will be seeing it way more often because it's because of you." He smiled, squeezing my hand.

He drove down the street and stopped at a red light. "Yours or mine?" He asked.

"Yours, mine feels weird without Dawn there. Plus it's way cleaner." I laughed.

He nodded and turned right and onto the freeway towards his apartment.

He unlocked the front door, letting us into his neat and tidy apartment, I exhaled in relief and ran towards his bedroom and jumped on the bed with my arms open on my back.

"I love how squishy your bed is." I closed my eyes.

"Maybe you should get a new mattress then." He suggested, getting dressed into his pjs. We basically dress in front of each other now cause we don't really care.

"How is it possible that your body gets sexier every single day?" I asked, getting up from the bed and placing my hands on his biceps.

"You should get dressed into pjs." He told me, grinning.

"Yes sir." I laughed, grabbing my pjs that I left here and putting them on.

I sat on the edge of his bed, waiting for him to finish getting ready for bed. "Today was a good day." He said in the bathroom.

"It was."

"They totally like you."

"Your mother might not like me."

"Nah she will, she just has to get used to you."

"I love your family." I said as he came out the bathroom and stood in front of me. He placed his arms on my shoulders and ran them along my arms and down to my hands, grabbing them and pulling me up from the bed to face him.

I smiled.

"You're stunning."

I blushed a bit and couldn't help it, I leaned in to kiss him.

I leaned back and felt a wave of emotions hit me and blurted out.

"I love you."

He stood there confused for a second and then smiled widely. "I love you." He replied.

"You do?"

"I do."

We continued to make out for several minutes, lying on the bed and beginning to feel it heat up.

This was it.


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