Chapter 68

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-Olivia's POV-

Ever since I was little, I would wonder why no guys liked me but they liked my sister or my cousins. They even liked my best friend more than me, I always felt little and un-noticed.

Now look where I am. Married and having a baby in 7 1/2 months. Yep, as of today I am 7 weeks through my pregnancy.

"Time goes by fast during pregnancy, when you're not having shitty days." My mother told me last week. She is super excited to come with me to my ultrasound today. Today is a Wednesday which means Jake and I have to work but we made sure our schedules fit the time of our doctor's appointment at 4 o'clock.

"Let's see." I spoke to myself at work, reaching for the binder of reports the last rounds nurses left for me. Opening it up, I began reading through patient reports.

"Liv!" I heard a male voice yell from down the hallway, it echoed because of the quiet hours of the morning. It was 6 o'clock in the morning only, patients were still sleeping. He walked towards me, I could hear the footsteps on the tiled flooring.

I waved as I saw my husband's brother's face when I looked up to see who had called out my name. "Jayden! How are you doing?" I reached to hug him when he reached me.

"I'm great! How are you?" He asked, pulling away and smiling at me.

"Well today i'm feeling a bit nauseous but i'm sure it will fade away. The pregnancy hasn't been too bad lately."

"Unlike Poppy's I've now heard."

"Ah yes, she is struggling a bit. Nothing she can't handle. Poppy just complains a lot." I laughed, placing my binder on the table in front of me. I could hear the clerks typing away on computers down the right of the hallway.

"It's funny that we work at the same hospital and we never get a chance to see one another." I continued up talking.

"Oh yes, I know. Weird hey?" He laughed.


I could hear other nurses walking down the hallways nearby, not coming down our quiet hallway. "How is it going with Savannah?"

I could see that question made him blush. "It's going well, I think we're falling in love with one another." He confessed to me.

I smiled, thinking that one day those two could be married and happy like Jake and I.

"I'm so glad, you guys deserve all the happiness you can get. Jake and I are so happy together, I love seeing other people fall in love like we did."

"That literally sounded like a quote from a romantic movie or something." Jayden shook his head, ignoring my genuinely nice saying.

"Ah, well it's true." I giggled, picking up my binder again. "I should head to rounds. See you around. Maybe the four of us could have dinner together sometime." I suggested.

"Sounds good to me, have a good day Liv. Bye." He waved me off as I walked away down the hall.
"Hi Mrs. Landson. I was just coming to get a quick blood sample from this little guy." I told the post-delivery mother. She lay in her bed, her face tired as ever. I walked over, playing with the newborn baby boy's fingers.

"Yep, here you are." She handed him to me carefully.

I reached out to hold the baby, propping his head up with my arm. He squirmed a little bit but I calmed him down, swaying while walking.

I placed him into the incubator softly while his mother watched carefully. I grabbed the necessary tools and gently pulled his foot up. I pressed the small tool into his foot, taking a small amount of blood.

The newborn began to cry profusely, making his mother get a bit worried. "It's okay." I spoke to the little guy softly, taking him in my arms.

I swayed him back and forth, patting his bum softly and humming. "It's okay buddy." I smiled when he stopped wailing.

I placed him back into the incubator and swaddled him. "You try get some sleep. Both of you." I pointed at the new mother, making her giggle. "Thank you."

I walked out the room and closed the heavy door behind me, I held the tube of blood in my left hand to give to her obstetrician.

"Thank you." The doctor said when I handed her the blood taken. I then went for my lunch break, ready to see Isabella. We had the same shift today.

"Izzy!" I exclaimed, walking to go hug my friend.

"Liv! How are you?" She smiled, hugging me.

I hugged her back then let go to sit down in my seat with my lunch. "I'm okay! You?" I asked, unpacking my food onto the table.

"Tired as hell." She scoffed, unpacking her lunch as well.

"Aw i'm sorry." I said, pulling a frown. "How is Caroline?"

"Wonderful! I can't believe she is four months old already..."

"Oh my goodness! That went by so fast!"

"I know." She frowned, opening a can of tuna to dip her crackers in.

I suddenly felt my stomach hurt and a sickening feeling in my abdomen. My eyes widened and I sprinted out the room to the change rooms nearby.

I ran to the bathroom stall quickly and bend down, moving my hair out the way and barfed into the bowl.

"Oh my..." I heard Isabella state behind me as I continued to barf. She came and held my hair up with her left hand, rubbing my back with her right.

"Are you okay?" She asked me when I finished and flushed the toilet.

"Yeah. Ugh pregnancy." I wiped my mouth with a paper towel that she handed to me. "Thank you."

I got up to go wash my face in the sink, along with my hands and mouth. "I have gum and tic tac's in my bag in the lunchroom if that will help..." She suggested.

I laughed and let out a huge sigh.

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