Chapter 40

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Jake and I wanted to go on a mini vacation right before Christmas just to get away, to get our minds off the wedding and work.

We needed a break.

Today is December 21st and we come back from our trip to Wales on the 23rd right before Christmas Eve. Thanks to me, before we left, I set up the Christmas tree and decorations so it will all be ready.

We arrived in Wales last night after a two hour long train ride which is not even that bad compared to our journey to Hawaii months ago.

The cabin here is so quaint and quiet, it's very peaceful. In the living room we have a fireplace which is great because it's freezing outside now. Snowing actually.

"Want a drink?" Jake asked me, pointing to the bottle of tequila standing on the counter.

I nodded, smiling and continued to watch White Chicks. It's the most hilarious movie ever, add alcohol to laughter and you get a super bubbly Liv.

I'm okay with that because then Jake and I can get drunk together. Getting drunk alone is never fun, but then again getting drunk in general is not fun. Hangovers are the worst.

I'm willing to deal with a hangover tomorrow if I get to have a night of fun and alcohol with my fiancé.

Jake poured the tequila into four shot glasses and placed them on a plate along with the big bottle of tequila. He walked over to the couch and sat next to me where I was laughing at the movie.

"This is so funny." I laughed loudly, extending my hand and grabbing a shot glass on the tray. Jake did the same and we both chugged it.

"Phew!" Jake slammed the glass onto the table and exhaled loudly.

I giggled and we continued to watch the movie.

The night basically extended until 4am until we fell asleep in a fit of giggles on the living room floor. That's what I remember at least.


That word represented how I felt today. I woke at 3pm to the sound of birds outside and felt a piercing pain in my brain.

"Ugh." I groaned, standing up from the floor and walking carefully to the kitchen. I felt a bit dizzy and nauseous.

I grabbed two Advil's and placed one on the counter for Jake when he would wake up and I swallowed mine.

Immediately I felt a bit better but not completely. I sighed and held my hands over my eyes as the light shone in through the windows.

"Fricken hell." my I swore, walking into the bedroom to lie down on the bed.

I fell asleep, and the next thing I knew was that it was 8pm and I wanted to sleep some more. I looked beside me and Jake lay sleeping to my right.

I shut my eyes, drifting off to sleep next to my almost-husband.

-Two days later-

Thankfully our last day didn't consist of the two of us sleeping like the second day but we felt better and decided to clean the cabin before heading out for a walk in the snow.

Jake brought his Canon camera to take photo's outdoors which is great. We could do what I've always wanted.

Winter photoshoot.

We slipped on our thick coats and boots. I handed Jake his gloves and toque while he placed them on, I placed on my wool scarf and mittens.

Hand-in-hand, we walked outside together. Jake's camera was slung around his neck with a large strap whilst I held my phone in my free hand.

"Let's find the perfect spot." I told him as we walked outside in the forest.

Snow lay on the ground and flakes began to fall. We kept walking until we found the perfect area to begin the photoshoot. Jake wanted to start with a picture of me looking up at the sky, the snow fell on my face as I smiled widely.

I then offered to take pictures of him while he made a snow angel in the snow. He laughed and handed me the camera after.

I slung it around my neck and started clicking photos of him lying on the grass, making a snow angel with a grin on his face.

"It's freezing." I jumped up and down on the spot, acknowledging the icy cold weather outside.

"Let's go have a nice warm cup of tea and download these pictures onto my laptop."

We began walking up the hill towards our cabin.

"Remember one of our dates way back in the beginning. You surprised me with a photoshoot. The pictures were marvellous. If you hadn't became a neurosurgeon then you could definitely be a photographer." I told him as we swung our arms back and forth.

"You could be something else too you know."

"I know, I just can't wait to be a mother and stay at home with the children. Working all the time is so exhausting."

"You are definitely a lazy one Olivia Williams."

I smiled and we stopped walking. Leaning in, I held the sides of his face with my hands and touched my lips against his.

"I love you Jake." I told him.

"I love you my beautiful queen."

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