Chapter 31

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-Jake's POV-

Everything was set perfectly. It was 2:45pm and their appointment ended at 3pm, it takes them 10 minutes to get to the house and then 2 minutes to find out I'm outside.

Oliver had just finished placing down the last rose petal on the red cotton carpet that lay on the sand.

I changed into my tuxedo earlier and now Oliver is laying rose petals on the floor in the household with a letter for Liv.

The letter says: Liv, meet me outside I have a surprise.

Not very original but what can I say? "Meet me on the beach shore to start our future??" That kind of ruins the surprise.

Even though it's a good quote.

I waited for what felt like forever, the ring was inside a white shell. Hopefully she likes the ring....hopefully she says yes...

I started to get nervous, what if she said no? That would be a complete failure....

I breathed in, looking around at the beach. There were four beach houses next to ours and that's all. Everything was quiet except for the waves.

Suddenly I saw her blonde hair, she smiled, coming outside and standing in one spot. She took a moment to soak in everything and walked towards me.

"What is this?" She asked, laughing. I smiled at her when she reached me. "You and your secrets." She shook her head, smiling.

"I love you so much." I whispered.

"I love you too Jake."

I got down on one knee and she gasped. "Jake...."

I smiled and pulled out the shell holding the ring. "Olivia William's, you are the love of my life. I can't imagine being a day without you. You are the shell, protecting me from everything and I would love it very much if you would do me the honour of being my queen forever and always?"

She smiled, tears coming down her face and nodded so many times. "Yes?" I laughed, making sure.

"Yes Jake of course!!" She said loudly, jumping up and down once. Her smile looked like it could light up the whole city. I took the ring off of the shell and placed it on her left ring finger, she smiled at it and then up at me. I stood up and we hugged tightly.

"I love you so much oh my god! We're getting married!"

I laughed, clasping her hands. "We're getting married."

"Oh my god we need to celebrate!" Poppy said as the two of us walked into the house, announcing our engagement.

Liv smiled corner to corner of her mouth and she had never looked this happy ever, I'm glad to see this.

"Where should we go?" Liv asked.

"Okay me and Oliver will split the cost of the dinner, consider it one of your wedding presents!!" Poppy told us.

"Wait what? I never agreed to this..." Oliver said, shocked.

Poppy elbowed him in the arm and then looked back at us. "Go get ready you two!" She instructed.

Jake and I laughed, walking into our bedroom and shutting the doors.

-Olivia's POV-

We walked into our bedroom and my eyes grew big as I saw rose petals laid out everywhere. Even ones on the bed. There were chocolates and a bottle of wine beside the bed.

I turned around to face Jake and rested my arms on his shoulders, linking my hands at the back of his neck. "You are just full of surprises." I laughed.

He grinned and began kissing me, we made out on the bed for a bit until Poppy banged on the door to hurry up. We both laughed and fetched our clothes.

"What shall I wear...hmm.." I spoke aloud.

"I think that beautiful floral dress and your white sandals will do just fine." He winked.

"You only like the floral gown because it's tight." I rolled my eyes, laughing.

"Hey, I like it because you look hot in it." He told me, putting on his black shorts with a dark blue dress shirt.

"Fine I will wear the dress just for fiancé."

"Oh my, well thank you my fiancée."
We all walked down the roads of Honolulu, passing dozens of tourists. "Where do we eat?" Oliver asked Poppy.

"Well my friend told me about this amazing restaurant ah yes there it is!" She pointed ahead of us.

We walked inside and found a table for four, sitting down and we browsed the menu. The restaurant wasn't fancy but wasn't crappy which was good, I'm so happy Jake asked me to marry him I love him so much and this just makes our relationship even better.

I'm getting married!

I grabbed my phone, turning it to face Jake and  I and I placed my hand in front of my face to show that we're engaged. I took the photo and posted it on Facebook, Instagram and then I took another pic of my ring and posted it to my snapchat story.

"So I guess we're telling people?" Jake laughed, looking at my phone.

"Oh my god did you not want anybody to know?!" I freaked out.

"No no relax its okay, we can tell people." He brought me into a side hug and placed a kiss on my forehead.

"I can't believe we're engaged..."

"You're engaged!" Poppy said loudly, tearing up.

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