Chapter 65

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Before I knew it, everybody knew that Jake and I were going to have a baby in a few months. My parents, Dawn, Isabella, Jackson, Oliver, Poppy, even Jakes parents.

Which made the whole thing just more ridiculously real. Everybody is super excited for Jake and I; including me. Although, Poppy seems a bit jealous that we're both pregnant but it's not like we planned for me to get pregnant. She is at least 3 weeks ahead of me anyways.

I for sure was not expecting it. I'm not going to lie, it feels fantastic. Having the feeling that something is actually in your stomach growing and soon a baby will come out crying and beautiful as ever.

I'm very very excited.

"What does our app say this week?" Jake asked, coming into the kitchen while I chopped fresh cucumbers on my brown wooden cutting board.

"Size of a poppyseed." I told him, referring to the app I got last week called Baby Center to track the baby's development.

" 4 weeks pregnant only?"

"Jake, the embryo is not developed yet. He or she is just beginning to form its organs now!" I laughed, he didn't know anything about pregnancy. Which was odd because he helped Isabella a lot during her pregnancy.

"Oh, awkward. So what is for dinner tonight?"

"I'm not sure, it's only 8am babe." I chuckled, Jake asks me this almost every morning. Assuming that i'm making dinner. "How about you make dinner tonight, you can be the chooser of food for once."

Jake turned to face me as I continued chopping veggies for my lunch. "Seriously?" I could just picture his eyes growing wider. He doesn't make dinner often.

"Yeah, why not?"


"Sounds like a plan." I smiled, placing my vegetables in a plastic bag for me to eat later. "By the way, say hi to Jackson for me at work." I told my husband as he poured himself coffee in the mug I bought him for his birthday.

"Will do, have a lovely day my love." I walked over, pecking a kiss on his cheek and leaving for my day at work.

"Okay wait. You're telling me that you guys haven't even kissed yet?!"

"I know, but I mean...we're busy with Caroline half the time and the other half is just awkward." Isabella and I chatted, walking down the hospital halls toward the cafeteria to eat our lunches.

"You guys have had sex before but you can't even share a passionate kiss? You guys are like almost 30!" I shook my head while we turned a corner.

"Well....Liv you don't understand! Daniel and I are different than you and Jake."

"And? How does that change anything?"

"Olivia Housley, why do you keep going on about this?!" Isabella scoffed, playfully slapping my shoulder.

"Okay, Okay. I get it. You're taking things slow."

"Yes, Exactly. We had sex once and look how things occurred. I have Caroline now."

"So you guys practically live together now...yet you don't share a bed or kiss or anything. You are fake dating." I teased.

"Okay, I'm done chatting about this." She rolled her eyes, walking to sit at the table with our other nurse friends.

Work was pretty hectic today because I had a little rough patch discussing the relationship between Isabella and her baby daddy, Daniel. I also had to help many patients and be present in several delivery rooms, like always. It's usually a bit calmer than this.

Who am I kidding, work is always hectic.

After a few hours long shift, I changed out of my scrubs, grabbed all my belongings and headed to Dawns house for a little girl time. Savannah was over at Jaydens house.

Dawn and I had been a bit distant lately but she knows that i'm pregnant and is caught up with everything due to our friend group chat. We usually talk on the chat everyday. Isabella, Savannah, Dawn, Poppy and I are included in it. I also have another group chat with Oliver and Dawn.

"Heya, on my way to your house right now. A few blocks away." I told Siri to text Dawn as I drove, both hands on my steering wheel.

Siri sent it and I continued driving, paying close attention to the road. All of the sudden my ringtone blared through my car speakers due to my connected phone.

I quickly tapped the answer button on my screen and looked back at the road. "Hello Olivia! This is doctor Manala calling."

"Ah yes! Hi! How are you?"

"I'm doing well, how is pregnancy treating you so far? 4 weeks along correct?"

"Yep! It's pretty good, a little bit of nausea and morning sickness but other than that it's good so far." I told my OB/GYN as I made a right turn.

"Glad to hear. I wanted to call and schedule your next checkup, this would be the first big ultrasound when you're 6-8 weeks. So how about we see you March 19? It's a Wednesday."

"I will have to check my schedule and with my husband and phone you back later tonight, is that okay?"

"Maybe just give me a phone call in the morning at let's say....9am?"

"Alright, talk to you then!"

"Stay safe, remember to take your prenatal vitamins by the way!"


"So, I have news." I told my best friend who sat across from me in a comfy red leather chair. Dawn wore a flowy dress today, making her look super adorable.

"Oh no, you're not moving away or something are you?"

"What?" I asked, tilting my head before letting out a crack of laughter. "No Dawn, I'm not moving you silly goose. I'm having my first ultrasound in 2 weeks!"

"Ohhh! What happens at this first ultrasound?"

"Well the embryo is still very tiny, so it won't be a very clear picture. A more clear picture will show when i'm 13 weeks along. But anyways, the OB/GYN is seeing how many babies I will be having, where my placenta is located, not the gender just yet."

"Ooh, are you going to get a printed picture?"

"Yeah, Poppy is having her first ultrasound this week apparently. Oliver told Jake and Jake told me of course. Poppy is sort of ignoring me at the moment, I think she needs time away from our family."

"Yeah, a lot is going on. Also she is having a baby with Oliver. Oliver is not the type of person who looks like a father." We gossiped.

"Yeah, he's a bit immature. But one day he may be my brother in law. He is my friend now anyways, I need to be kind to him. He is genuinely nice though and I think those two are happy together."

"I ship it so hard."

"You sound like a 14 year old fangirl." I giggled.

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